Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Easy Pork Chop Oven Meal, Payne's Pantry, by Anne Payne

Easy, quick, few ingredients, and tastes good . . .those are the words to describe an enjoyable dinner. Here are the details:


9"x12" pan sprayed with vegetable spray

Cookie tray lined with foil

Foil to cover pan



4 fresh butterfly boneless pork chops

2-10.5 oz cans Chicken with Rice soup

2-10.5 oz soup cans water

1 or 2-10.5 oz can(s) Golden Mushroom or

Cream of Chicken soup(s)

1-16 oz pkg 5 Grain Rice Pilaf

(Consists of whole grain brown rice, basmati rice, red jasmine rice, and black barley & wild rice with carrot/onion pieces; I use Schwan's frozen 5 Grain Rice Pilaf.)

A home version can be made or boxed varieties may be bought


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 9"x12"

pan with vegetable spray. Empty pkg of

5 Grain Rice Pilaf, frozen or boxed, into pan. Pour into pan both cans of Chicken with Rice soup, then fill each can with water, also pouring them into pan of pilaf.

Stir and break-up any lumps. Place pork chops on top of rice. Spread undiluted Golden Mushroom (or Cream of Chicken)

soup(s) on top of pork chops. Place pan on top of foil lined cookie sheet to protect oven from boil overs. Then cover pan with foil. Bake for 1 1/2 or 2 hours. Take out of oven and remove foil cover from pan. Cool just a bit before serving. Very good!


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