Hometown News For Orange County, Texas
Dave Rogers / For The Record
Cory Mitchell is making his second straight run for Bridge City Independent School District board, filing for the Place 7 seat held for the past 15 years by Mark Anderson.
The election, as well as those for all area city councils and school boards – except for Orangefield – will be held May 2.
Filing for places on the ballot continue through Feb. 14. Orangefield holds school board elections in November.
Mitchell was the first non-incumbent to register to run for the election. A process operator, Mitchell took on longtime board member Jerry McInnis for the Place 5 seat a year ago and garnered 41 percent of the vote.
Besides Place 7, the BCISD board election will also see the Place 6 seat, currently held by Michael C. Johnson, on the ballot for 2020.
In Orange, District 3 councilwoman Terrie Salter filed for re-election in the last week, joining Place 6 at-large councilman Paul Burch on the ballot.
The list of seats up for election and candidates who have filed:
Orange – 2 3-year seats up for election
Candidates registered: Terrie Salter (I) for District 3; Paul Burch (I) for Place 6 at-large.
Bridge City – 4 2-year seats
Candidates registered: David Rutledge (I) for Mayor; Mike Reed (I) for Place 2; Danny Harrington (I) for Place 4: Lucy Fields (I) for Place 6.
West Orange – 3 2-year at-large aldermen
Candidates registered: Shirley Bonnin (I); Mike Shugart (I).
Pinehurst – Mayor and 3 2-year aldermen
No one has filed.
West Orange-Cove
2 at-large (3yr) seats
Candidates registered: Tommy Wilson Sr. (I).
Bridge City ISD
2 3-year terms
Candidates registered: Mike Johnson (I) for Place 6; Mark Anderson (I) for Place 7; Cory L. Mitchell for Place 7
3 3-year at-large seats
Candidates registered: Randy McIlwain (I) for Place 1; Josh Fisher (I) for Place 2; Marleen Courmier (I) for Place 3.
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