Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

LCM students speak to Rotary

Orange Rotary invited the local RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) participants to the Rotary meeting on Tuesday, February 11, as the guest speakers. Little Cypress-Mauriceville Interact juniors Emily Day and Mason Grizzaffi spoke about their experience as campers. Senior Jadyn Stack gave insight as to what it was like to attend as a counselor this year. The camp was held in January at Pineywoods Baptist Encampment for Rotary District 5910 students.

“The LCM Interact Club appreciates the Orange Rotarians for investing in our students,” said sponsor Jeannie Alexander. Jill Shugart is also a sponsor of the organization.

Pictured L to R: Emily Day, Jadyn Stack, Mason Grizzaffi, & Superintendent Stacey Brister

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