Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


Throughout my life people have referred to me as being fearless.

I admit I’ve taken some dangerous chances and I have been afraid before but I’ve never been as scared as I am over this pandemic.

I know it’s a good chance it would be fatal to me and I’m not yet ready to go despite our idiot Texas Lt.

Gov. Patrick saying us older folks should be willing to give our lives to save the economy.

He wants the state open for business even if the young workers bring the virus home to us.

Patrick is not alone; from the White House on down the main concern is the economy at election time in November.

Anyway I’m being as cautious as I can be.

I fear this monster that I can’t see. This is far different than facing a visible foe.

My guess is that around 50,000 people in the U.S. will die before this passes.

I pray that it’s not you or me.

Come mid-June we should be back working but itwon’t be business as normal.

I believe it will be over a year before we can say we’re back to normal but not really like it’s been in the past.

No one knows how this will end. The uncertainty may be as unsettling as the virus itself.

What I’m sure of is that big changes are on the way and this era will seem like a bad dream.

First we have to get through an election and a lot of healing.

*****I have to move on.

Please come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


By the time Donald Trump proclaimed himself a War Time President, the United States was already on course to see more of its people die than the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

The Trump Administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the Coronavirus in China on Jan. 3 and yet it took Trump 70 days to quit denying the real threat.

He squandered all that time listening to his friends Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and went to repeating their words, “The virus is a Democratic hoax, fanned by the media mob.” Trump repeated Rush by saying it's no different than any other annual flu.

Trump said, “Today we have 15 cases, in two days it will be zero, it will miraculously disappear.” Next he claimed it would go away in April, then come Easter the sun will shine, flowers will bloom and the churches will be filled with people and the economy will go up like a rocket.

In the meantime, the Federal government did nothing.

Trump, the War President, then declared he wouldn’t play a leading role that his federal government was only going to be a backup.

Trump had done his part; he stopped people from coming from China.

That’s he and Hannity’s big claim now but 40,000 Chinese had already arrived.

Trump shut the gate after the cow got out.

The nation’s governors saw early on that they had no leadership at the top; Trump was sitting on his hands.

California governor Gavin Newsom was the first to put out a guide that Trump later adopted.

Newsom shut his state down and other governors followed.

That has put them in the spotlight.

Mike DeWine, of Ohio, Andrew Cuomo, of New York, Larry Hogan, of Maryland, Gretchen Whitmer, of Michigan and Abbott of Texas, all picked up the ball and ran with it saving many lives.

They needed help from the federal government that was slow coming.

The states started bidding against each other for supplies.

Meanwhile, Jared Kushner said the government stockpile “is our supplies, the states are on their own.” Trump had no cohesive strategy and still has no clear plan going forward.

Trump has failed the American people.

Trump’s team wrestles with discourse and drama, it was marked with chaos from the beginning but in the earlier days it was mostly benign, it’s not now.

Internal warring factions have been a defining characteristic of his administration.

On Tuesday White House Press SecretaryStephanie Grishman resigned after only nine month and without ever holding a formal press briefing.

Few issues underscore tension as much as Trump’s repeatedly touting of the drug hydroxychloroquine.

Rudy Giuliani has had Trump’s ear on promoting the drug.

Trump’s government has already bought and stockpiled 26 million doses.

(There’s something in the woodpile in that deal.) Meanwhile, Trump holds a daily, mini-two-hour rally that’s supposed to be a virus briefing that takes about three minutes, the rest of the time Trump is on the political soapbox, while insisting the other speakers praise him for his leadership.

Trump has failed to lead and history will not judge him kindly.

He is not capable of rising to the occasion when the country needs a real leader.


10 Years Ago-2010

Happy 72nd wedding anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson King Dunn, who will celebrate their special day April 16.

Seventy-two years may not be a record but it’s a darn good average.

(Editor’s note: Since that time both have passed away.)*****Happy birthday to Connie Angelle, better half of Lee and mother of some good youngsters and great athletes.*****If Bridge City had a queen, it would be Mildred Hatton, who reaches the good age of 90 on April 20.


Hatton is a BC pioneer, a wonderful lady and the mother of our friend Mike Hatton.

(Editor’s note: Ms.

Mildred passed away in 2011.)***** Happy birthday to some other special folks; Bill Nickum, a loyal friend, Kirby Cruse, the gal who keeps all the Ridley’s and husband George straight, Reatha Bradberry, Linda Claybar and Sam Carpenter Jr.

all celebrate this week.

