Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

El Bethel Missionary Baptist Anniversary

The El Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, located at 704 N. 12th St. will celebrate their pastor, The Rev. Ricky Guillory 5th year anniversary service as follows:

Jan. 4 @ 7 pm PreAnniversary service with Special guest- Pastor David Hudson and Scott Olive Missionary Baptist Church of Bmt., Texas.

Jan. 5 @ 7 pm PreAnniversary service with Special guest- Pastor Curtis Johnson and Greater Grace Missionary Baptist Church of Bmt., Texas

Jan. 8 @ 3:30 pm Anniversary Service with Special Guest- Pastor Delbert Mack and Cathedral of Faith Baptist Church Bmt., Texas.

The public is invited to attend. For more information call the church at 409-883-8996. Rev. Ricky Guillory is pastor and Bro. Russell January, chairman of deacons and Sis. Runetta Spears Marks is program Chairperson.


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