Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Kids Summer camp gets grant from DowDuPont

DowDuPont Sabine River Works Wellness Team recently awarded a $4000 grant to the Helping on Purpose Everyday Committee (H.O.P.E.) Kids Summer Cooking Camp program.

The H.O.P.E Committee, in partnership with Texas A&M Agrilife Extension, helps Orange County residents enrich their lives through science-based educational programs emphasizing the health and wellness of individuals, families, and communities. Programs include such topics as diabetes and nutrition programs, youth summer cooking and sewing camps, as well as other educational programs.

Poor dietary habits during adolescence (ages 8-14) can have negative impacts on long term health and wellness. Research shows that when youth are involved in preparing food for meals, they are more likely to eat more nutrient-rich foods consisting of higher intakes of fruits and vegetables, higher intakes of key nutrients, and lower intakes of fat.

The five-day cooking camp includes sixty (60) youth, and thirty (30) volunteers, focusing on the fight against childhood obesity, emphasizing nutrition awareness, and performing science based experiments in the kitchen. Skills like safe and sanitary handling of kitchen equipment, understanding chemical reactions involved in cooking, and following instructions and recipes are some of the skills introduced during camp week. The camp ends with a Team Food Challenge and a family meal to highlight the new skills of the campers.

The desire of the DowDuPont Wellness Team and the HOPE Committee is for our employees and Orange County’s children to have a better future. We look forward to actively creating this future together.

Pictured: James Scales, Orange County Health Inspector, Fallon Foster, Texas AgriLife Extension Agent, Karla Watson, DowDuPont Site Nurse and Chrissy Babcock, DowDuPont Site Learning Leader


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