Hometown News For Orange County, Texas



By the time voters go to the polls on Nov. 8, the presidential campaign will have run over 600 days, starting with Ted Cruz’s announcement in March of 2015.

The ugliness of the campaign throughout the entire Republican Primary and into the General Election’s name calling, lying and sex scandals has added stress to the American people but it hasn’t decreased voter turnout and voting records being set in many places.

Of course the email case extension by FBI director James Comey was political even if he didn’t intend it to be.

To come out with a Clinton aide being investigated certainly doesn’t help Clinton’s campaign in a close race, with just 11 days before the election.

It’s very harmful because it is misunderstood by the voters.

There is no smoking gun.

Chances are nothing will ever prove to be a crime.

My bet is after next Wednesday we will never hear emails again but what if it cost the only woman to have a chance at being president to lose the election.

The heat is on Comey, who will face a political storm now and possible have history blaming him for stealing the race from a woman with his unprecedented actions.

Half of the country will hate him.

History will show how a Republican FBI director managed to cost the first woman the election.

Personally, I don’t believe he set out to influence the election but it was a mistake, just like Hillary Clinton made a mistake by using a private server.

On the other hand what Trump is doing to our democracy is also a serious offense.

He vows to lock up his political opponent, calls the election “Rigged” and will not promise to respect the results unless he wins.

He is the first presidential candidate not to release his tax returns.

It’s known he hasn’t paid any taxes in 24 years.

He owes China $682 million and no telling how much to Russian interest.

Chances are there are many ethical landmines buried in his records.

The most troublesome are his financial and sentimental ties to Vladimir Putin.

You can bet the Trump brand is involved.

Trump lacks presidential temperament.

He is almost completely ignorant of foreign policy.

As Commander-in-Chief, he is very scary.

He thinks NATO, the most successful alliance in history, is obsolete.

He believes Japan and South Korea should have nuclear weapons to protect themselves.

He wants to order U.S. troops to commit war crimes by killing relatives of terrorists.

He vows to launch trade wars that will cost millions of jobs.

Most of all Trump is not fit to be president because of his sick ego and ignorance of governing.

He is a very dangerous man who should never have his finger on the nuclear button.

The email flap, which is much about nothing, doesn’t change the fact that Hillary Clinton is sane and safe.

Trump is the least qualified, most dangerous presidential candidate in U.S. history.

No one has ever run for the office with as much experience and qualifications as Sec.


A former First Lady of a state, First Lady of the country, a successful U.S. Senator, with 450 bills containing her signature, and a great record around the globe as Secretary of State and in January was named for the 20th time the “World’s Most Admired Woman.” It’s not even a close call.

It will be a miscarriage of justice if the last minute email political play robs the American people of the one sincere choice.***** I’ve got to move on.

Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm


I’ve always admired strong women who not only take up for themselves but are also outspoken about injustices to others.

I’ve been fortunate in my lifetime to have known some strong women in a time when women were supposed to be seen and keep their options to themselves.

There was a time when it was almost unheard of for a woman to interrupt a man or contradict him.

Through the first half of my years women were looked down on as second class citizens, even by other women.

Mothers most often told their daughters who were getting married “To obey their husband.” It was an accepted way of life.

Before a wife would make even a small purchase she would say, “I have to ask my husband first.” A man always got away with things that would never be tolerated by a woman doing it.

The last half of my life big changes have been made on attitude toward women but there is a strong belief by many men that women are not really equals.

You find that to be true in the least educated males.

Also many women in higher positions should never be doing a man’s job.

In fact I recall when the school teachers were women but the principle was always a man, sometime the only male in the school other than a couple of coaches.

It might have been different in some parochial schools.

An example I recall as a youngster that women were not the priority was when Mom and I got in a line to sign up for war rations.

She was told, “You and the boy will have to get in the other line.” It was a longer line with just one clerk compared to three or four clerks in the men’s line.

When I asked Mom why, she said, “I guess because the men have to get back to work.” It was just accepted that men came first.

So you see why electing a woman as president of the United States even today is considered breaking the high glass ceiling.

There are still many people who believe a woman shouldn’t hold such a high position and many will continue to believe that until the glass ceiling is broken.

Even today some men have told me it will never happen.

Of course it’s some of the same people who said a Black would never be elected president.

We will soon find out, Nov. 8 is next Tuesday.

I find that date ironic.

