Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


This coronavirus won’t go away on its own regardless of what government does.

This virus will stalk humans until there is a vaccine.

Aids didn’t stop killing people until a vaccine was discovered.

Today, there are over 20 different vaccines for Aids.

With the shots available now Rock Hudson would still be alive.

Like the flu shot, a vaccine for coronavirus will be discovered.

The length of time will determine how many more million people will die.

What is upsetting is why a disease, that started across the ocean, now has more victims and deaths in the United States than any other nation.

Also unsettling is the lack of testing.

Many people in this country are dying from the virus because of the unavailability of the test.

That was the biggest lie.

We were told, “If you need a test, you can get a test.” I’ve been pleased with our state government with all but the reporting.

I feel there are many more victims and deaths in Texas than the government wants to record.

I have nothing but praise for our county government and especially for the many dedicated hours County Judge John Gothia is putting in trying to stay ahead of the sickness.

He has been very forthcoming with all information he can obtain.

I’m sure he has been frustrated with the lack of info from state heath resources.*****Things here were going pretty good, even with self-quarantine, I had made two trips to the doctor with respiratory illness but was doing much better.

Then low and behold, here come the Shingles. I had often heard of Shingles but this is my first time to have it.

One night, I hoped I had been dreaming, it felt like I was lying in a bed of fire ants, then came the pain.

It really hurts so I’m under the weather and sick but my main goal is to avoid coronavirus because I know what that would do to me, worse than fire ants.****I’m not working on all cylinders but please come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming:

Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus

An examination reveals the president was warned about the potential for a pandemic but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his faith in his own instincts, led to a halting response.

A new report on the Trump administration’s missteps in the early days of the coronavirus’ spread into the US was HYPERLINK "https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/11/us/politics/coronavirus-trump-response.html" \t "_blank" published in the New York Times on Saturday, detailing new instances showing how HYPERLINK "https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/candidate/trump" \t "_blank" President Donald Trumpignored the warnings of his advisers about the lethal infectious disease approaching America’s doorstep.

Instead of immediately implementing mitigation steps, the President’s focus turned to messaging. Dr.

Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, issued a warning that the virus would disrupt daily life.

Another administration official sounding the alarm early was Trump’s trade adviser, Peter Navarro.

Many administration advisers HYPERLINK "https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/07/politics/peter-navarro-coronavirus-white-house-china/index.html" \t "_blank" dismissed Navarro’s warnings about the coronavirus’ potential spread in a January memo as alarmist.

Trump has publicly denied knowing about the January memo until it made headlines this month, but the Times reports that Trump was made aware of the memo, reportedly telling aides “he was unhappy that Mr. Navarro had put his warning in writing.” When asked last week about the memos after the Times first published a story detailing them, Trump responded, “I didn’t see them, but I heard he wrote some memos talking about pandemic.

I didn’t see them.

I didn’t look for them either.” Dr.

Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said, “The U.S. could have saved lives by acting earlier.”


We were sorry to learn of the death of DeloresStephens, age 78, who passed away on April 10.

She was the youngest of 13 children in a very interesting family.

I loved hearing the family stories told by her late brother CoCo Hardin.

CoCo was born in Abbeville, at the Palms Hospital.

His parents had docked their barge-house on the Vermillion River to await the birth of their baby.

The barge made its way to Orange and docked at Market Street.

The family lived on the barge until they built a home, where the remainder of the family, including Delores, was raised.

I had known this nice lady since 1971.

She handled the advertising run in the Opportunity Valley News for Harry’s Appliance.

It’s ironic that this week Harry’s Appliance, which started April 21, marks its 57th anniversary.

She and Harry had three children together and even though the marriage ended many years ago Harry always had kind words to say about Delores.

I’ll always remember her as a great Cowboy fan and often wrote about it.

Our condolences to her family and friends.

A memorial service will be held at a later date.

May she rest in peace.

Please see obituary.


10 Years Ago-2010

Congrats to our longtime friend, Lester “Buckshot” Winfree, our “Person of the Year.” *****After Mark Dunn puts this special issue to bed, he will attend the Texas Historical Commission’s annual Historic Preservation Conference in Houston.

