Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Switching gears 

Pics: Hunters wanting to keep their dogs in tune should be careful of the heat and concentrate training during early morning and late evenings.

Switching gears 

        I know it's tough to even imagine it, especially when the mercury is

threatening to burst out the top of the thermometer, but hunting season is right

around the corner. In just about 50 days everything gets kicked off so hunters are now seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.  For the

fishermen it's just now getting right on Sabine lake, the trout and redfish are doing their typical summer shuffle in the middle of the day all over the open lake. Shad, shrimp, and mullet are looking for places to hide as the clock starts to tick around lunch time. The lake gets slick and the fish are easy to spot once they really get wound up, it is the prelude to the much anticipated

fall months that all Sabine lake regulars look forward to.

        Hunters on the other hand have a little time to go before they take up the challenges of another season. Already you can start to see the bowhunters beginning to move around. In a few weeks Precision Archery in Bridge City will be hopping as hunters try to get a jump on the archery only season. It is well worth the time and effort to start preparing early, there is nothing worse than to not be ready when opening day rolls around. Get your bow out and start shooting

soon, everybody can use the practice. This is the perfect time to get all those little things fixed and put in working order, new arrows, broadheads, strings, or whatever else you need to be ready. Spend some time now while you have time.

        Waterfowl hunters are quietly rejoicing at the beautiful lush marshes that came compliments of early season rains. By the looks of things it appears that the habitat for holding ducks is head and shoulders above what it was last year. In the past few seasons most of the ducks that came into our area never stayed for any length of time due to poor forage and high salt content in the marshes, as of right now that does not appear to be a problem. Only time will tell if the

good fortune persists. Most duck and goose hunters are already starting to exercise their dogs, daily walks and general obedience training are great ways to start off. Remember the heat is really tough on dogs so be careful not to

over do anything, slow steady increases in activity will pay big dividends during the season.

        The dogs are not the only ones who need a little workout, hunters must start getting themselves in shape as well. Physical shape is a must, be ready for the rigors of the hunting season so you can enjoy it instead of working at it. Another type of shape that is just as important is shooting shape. Get out to the local gun range and shoot, then shoot some more. Practice with sporting clays for waterfowlers is the best way to insure a more productive season. 

Most hunters wait until the very last minute to do any pre-hunt shooting, opening morning is not the time to be working on your technique or follow through. Rifle hunters can take some time to check out their weapons as well, by becoming

comfortable with your firearm again you can really put some odds in your favor.

        The countdown has begun and the great days of fall and winter are not nearly as far off as they seem right now. Take this time to get yourself ready for the upcoming hunting season and be sure not to miss out on any of the good fishing that is sure to be in store for us. We still have plenty of heat left to get through, but the good stuff is getting closer by the day.


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