Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

St. Mary’s to celebrate St. Joseph’s Altar

Judge Pat and Rosalie Clark of Orange are seen with the decorations of this year's St. Joseph Alter celebrated at St. Mary Parish, on Sunday, March 19th. The Chaplet was recited and the Blessing of the Altar by Fr. Daleo was held following Mass and the meal.

This tradition began in Sicily, in thanksgiving for relief from the terrible famine that had gripped the island. the people of Sicily pleaded with St. Joseph, their patron saint, for help. To show their gratitude when their prayers were answered, they prepared a table with a special assortment of foods they had harvested.

Whether a St. Joseph altar is an elaborate display at a church or a humble table in a home, it is a reflection of a deep devotion to St. Joseph, the patron of those in need, workers, travelers, the persecuted, the poor the aged, the dying. This celebration is for all the members of St. Mary’s Church, it not confined to any nationality. We must remember St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of the Universal Church.


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