On Thursday Mark, a member of the Orange County Historical Commission, will accept an award presented to Orange County by the state.


Howard and Elizabeth Williams will attend the Friday and Saturday sessions.

On Saturday, Mark will be a featured speaker on threatened landmarks; historic bridges of Texas.

Mark is also president of the Bridge City Citizens for Historic Preservation and president of the newly formed Bridge City Museum.

He was very instrumental in the Cow Bayou swing bridge being nominated to the National Register of Historical Places.*****Speaking of the swing bridge, after it was completed in 1940, the Dupuis brothers opened a service station at the foot of the bridge.

That station, 79 years later, is still in operation.

***** Thursday is the big day in the NFL and a big day for Orange’s Earl Thomas and Dion Beasley.

Earl is expected to be drafted in the first 20 choices.

Beasley, I believe, is a real sleeper.

Whoever gets him will get a bargain.

He’s still one of the best high school players at WO-S that I’ve ever watched.*****A big, big showing at the Boston Marathon for LC-M/Lamar running star Drew Bean.

He came in 62nd overall.

Think about that; 62nd with 26,000 runners from around the world.

Drew came in second among all Texas runners.

Congrats.***** Sharon Osbourne is going to remove and donate her breast implants to husband Ozzy to be used as paper weights.*****Texas leads country in work related deaths. Over 5000 workers are killed and many others injured in the country each year.

I believe the escalation has come about in the last 20 years because so many job sites today are not using skilledunion labor.

Construction workers are being hired off of street corners to work as pipefitters, ironworkers, boilermakers, etc.

Union workers have always put safety first; it’s their training.***** Special folks celebrating birthdays this week; One of Bridge City’s favorite school teachers, lovely Beverly Raymer, who will be retiring soon, celebrated on Tuesday.***Rev. Paul Zoch, a great guy, celebrates another one.***Celebrating also Marriet Litton and Gus Harris.***Joy Dubose Simonton’s oldest, Christian, celebrates this week.

He’s Joyce and John Dubose’s oldest teenage grandson.

The other rascal is Johnny’s boy Logan.***** This week Harry’s Appliance celebrates 47 years in business.

Congratulations to our longtime friends, Harry and Margie.

You can’t go wrong when you trade with Harry.

Always hometown service, low prices and free delivery.

Harry’s is always about service first.


Obituaries 10 Years Ago-2010

Mary Alice Dickens Ellis, 83, of Bridge City, died Tuesday, April 13. Funeral services were Friday, April 16. She was a retired school teacher from Hatton Elementary in Bridge City Independent School District. She is survived by her daughter, Peggy Ellis Sykes; son Ronald Ellis; daughter Linda Nugent and four grandchildren.*****Freeman E. “Moose” Peart, 79, of Bridge City, died Thursday, April 15. 2010, in his home.

A memorial gathering was held Saturday, April 24.

He worked as a pipefitter for Local Pipefitter 195.

Freeman is survived by his sons Freeman Thomas, John Robert and Douglas Wayne; six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.*****Billy Ralph LeBlanc, 55, of Orange, died Thursday, April 15.

Funeral services were Monday,, April 19.

Billy worked for the Orange Fire Department for 26 years and volunteered for the Little Cypress Fire Department.

He worked for the Orange County Ambulance for 25 years and was a Reserve Deputy for the Orange County Sheriff Department for six years.

Billy is survived by his wife of 32 years, Kathleen (Kathy) LeBlanc; six children, Brian Thomas LeBlanc, Victoria Lynn LeBlanc, Stephen Christopher LeBlanc, John (Jacob) LeBlanc, Zoey Nicole LeBlanc and Zackary Taylor LeBlanc; grand daughter, Alexis Lynn LeBlanc.

15 Years Ago-2005

The cities of Bridge City, Pinehurst, West Orange and Orange adopt a juvenile curfew ordinance.

Curfew hours are in effect from 11 p.m.-6 a.m.

Sunday through Thursday and midnight-6 a.m.

Friday and Saturday.*****Darrell Stevens, Bridge City baseball player, signs a letter of intent to play baseball for the McNeese State Cowboys.

