Hometown News For Orange County, Texas


Bridge City, Texas, November 8, 2016 – The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the November Student of the Month for Bridge City High School is Zachery Oceguera.

Zachery was presented his certificate and gift bag by Chamber Lifetime Ambassador Beverly Perry of Bridge City Bank, at the November 8th coffee hosted by Bridge City Bank.

He received gift certificates and gifts from: The Classy Peacock, Bridge City Walmart, Wellspring Credit Union, Beaumont Occupational Services, Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Bridge City, Sabine Federal Credit Union, COS Printing, Sabine River Ford, Complete Staffing, Serendipity Chicks, Neches Federal Credit Union, Bridge City Bank, Neighbors Emergency Center and Five Point Credit Union.

Zachery is the son of Jesus and Virginia Oceguera. He has a GPA of 4.43 and is ranked 10th of 171 seniors. Zachery’s awards and honors include:

• Dual Credit College Courses – 12th

• National Honor Society Representative – 11th, 12th

• National Honor Society – 10th-12th

• Honors, Pre-AP, AP Classes – 9th-11th

• AB Honor Roll – 9th-11th

• HOBY Award Nominee – 10th

Zachery’s clubs and organizations include:

• Drill Team Escort – 10th-12th

• Art Club President – 12th

• Spanish Club – 11th-12th

• One Act Play – 11th-12th

• Art Club – 9th-12th

• Student Council 9th-12th

• Student Council Food Drive – 11th

• Ping-Pong Club – 9th

In community service, Zachery has volunteered at Common Ground Community Church Vacation Bible School, St. Henry’s Catholic Church Mural, and the Bridge City Heritage Festival.

Joseph Blanda, Biology Teacher, said, “Zachery Oceguera is an excellent student in science. He is one of my best AP Biology students. He has a smile on his face every morning and he is always ready to learn. Zach is an outstanding choice for student of the month.”

Faye Parish, College Algebra Instructor, said, “Zachery Oceguera is in my College Algebra class and has the highest year to date average. He is a delightful young man. He has impeccable manners and always strives to succeed. In class, he is always willing to help a fellow classmate understand what a concept means. Zach will succeed in any endeavor he chooses and will be an asset to society.”

Cathy Riley, English Department Chair and Director of Bridge City Strutters, said “Zach Ocegura is a leader in all aspects and a stellar student. I came to know Zach when he tried out for Strutter Escort, and he is in his third year with the Strutters organization. He traveled with us to Ireland and Disney World, and he is invaluable to our team. I also taught Zach in my English III AP class. He is a conscientious student who strives for perfection – an absolute gentleman and an outstanding role model for others to emulate. In fact, Zach is revered by BCHS faculty because he demonstrates a positive influence as he leads by example.”

When asked about his plans after high school, Zachery said, “I plan to attend Texas A&M University or the University of Texas, getting a degree in business, receiving an internship at the Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California and becoming a part of their business team.

Pictured left to right: Jesus Oceguera, Virginia Oceguera, Zachery Oceguera, Principal Alisha Bell, Superintendent Todd Lintzen, Beverly Perry, and Counselor Crissa Bonnin.


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