Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


The Justice Department’s Internal Watchdog report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded the FBI was legally justified in launching its inquiry into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and that no political bias influenced the FBI decision to conduct these operations.

Horowitz also said there was “no evidence” the FBI placed any undercover agents in the Trump campaign.

However some minor faults were found in the surveillance of former foreign policy advisor Carter Page to justify his monitoring.

The inaccuracies will no doubt be used to fuel new attacks from Trump, Sean Hannity, Fox News and GOP allies.

For months Hannity has been hyping the report. The 400 page report doesn’t contain the information Hannity has been hawking.

Monday night he started a spin on the inaccuracies.

Despite the criticism, Horowitz found the FBI decision to investigate Page, Papadopoulos, Flynn and Manafort followed Justice policies.

He also noted Lisa Page did not play a role in the investigation of Trump’s campaign aides.

Meanwhile, the impeachment hearing continues to move forward with a full House vote expected before Christmas break.*****Gotta move on, come along, it won’t do you no harm.


The auto industry will eliminate 80,000 jobs in 2020.

***** There’s more evidence that tariffs are boomeranging on American farmers.

*****Trump unpresidentially Tweeted 101 times in one day on Sunday.

He must not have even slowed down for lunch.

*****In Texas, a combined 200 candidates, Republican and Democrats, are running for Congress in 36 districts in the March Primaries.*****This week, 39 years ago, Dec. 8, 1980, former Beatle John Lennon was shot and killed by Mark David Chapman in front of his New York apartment building.

Chapman planned the killing over the course of several months and waited for Lennon at the Dakota. During the evening he met Lennon, who signed his copy of the just released album, “Double Fantasy.” When John and wife YoKo Ono, returned from recording session, Chapman fired four hollow point bullets in Lennon’s back from a 38 special revolver. Chapman stayed on the scene and was arrested as he was reading “Catcher in the Rye.” He pled guilty and was given 20 years to life.

He has been denied parole ten times since he became eligible in 2000.

Next year will mark 40 years of jail time.

I suspect that’s when they will release him.

He was 25 years old and will be 65.

Lennon was 40 and would be 80 next year.

*****Rudy has been running all over the globe trying to buy some dirt on Joe Biden. For a million dollars some folks will say or do anything.

Rudy is rotten to the core.

*****Who will be the national college football champion? District Attorney John Kimbrough flat out predicts if it’s LSU and Ohio State, LSU will become National Champions.

First they must get by Oklahoma and Ohio State must beat Clemson.


December 8, 1969, is the date the Texas Longhorns made history.

If you are 60 years old or older and from Texas or Arkansas you will probably remember where you were on that Saturday 50 years ago.

On that cold afternoon not even the arrival of President Richard Nixon could distract from what was happening on the football field.

Nothing was bigger, not even Nixon and his party, the Rev. Billy Graham, being in Fayetteville, former U.S. president George H. Bush, Arkansas Gov. William Fulbright or Oklahoma running back Steve Owen, who had just received the Heisman trophy, nothing was bigger than the game itself.

Number one Texas met number two Arkansas, a made for TV matchup.

“The Big Shootout,” they called it.

It was the final regular season game of the 100th season of college football.

Frank Broyles coached Arkansas, Darrell Royal coached Texas.

Both teams were undefeated.

Their records over the last decade of the 1950’s were Texas 80-18-2, Arkansas, 80-19-1.

The game backdrop included protest against the Vietnam conflict and the first draft lottery.

This also would be the very last national championship played without any Black players.

A planned protest by Black students was averted when a deal was reached that the song, “Dixie” would not be played.

The Longhorns assistant coach Emory Bellard had developed a system that became known as the “Wishbone.” Coach Bellard designed the offense to best utilize the talent of Bridge City High School All-State player Steve Worster, who had helped his high school win the state championship in 1966, after losing in 1965.

The Horns averaged 44.3 points and 482.8 yards per game with Worster at fullback in the Wishbone.Arkansas altered their defensive scheme, moving eight players within a yard or two of the line of scrimmage, constantly shifting before the snap, forcing the Longhorns to run plays inside.

It worked, Texas’ offense sputtered.

Arkansas built a two touchdown lead on two passes by quarterback Bill Montgomery. They seemed on the way to winning until the first play of the fourth quarter.

