Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


Our tax assessor and friend Karen Fisher underwent heart surgery Tuesday morning to repair a valve in her heart. She feared the procedure done at Baptist Hospital in Beaumont would include having to crack her chest. The doctors were able to make the repair by going through her groin. She was out of surgery by 9:00 A.M. and in recovery. Her husband was able to visit with her later. By afternoon she was resting well. Karen is expected to be out from work for about three weeks. What a great lady. We’re glad for her that all went well.*****I never would have dreamed that after not being an at home husband for over 65 years, I could stay locked in for going on three months. I can’t wait to get on the road again making memories with my friends. Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


President Donald Trump’s main concern about his re-election is to run out the clock on time limits for prosecution. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. suggested Monday that an investigation into President Trump ranges far beyond disguised payments to alleged mistresses prior to the 2016 election. As part of a continuing fight to obtain eight years of Trump’s personal and business tax records, Vance’s prosecutors asserted in court documents Monday that their grand jury subpoena was issued at a time when the Trump organization was at the center of “allegations of possible criminal activity dating back over a decade, not payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who claimed affairs with Trump before he was elected.” The battle for Trump’s tax returns and financial records has raged on since the Supreme Court ruled last month that the president lacks immunity from criminal investigation, paving the way for Vance to resume an effort to obtain the documents. Carey Dunne, general counsel for the Manhattan DA’s office noted that the subject of the investigation, Trump Organization, is based in New York City. Since the Supreme Court decision, the fight has moved to a New York federal district court.


There are two games going on in Trump’s re-election campaign. The team running the campaign wants to highlight accomplishments and focus on a platform in the second term. They are being rebuffed by FOX hosts Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. A couple of weeks ago, Sean said, “In the last 100 days we are going to run an earth scorching campaign against Joe. We’ll dig up 50 years of voting records, we won’t leave a stone unturned.” I figure what we will see is more of the same on Biden’s adult son Hunter, Burisma, probably more on China and tying Joe to some Obama policies. Both of the FOX News host are attempting to throw Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner under the bus, claiming he has been giving Trump bad advice. The AP reports the Trump campaign has spent $6.5 million to air the “Biden is slipping” ad. Since then polls show that 52.7% of voters believe Biden is mentally and physically prepared to be president versus 43% for Trump. A Biden spokesman said, “I think Trump at 35 was unfit to be president and he’s 74 now and even more unfit. Biden was writing laws when he was in his twenties.” What I believe will backfire on the Trump bunch is that they have heightened expectations for Trump’s debate performances while lowering the bar for Biden’s performance. On substance Biden is far more astute. He has served in every committee in the senate and was chairman of several. Biden is considered an expert in foreign affairs. Trump’s stabbing to paint Biden mentally unfit will backfire on the debate stage because it will be Biden’s knowledge against Trump’s showmanship. At other times, being a clown might have worked for Trump but not this time. The country is in a crisis, citizens are suffering and dying. They are in no mood for loud lip service. Voters are looking for real leadership. Biden will win debates on personal qualities like trustworthiness. Remember Trump literally suggested Americans inject disinfectants to cure Covid-19. Joe won’t let him run from that. My bet is that Joe wins all three debates.


