Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Bridge City ISD named Outstanding School Board by Region 5 ESC

Pictured left to right: BCISD Superintendent Todd Lintzen, Danny Lovett, Ed.D, Region 5 ESC Director, BCISD board members-Judy Cole (president), Rebecca Rutledge, Patty Collins, Thad Hill, Jerry McInnis, Mark Anderson and Mike Johnson. RECORD PHOTO: Penny LeLeux

Penny LeLeux

For The Record

Danny Lovett, Ed.D., Region 5 Educational Service Center Executive Director recognized the Bridge City Independent School District Board as Outstanding School Board of Region 5 for 2019-2020 Monday at a special reception.

“I actually started my work with Region 5 17 years ago and the first school board I worked with was Bridge City ISD. They have consistently been diligent and excellent in their work. They are always the first ones to get trained, to do all the things boards are expected to do by the state of Texas,” said Lovett. “It’s been a privilege and an honor to work with them all these years.

“We are proud to have you represent our region this year as Outstanding School Board of Region 5.”

After presenting the certificate to Superintendent Todd Lintzen, board members Judy Cole, Rebecca Rutledge, Patty Collins, Thad Hill, Jerry McInnis, Mark Anderson and Mike Johnson were called to the stage for a round of pictures and accolades.

“I want you to enjoy this honor as long as possible. Boards don’t ever get the opportunity to ever experience this. It’s the first time for Bridge City. I’m very proud to work with y’all,” said Lintzen.

Lanie Brown presented a special certificate and congratulations from Texas Congressman Brian Babin. She expressed he was sorry that he couldn’t be there for the presentation, but that he would be in town Wednesday.

It was Bridge City Mayor David Rutledge’s turn next. “Your hard work on behalf of the district, your diligence on always striving for excellence as a board and above all your dedication to the students, faculty, administration and staff of the Bridge City school district are best exemplified by the quality of the educational experience in Bridge City,” said Rutledge. “My congratulations on a job well done and a challenge to build on this to continue to provide a school system we can all be proud of and as always, it’s a great day to be a Cardinal.”

Former Bridge City Mayor and new county commissioner of Precinct 3, Kirk Roccaforte, also addressed the board. “Congratulations on behalf of the county for your hard work and accomplishments. It’s really great to have that here in Bridge City and in our county.

Lintzen recognized the Chamber of Commerce for the support of the community and asked Beth Arnold, chamber president to say a few words.

“Congratulations, we know it’s an honor well deserved, all the time that has been put in over the years. We are very proud of the relationship the chamber shares with the school district. We’ve worked together on a lot of projects,” said Arnold. “The school district is very involved in any event or opportunity that we present and we want make sure you know we are going to continue to work for the betterment of our community any way we can.”

It should be noted that every member of the school board was sporting a Bridge City Chamber of Commerce Ambassador’s red jacket.

Lintzen also recognized Lamar State College-Orange’s efforts to lower tuition costs for students.

School board president Judy Cole gave a final word of thanks for everyone that came out to show support. “We greatly appreciate it and especially our family and friends. We are gone a lot on the evenings and on weekends, so thank you for bearing with us. Thank you for always being behind us. Thank you for loving us. Now let’s eat some cake.”

The Record Newspapers would also like to add a note of congratulations to the Bridge City ISD School Board for a job well done.


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