Texas Q.B. James Street scrambled and escaped for a 42 yard run.

Texas next intercepted a third and goal pass.

Then facing fourth and three, Coach Royal gambled, he called the play 53 veer pass; tight-end Randy Peschel was the lone receiver.

He came down with the ball on the 13-yard line.

Two plays later, Texas scored.

Happy Fellow added the extra point.

Texas won 15-14.

A little later President Nixon was in the Longhorn locker room congratulating and awarding them a plaque, (it was blank) as the nation’s number one team.

Texas went on to beat Notre Dame in the Cotton Bowl.

Steve Worster went on to be an All American and a finalist for the Heisman Trophy.

The Arkansas game was Worster’s lest productive in his college career and some believe the national televised game might have cost him the Heisman award.

Arkansas had assigned one player to target Worster on every play.

For the season Worster had 160 carries, for 898 yards, for a 5.6 average and 14 touchdowns.

Quarterback Jim Plunkett won the Heisman, other runner ups were QB Joe Theisman and QB Archie Manning.

Steve was the only running back in the voting.

The first Saturday in December, 50 years ago, featured the only college game played that day.

It was a historical game by two power houses.

There has only been one “Big Shootout” and it lived up to the buildup.

It can never be duplicated, two all-white teams playing for the national championship, marking the first 100 years of college football.


Forty-five years ago, Sam Sichko, a Lutcher Stark classmate in the class of 1975, scored 800 on SAT math, he ranked #3 in his class at graduation and was a super accomplished member of the debate team, with many other accomplishments.

Sam majored in math and was close to the top, (#5) in the Naval Academy.

He served in the US Marines for several years with honor and distinction.

He then went to Harvard Law School, married a classmate, Mauve, and is now a nationally recognized esteemed lawyer in Boston specializing in Estate Planning, Taxes, etc.

Sam was from a proud Orange County family whose father Bill served on the Orange City Council and his sister Thereze served many years as WO-Cove Administrative Aide in the Athletic Department.

His parents Bill and mom Marie, who died in 2017, are both gone now.


10 Years Ago-2009

We were sorry to hear about the passing of Wilma Grossman, age 88, who died Friday.

We had known this nice lady for many years.

She is survived by her husband of 65 years Joe Grossman, daughter Bobbie Burgess, Lamar dean and former Bridge City mayors, daughter Pat Cooper and son Raymond Grossman.

For many years Mrs. Grossman worked for different 128th District Court judges.

A member of the military in WW II she was another from the Greatest Generation.

She and Joe seemed an unlikely couple, a Cajun from Louisiana and a Jewish boy from New York but they were perfect partners.

(Editor’s note: Joe has also passed away since.)*****Quote of the Week: Rick Casey, Houston Chronicle writer, says, “In Houston, it is now harder for a lawyer to be elected mayor than a Lesbian.” He made the statement when openly gay Anise Parker, 53, beat attorney Gene Locke in Saturday’s runoff.

Houston is the country’s largest city with an openly gay mayor.

Smaller towns like Portland, Ore., Providence, R.I., and Cambridge, Mass., do also.

Parker was supported and funded by gay political organizations nationwide.

*****Everyone’s friend, Jerry Hughes, and his staff at the Realty office will have their 32nd annual Christmas open house Thursday 4-6 p.m.***** Wilma Horner and the gang at Remax Platinum held their grand opening ribbon-cutting Tuesday in Bridge City.***** Special birthday wishes on Dec. 18 to pretty Tracey Lynn Broussard who will be 22.

The next day, Dec. 19, she will graduate from Baylor University with a bachelor of business administration in marketing.

Happy birthday and congrats.

Tracy, a Bridge City grad, is the daughter of Phyllis and Ronnie Broussard.

She makes her folks proud.

*****One of our dearest friends, James Brabham, turns 80 this Wednesday, Dec. 16.

James is a great guy.

It’s hard to believe the years have gone by so quickly.

*****Celebrating is our friend Betty Lou Womack, a real sweetheart. She and mayor Brown Claybar share birthdays Dec. 17.

*****A great guy, Kenny Pigg, celebrates Dec. 20.

Now there’s a guy that will do to ride the range with.*****One of our favorite Republicans Donnie Stanton turned 42 on Dec. 15.***** We were sorry to learn of the death of Gordon LeBoeuf, former Port Neches-Groves and Texas A&M football star.

