Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Golden K Sets Member Holiday Breakfast

The first Annual Holiday Breakfast for members and friends of Golden K Kiwanis

will be held Wednesday, December 18, at 9:30 a.m. at Ten West Restaurant off the

I-10 feeder road, formerly the location of Gary's Cafe in Orange. There will be no program, but it is simply a gathering of the club to celebrate the upcoming holidays.

Breakfast is Dutch Treat.

The Golden K Kiwanis Club, for those age 50 and above, meets every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Orange Salvation Army Main Building, 1950 MLK Drive, Orange 77630, across the street from a Shell service station, except for holidays on Wednesdays. There will be no meetings on Wednesday, December25, nor on Wednesday, January 1. Meetings will resume on Wednesday, January 8, with Diane Grooters continuing Part 2 of her recent trip to Eastern Europe. Grooters is a retired English teacher from Bridge City High and both West Orange-Stark Middle and High Schools.

For further Golden K information, email:

[email protected].


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