In attendance for the signing were his parents Max and Tammy Stevens, coach Billy Bryant and athletic director Claude Traver.*****Former West Orange-Stark coach Steve McCarty has announced his resignation after 15 years as athletic director at Stephen F. Austin.

McCarty, age 62, brought coach Dan Ray Hooks to WO-S as an assistant.*****Bridge City tennis star, Kody Duplechin, is headed to regional’s, after winning district.*****John Patterson, our Orange County baseball star in the majors, had a great outing and win for the Washington Nationals on Saturday.*****The BC Cardinal track team took the first place trophy in the district 24-3A track and field championships held at Larry Ward Stadium.

Bridge City edged out West Orange-Stark, 164 to 158 points.

BC’s Aaron Brannen, won the .3200 meter in 9:51.12, finishing second and third were team mates Brad Mason and Randy Becker.

Brannen took the 1600-meter in 4:26.72 with Mason and Becker coming in second and third.

Mason won the 800 meters in 2:00.49 and teammates Jacob Peart and Brad Heath finished second and third.

Sam Elmore won the discus with a distance of 135.6.

Cody Sparks won district in both the 110 meter hurdles at 15:14 and the 300 meter hurdles at 15:14 and the 300 meter hurdles in 40:10.*****Bridge City pitching ace, Kevin Angelle, smoked Hardin-Jefferson with 15 strike outs to beat H.J. 8-0, allowing no hits at the plate.

Ben Myers, Hunter Hayes and Kirk Vincent tallied for the runs batted in.

45 Years Ago-1975

Services were held last week for Judge Frank “Dub” Hustmyre.*****Dr.

Joe Majors was up at daylight Sunday pulling a Roy Dunn wisdom tooth.

Roy said he never saw day take so long coming.

He woke the good doctor up at the first crack of daylight.*****Legal secretaries chose Marlin Thompson “Boss of the Year.”Zora Beth Lindey, “Secretary of the Year,”Billie Ewing was installed as president.

Other officers are Betty Baker, Mickey Litton, Dorthea Sutton and Marilyn Vaughn.*****Charlie Wickersham buys Roy Butler’s interest in Butler-Baker Pontiac.

Houston Baker will still retain interest and continue to run the dealership.

(Editor’s note: Best I recall, that marriage didn’t last long.)*****New Stephen’s Buick dealership building to be opened on I-10.

Steve has been in the car business 25 years.*****The Dunn’s venture to Arlington this past weekend to watch son Mark, a middle linebacker on the UTA football team, play in the annual Blue and White spring game.

Next week they will watch Lanston Fall, another Bridge City High product, play in Lamar’s spring game.

The running back has been moved to defensive end.*****Tommy Gunn, son of Mary Lou and Donald Gunn, received several awards at Baylor’s annual law day banquet.

Gunn received the Peeler Williams and C.A. Lupton tuition scholarships.

He was recently named to Omicron Delta Kappa fraternity, whose membership is restricted to two percent of student enrollment at Baylor.

(Editor’s note: Tommy is still an active practicing attorney in Orange.

*****Would you believe that 75 years ago on April 26 Anna Belle Hebert Rost and Roy Dunn made their First Communion together in Abbeville.

They were boy and girl partners in the Catholic Communion march.

(Editor’s note: They both live in Orange County and see each other from time to time.)*****Bridge City holds Distributive Education Student Employee banquet.

The Opportunity Valley News D.E. student is Debbie McCardle, who has been with the OVN over a year.

Rusty Wilson is the D.E. administrator.

(Editor’s note: For the last 44 years, Debbie has been Mrs. David Fusilier.


A few folks we know celebrating birthdays.

On April 16, Kirby Ridley Cruse celebrates a birthday.

I remember her fourth one.

A lot of water has run under the bridge since then.***Also celebrating on this day is Sandra “Sandi” Lamont, our buddy who sees that all the good people in McLewis and Mauriceville get The Record on Wednesday.*****Former Chief Deputy Sheriff David Bailey will be a year older on April 19.*****Longtime friend Bill Nickum celebrates on April 20.

This great guy has been Mr. Bridge City for a long time.

I’m proud to call him friend.***Also celebrating on April 20 is former teacher, Ms.

Pearl’s youngest, Beverly Raymer.

