Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

West Orange To Receive $5 Million From EDA To Support Wastewater Treatment Plant

WEST ORANGE, TX - U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross has announced that the Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is investing $48 million in the state of Texas to help it prepare for natural disasters and promote economic resiliency and business growth.

The EDA grants, some of which are to be located in Tax Cuts and Jobs Act designated Opportunity Zones, are expected to be matched with $13.2 million in local funds, help create 7,487 jobs, retain 225 jobs, and generate $6 billion in private investment.

“The Trump Administration’s goal is to create American jobs and to keep U.S. business communities competitive and thriving,” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.

“These preparedness efforts will support uninterrupted, stable, and growing business efforts in the state of Texas and bring development to underserved Opportunity Zones throughout Texas.” “In 2018, EDA made $587 million in Congressional supplemental appropriations available to eligible grantees in communities impacted by natural disasters in 2017,” said U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Dr.

John Fleming.

“We are pleased to support Texas communities, including several in Opportunity Zones, as they work to diversify and strengthen the state’s economy.” The City of West Orange will receive $5 million to support the design and construction of a new wastewater treatment plant.

The City applied to the U.S. Department of Commerce for this grant after Hurricane Harvey and has recently been notified of its award, which will be administered by Traylor & Associates, Inc. out of Tyler, Texas.

This new facility will support new and existing industrial customers in the area, as well as offer long-term resiliency, particularly during disasters.

The grant, to be located in a Tax Cuts and Jobs Act designated Opportunity Zone, will be matched with $1.25 million in local funds and is expected to help create 520 jobs in the area, and spur $5.8 billion in private investment.

City of West Orange Mayor, Roy McDonald, commented, “It is truly a great day when the City can help out its citizens and accommodate for future growth of our residential, commercial and industrial partners.

This grant will serve our area well into the future.” “I am glad to hear that the City of West Orange will be receiving this critically-needed federal disaster grant funding for expansions to the OCWC&ID #2 Waste Water Treatment Facility,” said Rep.


“These funds will allow Orange County manufacturers to utilize the improved utilities and encourage further economic development, growth, and resiliency throughout the community.

As a lifelong resident of Southeast Texas, a former small-town mayor, and U.S. Congressman, I know that EDA funding for the City of West Orange project will help to provide critical infrastructure and incentivize new residential and commercial growth in the area.”


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