10 Years Ago-2010

Friday, Aug. 6, found real estate magnate “Sleepy” Smith on a big ship pulling up to the dock in Alaska. It was his birthday and he planned to make it a big day. He and his traveling buddy Stevie Ray were going down for breakfast, then a seven-hour train ride through Alaska. Friday evening they would celebrate Sleepy’s birthday in a large restaurant. Sleepy wanted us to contact Cochise to wire him some money. He hadn’t figured on drinks costing $8 each. Alaska had been a longtime dream so he chose his birthday for the trip. His contact to meet with Sarah Palin was Levi Johnson but he had flown the coupe for California so Sleepy had to settle for a couple of Eskimo gals. *****Saturday night found a few natives dining at Delta Downs’ buffet. George Navarro, wife and friends, Harry and Margie Stephens, Yank Peveto, Roy and Phyllis Dunn were spotted visiting with Lafayette friends Richard and Jo Douglas. Also, Gerald Arrington and Kyle Dixon, who put a hurt on the snow crabs served on the buffet. Roy says the okra and seafood gumbo was the best he’s eaten since his grandma’s special okra brew. *****Resident Record poet Pearl Burgess, with daughter and son-in-law, Beverly and Jody Raymer, were spotted dining at Tuffy’s Friday night. The restaurant had a capacity crowd, with a 30-minute wait. *****Gene Smith attended the Wednesday Lunch Bunch gathering at Robert’s.*****On Friday, Aug. 13, former Bridge City resident Crystal Bryce Clemmons will receive her bachelor of science degree in geography, with a minor in political science from Texas State in San Marcos. Crystal is the daughter of Phyllis Fukuda and Doyle Clemmons, both now living in Houston. *****A few friends having birthdays this coming week are Monty Eshbach, Miss Dot’s little boy*** Kristie Gunn, Chris and pretty Cindy’s young daughter.***Charlotte Conn, who has a thousand J.K. Conn stories, celebrates another one. *** Bill Triggs and Nancy Finchum are a year older***One of the coolest guys I’ve ever known, Henry Bland, celebrates this week. ***Judge Joe Parkhurst celebrates this week. *****I read with interest about the wreck of Nov. 8, 1954, written by Edith Pratt in last week’s issue. The story, with pictures, was well documented. I remember it like it was yesterday. When the news media mistakenly announced to Edith’s mother that her daughter had been killed, it was discovered she had loaned her jacket to Joyce Scott, 16, with had Edith’s identification in it. That led officers to believe it was Edith’s body. The death of Scott was a shock to her parents also, who believe she was asleep in her room. One survivor, Allen Peltier, was Roy’s roommate in a Port Arthur boarding house. He hung onto life and stayed in the hospital for several months. He went back to Abbeville and married Deanna Boudion, raised a family, retired. (Editor’s note: Roy’s classmate died several years ago.) Charles Brevell, another survivor, was in the hospital for a week. He is married and owns Brevell’s Barber Shop in Port Arthur. Two other Orange girls were killed in the accident, Janelle Tucker and Norma Jackson. All were members of the Bengal Guards with Edith. In all, six young adults were killed, four in the front seat and two sailors in the oncoming car. The sailors had just arrived on leave and were on their way home. The crash caused Broussard’s Curve on Texas 69 to be straightened. It had been the scene of several wrecks.

45 Years Ago-1975

Myra Forse is in Park Place Hospital where she had surgery. *****Linda, Earl Wright’s, wife had open-heart surgery Thursday at Methodist in Houston. *****Traci Taylor returns from a month long trip to Tennessee. *****Ed Clark leaves Orange Bank for greener pastures. *****Sharon Bearden, district attorney, is on vacation. *****The chief chef in charge at Sabine Yacht Basin is John Wade. *****Dan Green and his buddy Don Jacobs are both reporter-photo gophers for the Beaumont Enterprise. They replace each other on the police beat. Good thing it wouldn’t do to have them two working together. Dan is also the husband of new reporter Louise Green. *****Perry LaPointe, formerly from Orange, is featured on the Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport where he now lives. *****The Orange Stark Tigers will feature quarterback Graig Couvillion throwing passes to little brother Steven. *****Gasow Motors, 807 Simmons Drive, is the Fiat car dealer. John Paul Gasow operates the dealership.

95 Years Ago-1925

Orangefield is leading the Gulf Coast in oil production, with 20,000 barrels daily. A new gusher, at 4,700 feet, and several others at that depth, are being drilled and should increase production drastically. The Orangefield School is again being moved to make way for oil drilling rigs. *****Henry Ford, the automobile wizard, came to Orange and acquired nine steel hull steamships held in storage here. The ships are called Lake BenBo, Berdan, Callicon, Dyner, Lasang, Fossil, Fran Concia, Frio and Granley. *****W.E. Lea has negotiated the agreement between Texas and Louisiana for the construction of the Sabine Bridge here. Bill has returned from law school in Lebanon, Tennessee. (Editor’s note: I believe there were five Lea boys. Three were lawyers, Bill, Hugh and Dick, who I believe is the only survivor. Their dad was mayor of Orange and put the deal together to get the Rainbow Bridge built. The Lea boys attended the bridge’s 50th anniversary celebration.