*****Happy belated birthday to lovely Patsy Peck, who celebrated April 12.*****Last week the old pipefitter Charles “Pappy” Ellis celebrated a birthday.*****Betty and Steve Hogg were married 65 years ago on IRS day, April 15.*****Polish President LechKaczynski and dozens of military, church, government officers and his wife were killed in a devastating plane crash in Smolensk, Russia, Saturday, April 10.

It’s a crushing blow to Poland.

*****Twenty-nine men were killed in the Massey Energy Co. coalmine explosion April 5 in West Virginia.***** Texas Stadium was brought down by a ton of dynamite Sunday in Irving.

Twenty thousand people watched the famous Cowboy stadium bite the dust.

Last week former Irving City Manager Jack Huffman told us it was ridiculous, the stadium could have had plenty of uses.

***** It was a clean sweep Friday night for Orangefield over Bridge City. Both boys and girls won.

The Orangefield boys are for real.

I was surprised at their hitting power, three homeruns, against Bridge City’s Matt Hicks, who allowed 10 hits.

The three homers were hit by Jace Statum, Chase Angelle and Quinton Evans.

Statum, an Aggie recruit and as good a left-handed pitcher as ever seen in these parts.

Catcher Jacob Felts has the arm of a pro and when he swings the bat you feel the breeze in the stands.

Orangefield 7-Bridge City 2.*****I believe Clint Landry is kin to more people in Orange County than anyone else.

Now I learn that Mary Stanton is his cousin.

He’s kin to all the Angelle’s plus coach Sam Moore and his son, Chad, coaches Bridge City baseball.*****In January 2009, the country was in the tank and a depression looked certain.

Today, the Dow Jones is over 11,000 and the deficit is lower than it was a year ago.

Democrats are turning the country around.*****The five top defensive backs up for the NFL draft are Eric Berry, Tenn., 5 ft. 11.5 inches, 211 lbs, (4.47 in the 40).

No.2, Earl Thomas, Texas, 5 ft. 10.5 inches, 208 lbs, (4.41 in the 40).

No.3, Joe Haden, Florida, 5 ft. 11 inches, 193 lbs. (4.50-40).

No.4, Kyle Wilson, Boise State, 5 ft. 10 inches, 194 lbs. (4.48-40).

No. 5 Devin McCourty, Rutgers, 5 ft. 10.5 inches, 197 lbs., (4.48-40).

Earl Thomas, a local star, is considered one of the very best safeties in the country.*****Orange County star Tracy Byrd is hanging up his guitar, sold his big bus and is giving up the road.

His band has been dismantled and he canceled all future dates.

Life on the road can get long and tiresome.

Tracy wants to smell the roses and watch his three children grow.

Like Garth Brooks, who also called it quits, Tracy is expected in time to make special appearances.

He has a wealth of success.

We wish him well.******Mark Dunn will represent the Historical Museum of Bridge City as a speaker during the Texas Historical Commission’s annual Historic Preservation Conference.

In 2007 Dunn formed the Bridge City Citizens for Historic Preservation that was instrumental in preventing the demolition of the namesake 1940 Cow Bayou Swing Bridge and its nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.

He also has attained the historical marker for the rare swing bridge.

The historical marker, the first in Bridge City, will arrive this summer.

Dunn will speak Saturday morning during the session titled “Threatened Landmarks: Historic Bridges of Texas.” The topic includes how community preservationists can inspire love and commitment to preserve local history.

Dunn is also a board member for the Orange County Historical Commission and president of the newly incorporated non-profit Bridge City Museum.

35 Years Ago-1985

Bridge City B&PW holds “Spring Fling,” at St. Paul Methodist church.

Thirty models appear in fashions from Town and Country.B&PW president is Jessie Hebert. Finalists in the Miss Bridge City Pageant were invited to model, along with last years Miss B.C. Sharon Gregory. Models are Theresa Hearn, new Miss Bridge City, Lori Chesson, Leslie Garrison, Laura Smith, Liz Godwin, Pam Demler, Sue Shanks, Melinda Bendy, Kim Vincent and Tina Sigler.

*****Dot Eshbach, owner of the Kottage, says she employs a couple of Charlie’s Angels. She didn’t give their names.

*****Awards were recently presented to 143 Levingston Shipbuilding employees.

Cecil Beeson did the honors.

