Hometown News For Orange County, Texas
President Rusty Honeycutt, left, gives the gavel to the new 2017-2018 President Chris Gunstream at the Orange Lions Club Installation of officers Monday night at the Brown Center. Honeycutt gave out awards to club members, including Lion of the Year Ed Freiberg. New officers
installed were 1st VP Sandra Williams, Secretary/Financial Chris Kovatch, Treasurer Randall Morris, Membership Lois Hughes, Bulletin Editor
Troy Holbrook, Tail-Twister Stump Weatherford and Lion Tamer Butch Campbell. Board of Directors installed were 1st Year Directors Marlene Merritt,
Bill Smith, Harold Welch and Ron Rudeseal, 2nd Year Directors Dan Mohon, Carlene Ortolon, John Backer and Ed Freiberg, 3rd Year Directors
Debbie Hughes, Jonathan Davis, Brock McIntire and Zachary Thomas.
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