We knew Gordon when he was playing for Bear Bryant at A&M with John David Crow.

Gordon, drafted in the late rounds, was offered a $10,000 salary by the New York Jets to play pro-football.

He turned it down and became a successful businessman.

They called him the Wild Cajun around the Brazos River hangout.***** Matt Bryant made three field goals with no misses in Atlanta’s 23-26 loss to New Orleans.*****Congrats to four West Orange-Stark athletes who signed a letter of intent Wednesday, with Lamar University.

They are Jordon Garrett, Josh Powdrill, Derek Hall and Ryan Clark. *****Here comes the Judge.

Orange Counties’ longest serving judge, Carl Thibodeaux, has ended the speculation.

This week, the judge filed for an unprecedented fifth term with Democratic chairman Mark Carter.

Thibodeaux, since taking office, has brought the county into modern times.

He has weathered many storms for us.

Orange County is better off today because of his dedicated service.***** We understand through the grapevine that Orange native Marsha Ball will be inducted into the Gulf Coast Hall of Fame.

Ball, a recording rock and roll star, was born right here in Orange County.

The induction will take place Jan. 23, at the Museum of the Gulf Coast in Port Arthur.

She will entertain in the evening at the Hall of Fame show, formerly the Janis Joplin Birthday Bash.

Floyd Soileau, Cajun recording studio owner, will also be inducted.

We understand many stars will perform on the show, including Jivin’ Gene, Susan Pierce of Mauriceville, Ultra Suede, Ken Marvel, Still Cruising Band and others for the biggest show yet.*****It seems Judge Pat’s granddaughter, 12-year-old Whitney, is quite a soccer star in the Houston area.

(Editor’s note: Pat and Rosalie attended one of Whitney’s college games in Florida a couple of weeks ago.)

40 YEARS AGO-1979

Inez Hearn celebrated a birthday last week.

(Editor’s note: Well, Nez, we just thought we were old back then but really we were pretty high kickers.

(Editor’s note: Nez left us a few years ago.) *****Former sheriff Chester Holts and Ms.

Iva will celebrate their 52nd wedding anniversary Dec. 19.

*****This weekend Carl Thibodeaux and crew moved West Orange Pharmacy from Danny’s Grocery and Market to a new building next to Dr.

Jones’ office on Western Ave.*****Lisa Gredrick and Lia Chapman both had surgery this week at Orange Memorial.

*****Recently receiving awards at Gulf were Lou Garriga, Bob Pruitt, Jim Morgan, Darro Fails, Carl Bryant, Rif Lee, Bill Peilter, Pam Reynolds and David Snapp.

(Editor’s note: Believe it or not, I knew most of those good old boys.

I believe Morgan was the first to die, 30 odd years ago.) *****Skipper Free brings the Office Hound two mechanical crabs that do disco.

*****Bridge City Chamber announces new officers.


Albert Pugh, president, replaces Bill Nickum.

Don Burgess is vice president, Robert Hanks, vice president and Shannon Messer secretary/treasurer.*****Bridge City students receiving degrees from Lamar University are Sherri Ware Fisk, Connie Slaydon Stuebing, David Mounce, Janice and Jean Lapeyrolerie, Jackie Latino, Gilbert Angelle, James Woodard, James Walker and Florence Verrett.*****Betty and Corky Harmon celebrated their 23rd anniversary this week on Dec. 14.

Corky robbed pretty Betty from junior high school when she was quite young.

(Editor’s note: She started off as a nanny to Corky’s two boys and ended up raising them when they were wed.

The couple then had two children of their own.

(Editor’s note: Corky passed away last year.)


A few folks we know celebrating birthdays in the next few days.

Our friend David Claybar turns a year older Dec. 11.

***Folks sharing birthdays on Dec. 12, are George Sehon, Shelby Hebert and Lucy Hanks, the First Lady of Starks, LA.***Danny Blacksher and Keri Michutka celebrate on Dec. 14.*** Shirley Roccaforte passed away on this day four years ago.