The employees total 2,230 years of service.

Those with 20 to 35 years service were Clyde Breaux, Harold Cooper, Manuel G. Deleon, Floyd Heard, J.M. Kyle, Vernon Pennington, R.H. Rienheart, Hershel Anthony, C.J. Broussard, G.B. Bennefield, Curry Broussard, Emile Stewart, Frank Wallace, Edward Baker, Roy L. Halliburton, Harold Patillo, Luther Smith, Grover Squires, Joe Verchez and 15 other men.

*****Uncle Jim McKay, 95, was a guest of Skipper Free.

Uncle Jim said he traveled the world, slept in boxcars and houses of ill repute but never slept in a waterbed, so Skipper let him sleep on her waterbed.

The next morning, he said he felt like he needed a life preserver.

*****Edna Breaux died at age 82.

*****Running for office in the May 3 election for U.S. Congress are Charles Wilson and Allen Summers.

E.L. “Ed” Parker and Fred Hill will make the run for sheriff.

Democratic nominees for president are Jimmy Carter, Edward M. Kennedy and Jerry Brown. *****Celebrating birthdays are Leland Morrow, Janet Fontenot, Jo Amodeo and Pam Hoosier Kay who turns 20.

*****Lisa Warden and Wesley Lewis will wed on May 2.

*****In the Drainage District race Grover Scales and George Anderson ended in a tie.

The race will continue in a runoff April 26.

*****Imogene McKinney named president of the recently organized Senior Citizen Nutrition chapter of Bridge City.

Other officers are Marie Hebert, Ruth Mulin, Eunice LaGrappe and Rose Billeaud.

*****Bridge City’s Mark Kelly won the 120 high hurdles, the 330-yard intermediates and the high jump to advance to regional.

*****Tommy Poindexter will be the area’s only girl representative in regional track competition after the Bridge City tracker won the 440 dash in Beaumont.

*****Beth Dugas has announced auditions for her production of Neil Simon’s “California Suite,” to be presented at the Orange Community Playhouse, May 29-31.

Roles are available for five men and six women.

*****Leslie Neilson performs his sold out presentation of “Clarence Darrow” at the Lutcher Theater on April 21.


When an Orange County Sheriff Captain came down with Coronavirus it caused 29 Sheriff’s Office employees to go into 14 days of self quarantine.

Sunday was spent disinfecting the jail. Meanwhile County Judge John Gothia has shut down the court house and administration building all week to disinfect because the employee had been in the buildings.*****In last week’s paper, in the “Farmer’s Wife” column, Lou ran a “Chocolate Fudge Pie” recipe.

I had just shelled some of the pecans Wanda and Coach Les Johnson recently brought to us.

Saturday my partner baked Lou’s pie according to directions with one exception, instead of store-bought vanilla, she used Port Commissioner Carol Holts’ pure, home made vanilla.

He makes the vanilla from the bean.

It’s the world’s best and is so pure it takes only a few drops, not a spoon full.

The pie came out great and delicious.

If you didn’t keep last week’s paper you can get the recipe from Lou at Farmer’s Mercantile.

Try it, you’ll love it.*****A few things going on and a few folks we know celebrating birthdays.

Last Sunday was Palm Sunday.

Our friend, former state representative Wayne Peveto, celebrated his 81st birthday.

Attorney Sharon Bearden and Jack Smith, all so young just a few years ago are now all in their 80’s.

Jack and Sharon still practice law, Wayne retired to the ranch a few years ago.*****April 8, starting at sundown, marks the first day of Passover. It also is the birthday of our Girl Friday’s little girl Angel Sehon, and also Cathy Riley, “Queen of theStutters’.”*****April 10, Good Friday, banks, governments and other places will be closed.

Celebrating birthdays on this day are Dr.

Katie Olson, Barbara and David’s pride and joy.

Also celebrating is John Jr.’s bride and Devra and Bobby’s lovely daughter Janet Montagne.*****April 11 finds Dwight Thacker’s son, David, celebrating a birthday.

We’ve known David since he was in short pants.

Always has been a great youngster.*****April 12, is Easter Sunday.

It will be the most unusual Easter that any of us have ever spent because of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

No Easter Egg hunts, no church services, no big gatherings at Grandma’s house.

No chocolate bunny from Marlene.

Celebrating a birthday today is Angie’s worse half, Don Breaux.