You see on Nov. 8, 15 years ago, in 2001, a special strong lady Jewel Herring Bearden, 83 passed away.

She was born in East Texas on Jan. 2, 1918, at a time when women didn’t have many rights, not even the right to vote.

Jewel married Jim Bob and they raised two sons.

She suffered the blows of burying a child, J.B., her husband and her siblings.

As hurtful as her life was I admired how she remained strong.

She was very independent and yes, outspoken.

She didn’t take much gruff from anyone.

Most of her life she worked in public and never accepted being treated like a second class citizen because of her gender.

She was the exception.

Some say it’s a shame she didn’t get to know her great-grandkids, the twins, etc.

The real shame is that those grandchildren never got to know their remarkable grandmother, a strong woman of character.

For the first time in history a woman has a chance at the presidency.

It struck me as odd that the election was on the anniversary of Jewel’s death.

You see, Jewel was for women’s rights long before it was popular.

She would have had plenty to say about this election in strong words, especially about Trump’s groping and treatment of women.

She didn’t cut Bill Clinton any slack over Monica either.

When will the glass ceiling be broken? This could be it.

November 8 has a special meaning in the past and future for me.

If Hillary wins it will be a tribute to all the other strong women who came before her and historical for those who follow.


10 Years Ago-2006

Don Fields, 57, Bridge City mayor for six years, has been selected by Bridge City Chamber to serve as holiday parade marshal to be held Nov. 18.

The Chamber also launched its new website this week.*****A 20 years old mother has been sentenced to serve 20 years in prison by Dist Judge Dennis Powell.

Amber Naomi Martin pleated guilty to injury to her child.

The baby was seven months old.

He suffered a broken leg and severe bruising on his back, legs and face.

Martin and her 25 year old boyfriend, Eric Wade Lowe, were arrested after hospital employees alerted the police of the child’s injuries.

Martin stated at the hospital that they were “discipling” the baby when he sustained the injuries.

Lowe’s trial is set for Jan. 20.

He is charged with injury to a child and like Miller could face up to 99 years in prison if convicted.

(Editor’s note: I don’t recall the outcome of Lowe’s case.

I believe he pleaded guilty.

I wonder if today they have served their time and are out.

*****The Rev. Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals 30 million membership, admits to sexual immorality, paying for sex with males.*****A collection of mosquitoes trapped in Orange County last week tested positive for West Nile Virus.

They were located between highway 87 and Highway 62, north of IH-10.*****Bridge City quarterback Johnny Dishon surpassed the 1,000-yard rushing mark during the Cardinal 27-7 win over Hamshire-Fannett.

Also this week, the 17-year-old Dishon signed to play baseball with the LSU Tigers next fall.

He is expected to be in the third or fourth round of the NFL draft. Johnny said he probably wouldn’t take it and will go to college.

He said, “If I can’t accept an offer in the draft I won’t be eligible until after my junior year but that’s ok.

I will have my education.” (Editor’s note: I understand 10 years later, that Johnny and his wife live in Bridge City.

He graduated from LSU and made a stab at pro-baseball but the climb to the majors would take some time so he quit to concentrate on making a living.)*****GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: Chad Bonvillian, 32, of Mauriceville, passed away Nov. 5.

Services were held Wednesday,, Nov. 8.

Chad worked as a scaffold builder in the construction industry and he and wife Christie were expecting their third child.

He enjoyed spending time with his family, caring for his yard and practicing his religion.

He is survived by wife Christie, mother Jane Wilcox, daughters Madilyn Jean and Morgan Jane, brothers Johathan Bonvillian, Carl Wilcos, Jr., Terry Wilcox and Christopher Wilcox.*****Teri Williamson, 44, died Saturday, Nov. 4.

Services were held Sunday.

Teri was the devoted daughter of Neeta Peveto Williamson.

She is survived, other than her mother, are sisters Teena Nixon, Tracie Ham, nieces Amanda Nixon and Amanda Ham, nephews Kory and Joey Ham.*****Ronald Borel, 66, of Orange passed away Nov. 3.

Services were held Sunday at Claybar Funeral Home.

He was retired as Senior Systems Engineer for ABB Instruments.

He was owner of Affordable Appliance and a member of Eagle Radio Control Airplane Flying Club.