Her birthday would have been the next day on Dec. 15. ***Celebrating on Dec. 15 are Maac Hughes and Donnie Stanton. ***Jack McKinney celebrates another year on Dec. 16.***Mayor Brown Claybar celebrates Dec. 17.*****On this day 53 years ago Bridge City High School won the State Football Championship.***** Somewhere in this issue, a New York Times op-ed appears by Professor Lawrence H. Tribe, a highly regarded Harvard Law professor.

One of his high-profile law students is Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

A constitutional leaning professor, Tribe explains what the impeachment proceedings are about.

It’s worth taking time to read it.*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Southern Charm this week and hold the Annual Christmas Bash at Robert’s next Wednesday, Dec. 18.

Everyone urged to try and make this special last gathering of the year.

Everyone welcome.*****Former Secretary of State John Kerry endorsed Joe Biden on Thursday, giving Biden the backing of the Democratic Party’s 2004 presidential nominee and a past winner of the Iowa caucuses, his most significant endorsement to date.

“I believe Joe Biden is the president our country desperately needs right now, not because I’ve known Joe so long, but because I know Joe so well,” Kerry said in a statement.

“I’ve never before seen the world more in need of someone who on Day 1 can begin the incredibly hard work of putting back together the world Donald Trump has smashed apart.”


Celebrating birthdays on Dec. 11, are Kent Sarver, Cody Caples and Tara Fountain.

Joining them are singer Jermaine Jackson, 65, actors Rita Moreno, 88 and Mo’Nique, 52.*****Dec. 12, birthday folks are Shelby Hebert, Scott Derouen, Joel Fruge also Gospel singer Dionne Warwick, 79, singer Sheila E, 62 and actress Mayim Bialik, 44.*****Celebrating Dec. 13, are Melinda Swares, Dennis Lee, and Kristy Kidwell.

Joining them are singer Taylor Swift, 30 and actors Jamie Foxx, 52, Dick Van Dyke, 94 and Christopher Plummer, 90.*****On Dec. 14, Kandy Sartin, Danny Prosperie, Hannah Carpenter and Diane Bertrand celebrate.

They are joined by singers Toni Kelly, 27 and Venessa Hudgens, 31.*****Celebrating on Dec. 15 are Ken Pittman, Larry Williams, also celebrity actors Don Johnson, 70, Michelle Dockery, 38 and Adam Brody, 40.*****On Dec. 16, Michelle Gephart and Elizabeth Uzzle celebrate.

They are joined by actors Theo James, 35, Benjamin Bratt, 56 and Anna Popplewell, 31.*****Jeremie Delano, Chris Chambless and Martha Taylor celebrate.

Also celebrating are boxer Manny Pacquiao, 41, MMA fighter Chuck Liddell, 50 and chef Duff Goldman, 45.


Sheriff “Cat” Ducet sent his deputy Minos Thibodeaux to investigate old man Clovis LeBlanc’s farm for illegal drugs. He tells Clovis, “I got to inspect your farm for illegally growin drugs.”

Clovis say, “Okay, but don’t go in dat field over dere.”

Deputy Thibodeaux him, he explodes saying, “Mister, I got da authority of da sheriff ‘Cat’ Ducet himself me.”

Da deputy reach in his rear pants pocket, removes his badge and proudly displays it. “LeBlanc, you see dis badge, it means I can go where I want to me, on any land. Have I made myself clear, hanh?”

Clovis nods politely, apologizes and goes about his chores.

A short time later Clovis hears loud screams and see Thibodeaux, da deputy, running for his life, chased by LeBlanc’s mean, prize bull. With da bull’s horns just barely off his butt he’s terrified him.

Clovis throws down his tools, runs to da fence and yells at do top of his lungs, “Your badge, show him you BADGE!”



Polls show 28 percent of the country, as a whole, is headed in the right direction. However, 70 percent say things have gotten worse and are on the wrong track. One thing that has gotten out of hand is toxic talk. Talk from the top, the opinion shows, talk radio, social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. The outrage industry rewards people for saying and doing the most extreme things, altogether it is poisoning public life. A far cry from the way most of us were raised. Unfortunately normal is no longer the normal. *****I’ve got to go. Thanks for coming along. Take care and God bless you all.


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