Also having an Easter birthday is one of Pappy Ellis’ lovely daughters Patsy Peck.*****April 13 is the day that the Civil War started in 1861.

It lasted just over four years until June 22, 1865.*****Celebrating birthdays is Connie Angelle and Jo Ann Collins.

It’s been a few years since Jo Ann moved away.

We hope she is doing okay.

I understand her sister-in-law Sue still lives in Bridge City.*****Major hurricane season predicted.

After yet another destructive hurricane season in 2019, top hurricane forecasters from Colorado State University on Thursday said we can expect major activity again this year.

The season begins June 1. The nation’s top seasonal hurricane forecasters predict named tropical storms will form, eight of which will become hurricanes.

Of eight predicted hurricanes, four are expected to spin into major hurricanes, category 3,4, or 5, with sustained wind speeds of 111 mph or greater.*****China continues to operate meat markets despite the world asking them to shut them down.

They sell around 10 million dogs and four million cats a year, plus many wild animals including bats, a delicacy, believed to be the cause of Coronavirus. When eaten the virus is passed on to humans and spread around the world.*****Darrell and Sharon Segura of BC are sure proud of their daughter, Jackie.

She has been chosen “Teacher of the Year” for Memorial High school Goose Creek ISD.

This is the second school district that she has been awarded this honor.

Her first was in Sugarland.*****I have had very little contact with anyone in the last few weeks.

I did speak to Judge Derry Dunn and he and Jane are doing yard work to pass the time.

Their son Mark is working out of a tent hospital in Oregon.*****Pam Scales Honeycutt always on the go, says she is grounded and can’t stand it.

She stays in touch via Tweeter.


Brandy Block, Lorene Zoch, Melissa Pittman and Kaci McKay all celebrate birthdays on April 8.*****Trey Dubose, Kristi Trahan, Terri Brent, Tonya Burch and Adam Prosperie celebrate on April 9.*****On April 10, Austin Brent, K’Lynn Ess, Jayme Martin and Barbara Goins are a year older.*****April 11, celebrating on this day are Becky Myers, Chelsea McLemore, Jackie Schell, Patsy Evans and Amanda Ginn.*****Amanda Toups, Dora Ogden, Jill Lemoine, Jaclyn Phillips and Roy Mazzagate III celebrate on April 12.*****April 13, Bruce Peveto Roy Farias, Gene Bellard and Dawn Mason celebrate.*****April 14, Tiffani Thompson, Randy Renfrow, T-Lew Van Metre, Joy Learned and Kasie Moerbe are a year older today.


Jude Comeaux and Sid Badeaux were sitting on Comeaux’s porch. Jude him, was holding his puppy. It had da body of a weenie dog, da hair of a poodle and da face of a chow.

Badeaux, him, couldn’t resist any longer. He axe, “Comeaux, wat kind of a dog is dat, hanh?”

“It’s a soma dog,” Comeaux answer.

“A soma dog, wat kind of dog is dat?” axe Badeaux.

Comeaux answer, “Mais, you know soma dis and soma dat.”

Comeaux went to da store for detergent. He pick one brand out. Da clerk axe, “Do you have a lot of dirty cloths to wash?”

“No, I need to wash my soma dog, me,” Comeaux answer.

Da clerk warn him dat da detergent is strong yea, “It will make da dog sick or kill it.

Comeaux kept it anyway.

Yesterday Comeaux went back to do store for to buy some beer. Da clerk axe, “How is you dog?”

“Oh, da dog him, died,” said Comeaux.

Da clerk says, “I told you so, about dat strong detergent, dat’s wat kill it hanh?”

“No I don’t ting so,” Comeaux answer, “I ting it was da spin cycle.”



Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly, has now apologized to Navy Captain Brett Crozier for calling him stupid and firing the 28-year veteran.


Crozier had pleaded for help as the Coronavirus ravaged his ship, the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Secretary Modly resigned Tuesday after Trump threw him under the bus.

One thousand sailors tested positive, as did Capt.

Crozier. The New York Times reported that the order had come from Trump who said, “Get rid of him.” Trump had warned that all press releases about the virus would have to come from the White House.

After getting a lot of heat, Trump is reviewing the case.

The Captain has a great military record.*****My time is up, thanks for yours.

A heartfelt thanks for your readership and loyalty.

Take care, stay safe and God bless.


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