I haven’t heard from her or Jody in awhile.

Please see complete birthday list below.*****Donna Scales is sure proud of her daughter, Jackie.

She was chosen “Teacher of the Year” for Memorial High school Goose Creek ISD.

This is the second school district that she has been awarded this honor.

Her first was in Sugarland*****Thursday I heard Sean Hannity say that the democrats were using the pandemic for political reasons.

I swear I can’t find evidence of that.

Here’s what I do have evidence of, Trump and his Task Force are using the virus to raise money.

Like many of you, I received a letter from Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, asking me to send a contribution of $35, $50, $100, $250, $500 or even $1,000.

In the return envelope, along with that letter, on a separate mail out, came President Trump’s Conoravirus Guidelines.

The two traveled together on tax-payer postage.

Before this mailing, Trump’s report showed he has $237 million in campaign funds and this new gimmick will raise him millions more.

Who is using the pandemic for politics? Hannity also unveiled a new Trump political ad that attempts to tie Biden to China’s president, Xi Jinping, in an attempt to distance himself from Russia’s Putin, which is also political.


On April 15, Shani Lawson, Jaclyn Eickenhorst, Patrick Cooks all celebrate.*****April 16, Chuck Sterling, Kirby Cruse, Quentin Billeaud and Judy Pittman are a year older.*****On April 17, Janice Todora, Kaylie Byrd, Katelynn Haynes and Cheryl Puntes have birthdays.*****April 18, celebrating today are Megan Waguespack, Grant Mott and Emily Gilson.*****April 19, David Bailey, Jamie Moore, Barbara Sarver, Dustin Gibbs, Mandi Nugent, Cheryl Patterson and Maurelle McDonald all celebrate birthdays.*****April 20, Theresa Lieby, Dr.

Wilbur Hah, Ken Brown, Belinda Norman are a year older.*****April 21, Courtney Williams, Dana Hill, James Corley and James Boehm all celebrate today.


On April 15 Country music singer Chris Stapleton turns 41, Emma Watson 30, Emma Thompson, 61.*****April 16, Patriot coach Bill Belichick, 68, actors John Cryer, 55 and Martin Lawrence, 55.*****April 17, actors Jennifer Garner, 48 and Luke Mitchell, 35.*****April 18, TV show host Conan O’Brien, 57, ventriloquist Jeff Dunham, 58 and actor James Woods, 73.*****April 19, actors James Franco, 42, Kate Hudson, 41, Ashley Judd, 52 and reality star Jesse James, 51.*****April 20, actors Shear Moore, 49, Jessica Lange, 71 and Carmen Electra, 48.*****April 21, actor James McAvoy, 41, former football player Tony Romo, 40.


Bubba Russo was a Texan who belong to dem counterfittin’ ring. Bubba him, had went on a seven-day drunk. Before he sober up, he whip himself and da gang up a batch of $12 bills. Da boys in da counterfeiter ring wonder how da hell dey gonna get rid of dem $12 bills.

One of dem fellows say, “I know me, les take a run to Sou’h Louisiana and pawn des $12 bills off on dem Cajuns. Dey won’t no any better dem.

So dey brought deyselves to Kaplan and stop at da Crossroads Grocery, operated by Placide Arceneaux. “Could you give me change for a $12 bill please,” one of dem Texan say, very sly.

Arceneaux him, scratch his head, look in his cash register and say, “Mais for sure, how you want dat, tree fours, four trees, or two sixes.”


In April of 1960, The Penny Record Newspaper started serving 1,000 residents living in the Bridge City and Orangefield communities.

The paper grew up with them.

Over the years, the citizens looked forward to the publication that they called their hometown newspaper.

Many publications have come and gone but The Record has grown and now includes a sister paper, The County Together the two papers are read by more Orange Countians than all other publications combined.

The Record papers have more reach into homes than any combination of print, radio and television.

We do a good job of total reach for our advertisers, at a reasonable cost.

Thanks to our family of advertisers who sponsor this great community paper each week.

We can’t thank them enough. They bring a paper to your door, wrapped in plastic, to you free.

Can’t beat that kind of deal.*****My time is up.

Remember for everyone’s sake, stay in and stay clean.

Take Care and God bless.


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