He is survived by wife Patrica Ann Borel, mother, Mary Borel, son Gary Borel, and daughter Deziree Stone and their families.*****Jean Burt, 79, passed away Nov. 1.

Services were held at Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City.

A lifelong resident of the Golden Triangle area she had lived in Bridge City since 1958.

She was a homemaker and wonderful mother and grandmother.

She is survived by daughter Barbara Jean Mendoza, sons William Burt and Bob Burt and grandchildren, sister Betty Mauro and brother Sam Helton.

40 Years Ago-1976

Bridge City Homecoming Queen is June Nazat; Band Sweetheart, Melissa King; Football Sweetheart, Kim Daniels.

All three are lovely young ladies.*****At Orangefield, Julie Breaux was chosen Homecoming Queen; Angie Hastings, Band Queen and Patti Peveto, Football Sweetheart.*****Beverly Matsowkas is now associated with Cooper Realty.*****Bridge City’s Toney Mulholland is featured in an article in “Sport’s Illustrated.”*****Covering high school sports for the Opportunity Valley News are insiders Mark Mortimer, LC-M Bears; Liz Venable, BC Cardinals; Lastie Duhon, WO Chiefs.*****Hondo Crouch, 59, owner, mayor, clown and cracker philosopher of the tiny Texas town of Luckenbach, died last week.*****Kinky Friedman and the ‘Jew Boys,’ have been banned from the popular Austin City Limits program.

They don’t fit the rest of the television series program singing such songs as, “They Don’t make Jews Like Jesus Anymore.”*****Danny Brack and Carl Thibodeaux are holding a third anniversary sale at West Orange Food Center and Pharmacy.****Happy birthday to Ann Lieby and Police Chief Wilson Roberts this week.

She celebrates Nov. 3, Wilson Nov. 7.*****New Bridge City police officers sworn in by city attorney H.D. Pate are Sterling Simoneaux and John Calvert O’Hnowski.

Chief Roberts said he was pleased to obtain officers of their caliber and experience.


Bridge City grad Matt Bryant, whose number 99 football jersey was retired at Bridge City in 2003, set a new record with the Atlanta Falcons.

On Sunday, Bryant became the Falcon’s all-time leading scorer with 809 points.

He kicked a 38-yard field goal to tie Morten Anderson’s 806, then added a 40-yard field goal and three extra points to beat Greenbay 33-32.

It took Anderson 124 games, Bryant did it in 103 games.

Matt also kicked a 62-yard field goal in 2006 while with the Buccaneers which is still the third longest kick in NFL history.

Matt’s mother, sister and other relatives are Bridge City residents.

His late father, Casey, would be proud of Matt’s latest accomplishments.*****The First Baptist Church of Mauriceville is having their big garage sale all day Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m.

to 12 noon.

A lot of great bargains.

You never know what great items you will find at a large garage sale like this one.*****Our friends Sue and Tommy Simar have just returned from a road trip to Pennsylvania.

They visited sights along the way.

Unfortunately they saw many forest fires from the drought.

Sue had returned home to visit an old cousin and her parent’s gravesites.

She says it was probably her last trip home.

Her son drove them on what they describe as a great trip.*****A few folks we know celebrating their special day in the next few days.

Nov. 2: Celebrating birthdays on this day are Dale Dardeau, Amy Skidmore, Kimberly Hall, Julia Lutcher and Joyce Grant.

Joining them are R&B singer Stevie J, 45, actors Shah Rukh Khan, 51, David Schwimmer, 50 and Kendall Schmidt, 26.*****Nov. 3: Everyone’s friend Denise Stanton celebrates today as does Dale Carlton.

One of the special folks I know going back many years is Ann Lieby.

We wish Ann a very special happy birthday.

Also celebrating are Tommy Green, Skeet Boehme, Donna Bell and David Hebert. Celebrities celebrating on this day are football player Colin Kaepernick, 29, wrestler Cameron Lynn, 29, model Kendall Jenner, 21 and pop singer Tom Mann, 23.*****Nov. 4: Special Happy Birthday today to Louise Fuselier, Kim Moore, Gail Hass, Pam Guyote and Loretta Meadows.

Joining them are actor Matthew Mcconaughey, 47, football player Dez Bryant, 28 and rapper Sean Combs, 47.*****Nov. 5: former mayor and county commissioner, CPA John Dubose celebrates today.

