Hometown News For Orange County, Texas
(Austin) –Mark Anderson, trustee from Bridge City ISD joined 35 other school board
members from across Texas February 20-22 at the third session of the Leadership TASB class
of 2020. Selected by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), the group is
participating in a yearlong education leadership study program. These trustees represent
school districts of all sizes, with student populations of 161 to 189,681, and reflect a similar
range of property wealth.
Participants who complete all required elements of the study will graduate next year
by earning Master Trustee status. This is the highest designation recognized by TASB.
Meeting in Austin for the session themed “Where Leadership Happens through
Working Outside the Line,” the trustees began with a visit to O’Henry Middle School. The
Austin ISD campus fully embraced the concept of social emotional learning (SEL) and
integrated it into its entire curriculum. To add further understanding of SEL, trustees heard
from Keeth Matheny, nationally recognized SEL speaker and advocate.
Amy Lynch was the second featured speaker for the Austin session. Lynch, also
recognized nationally, spoke to the trustees on generational differences and helped the
trustees study their district websites to determine which generation the sites might be
After a visit to the Texas Education Agency, the trustees toured Austin’s Griffin
School, a premier private secondary campus for high performing students who thrive in a
nontraditional setting.
Other Leadership TASB sessions are scheduled for El Paso, April 16-18, and Fort
Worth, June 25-27. Each session has a unique theme that builds on the previous session and
features nationally recognized experts in the fields of leadership development and
education. Teams also work throughout the year on extended learning assignments
between meetings. Created in 1993, Leadership TASB has more than 900 graduates to date.
TASB is a voluntary, nonprofit association established in 1949 to serve local Texas
school boards. School board members are the largest group of publicly elected officials in
the state. The districts they represent serve more than 5.4 million public school students.
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