Also celebrating is our friend Sharon Dunn Permeaux, teacher Pat Stanton, Connie’s better half, Kember Ess also has a birthday as does Camden Walton and Gina Beaulieu.

Joining them are singer Bryan Adams, 57, actor Luke Hemsworth, 34 and reality stars Nick Bateman, 48 and Kris Jenner, 60.

On this day Mary and Don Stanton celebrate their 50th anniversary.


Happy anniversary also to Tammy and Shawn Davis.*****Nov. 6: Johnny Montagne celebrates a birthday today.

Johnny is a fine young man, very much like his mom.

Also having their special day are Jackie Litton, Kay Wingate, Faye Harrington, Kathy Johnson, Greg Broussard and Derek Grooms.

Celebrities joining them are basketball player Lamar Odom, 37, actors Emma Stone, 28, Katie Leclerc, 30 and Pierce Fode, 25.*****Nov. 7: Our buddy Pearl Harbor survivor Cederic Stout turns 96 today and marching on to 100.

Longtime law enforcement office and our longtime friend Wilson Roberts celebrates also.

He and wife V.J. celebrate their 28th anniversary the new day, Nov. 8.******Nov. 8: Today is Election Day.

Having birthdays are Debra Burch, Keith Longlois, Dee Moran and Aaron Hommel.

Joining them are actor Benjamin King, 44, chef Gordon Ramsay, 50 and reality star Sophie Kasaei, 27.*****Our buddy and longtime sports writer Joe Kazmar is under the weather and won’t have a column this week.

Joe has been going to the doctor for test to find out what the pain in his side is.

He can’t sleep and doesn’t want to eat.

Hopefully he will be well soon.*****On paper I figured the Cubs would win the World Series in seven games.

As I sit here before game six, the Cubs trail the Indians 3-2.

They have to win the last two and that’s big odds to overcome.

I’ve never watched World Series games before that featured such great pitching on both teams.******The Wednesday Lunch Bunch dines at JB’s Barbeque this week and at Robert’s next week.

Everyone always welcome.


Las week, Miss Maude Comeaux, who is up in age, was standing at da bus stop in Laffayette. Da wind was really blowing and she was holding her hat on her head with boat hands so it wouldn’t blow away.

Sostan Premeaux, wat new her, approached her and said, “Miss Maude, I don’t intend to be forward me, but did you know dat your dress is blowing up in dis high wind?”

“Mais yea, I know dat me, but I need boat my hands to hold onto my hat.”

Premeaux say, “Miss Maude, you not wearing any panties and you exposing youself.”

Miss Maude looked down and back up at Sostan and explained, “Well son, anyting you see down there is 85-years-old, but me, I jus bought dis nice hat yesterday.


Well, this is my last column before next Tuesday’s Election so it will be two weeks before I can comment on the results.

A big surprise to me has been the record setting early vote turnout in Orange County because of no local races and the belief that voters would be turned off by both presidential candidates.

The voting in Texas is at an all time high.

Forty-percent more than in the 2012 election.

Trump is leading by only one point, yet the Clinton team refuses to spend money in the state.

Since the email flap is likely to tighten the race I should redo my predictions and scale down a little on the Electoral College vote but the end results should be the same.

I’ve lived through many elections but this, from start to finish, was the wildest.

From Trump calling everyone names to “Little Marco” talking about Trump’s small hands.

No one expected the October Surprise bomb to come in the form that it did.

There are six more days to Election Day.

In politics that’s an eternity.

The other shoe might yet fall.

First CNBC is reporting that the FBI is investigating Russia’s interference in the U.S. election.

The FBI director, Comey, opposes releasing details because it is too close to the election but it might leak anyway.

Also a report is forthcoming from the Washington Post that shows even though Trump claims he has given millions to charity no evidence from 490 charities reflect that he has ever donated but one $10,000 donation, eight years ago.

Also, a report might come out this week that Trump is not being audited by the IRS as he claims.

Trump has claimed that he is financing his own campaign.

Not true.

He has 369,480 donors, plus millions from the RNC. The latest report shows Trumps has put only $35 million in his campaign as a loan.

He could get his money back and have no skin in the game.

Also he may face another woman that he’s groped going public.

Those are just some possibilities.

Trump has so much baggage it could come from many directions.

A fraud case would be very likely.

All that Clinton has to face is the email flap.*****Well, it’s time for me to get out of here.

Thanks for your time.

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Take care and God bless.


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