In the month of July more Texans died of Covid-19 than in any other state. Two of those virus deaths were Orangefield’s Pentecostal Church Pastor Jeffrey Sanders and his wife of 38 years Valerie. They were both only 57 years old. He died on July 25 and she passed away two days later. Services were held August 4. *****Many more people will die from coronavirus. New evidence suggest that the virus could cause long lasting heart damage and other harmful side effects.*****As I sit here on Tuesday, May 4, I realize today marks two months since my friend Neighbor Cox left us. Every evening I still expect a call from him. For years he let me know when he was getting ready to turn in. I’ll be a long time getting over his passing. *****Speaking of old folks, I checked on Nova Dee Strickland who is having a lot of bone problems. She said even though her girls rub her down the hurt in her shoulder is almost unbearable. She won’t get to see a bone doctor until Aug. 11. *****I also touched base with Cherry and Cedric Stout, who is 98. Both are hunkered down and doing pretty good, no major ailments to talk of. *****A few folks we know who will be celebrating in the next few days. One of the good guys, Dr. Mike Shahan, who guided Lamar Orange through some productive years, celebrates a birthday Aug. 5.***Another great man born on this day was the first man to walk on the moon Neil Armstrong, born in 1930.*****Everyone’s friend, Sleepy Smith celebrates Aug. 6. I’m not sure if it’s 86 or 87. You can read more about Sleep’s birthday Alaskan trip in 10 Years Ago. *****Two great guys I know celebrating on Aug. 9. Judge Dennis Powell, retiring at the end of the year and moving to the hill country as district judge has served us well. He is a good Christian man. We wish he and his family’s dreams all come true. ***This next guy will do to go to the matt with. Coach Dwight Thacker is one of those guys that if you didn’t like him you wouldn’t like anyone. He’s accomplished more with his one hand than most folks can do with three hands. He’s from Nederland but Bridge City adopted him many years ago. *****Aug. 10, would have been our good friend Judge Joe Parkhurst’s birthday. I just wanted to remember this great guy who left a lot of friends.*****The old train engineer, the Arkansas plow boy, my buddy and a great guy, William Bill Smith, celebrates his 90th on Aug. 11. Best wishes. *****Belated Happy Birthday to a kid I knew as a teenager. On July 30, Danny Stevens turned 71. Danny’s dad, James “Steve” Stevens, would have been 95 on Aug. 3. He died 15 years ago. What a great guy. It’s hard to believe all those youngsters, Steve Worster, Darrel Segura, Alice Hartsfield, Jerry Burd, etc, who were around when Bridge City won the state championship in 1966, are now in their 70’s. Please see complete birthday list.*****Polls in Texas find V.P. Joe Biden leading in the Dallas Morning News poll by 5 percent. Other Texas polls show Biden’s lead is in the margin of error by 1 percent to 2 percent. Trump carried the state by 9 percent over Hillary Clinton.*****In the next couple of years you will notice more two-tone new vehicles. Today three in every four cars are white, silver, gray or black. That might be coming to an end as two-tone paint options will take us back to the 1950’s. Remember you heard it in The Creaux’s Nest.*****Now we know why Senator John Cornyn was concerned about his re-election before he knew who his opponent was. What we know now is that his poll numbers are underwater at 46 percent. Anytime an incumbent is under 50 percent he has reason for concern. He has to find voters he doesn’t now have. He was betting that M.J. Hager would beat State Senator West, a Black man. That’s why Cornyn walked in the “Black Lives Matter” march in Beaumont and introduced a bill to make Juneteen a national holiday. Cornyn won’t have the advantage of straight party voting that has been done away with. Trump, at the head of the ticket, won’t be any help. He might even hurt. Cornyn is polling better in Texas, than Trump and about 8 points ahead of Hager. Her big state blowout will start on Labor Day. She will have plenty of money to make a good short run.. She has a good story to tell. Cornyn should win if Trump doesn’t take him down with him.


Celebrating birthdays in the next few days are Katelyn Defrates, Garhett Bonneaux, John Holm, Mike Preston, Randy Hickox, Sonya Villanoueva, Anita Decker, Gladys Ousley, Clare Calahan, Rodney Hanks, Don Lyons, Katie Allen, Fred Brent, Jim Finklea, Billie Carter, Paige White, Jada Montagne, Edie Anthony, Joe Allen, Max Powell, Timmy Bryd, Bill Loyd, Louise Kent, morgan Taylor and Deborah Bayliss.


Joe Arceneaux and Clovis Fontenot was working at da Fruit of De Lume factory in St. Martinville when it shut down. Dey went to da unemployment in Lafayette together. Arceneaux went in to meet with da unemployment office first. Da man axe him wat his occupation was. Arceneaux answer “Me, I’m a panty stitcher, I sew da elastic onto da ladies cotton panties.”

Da clerk looked up panty stitcher. Finding it classified as unskilled labor and gave Arceneaux $300 a week in unemployment compensation.

Arceneaux say, “Tank you.” And sent Fontenot in to see da man.

He axe Fontenot wat his occupation was. Fontenot answer, “Me, I’m a diesel fitter.”

Da clerk looked up diesel fitter and it was classified as a skilled job. He gave Fontenot $600 a week in compensation.

Fontenot said, “Tank you,” and went and tol his friend Arceneaux his good fortune.

Boy, dat made Arceneaux some mad. He storm back in dat office and axe dat clerk why Fontenot was getting double his benefits. Da clerk him explain, “Panty stitchers are unskilled labor and diesel fitters are skilled labor.”

Arceneaux yelled, “Wat skill? Me I sew da elastic on dem panties. Fontenot him puts dem on his head and says, Yeah, DISAL FITTER.”


Virus surpasses Deaths from Wars

The national death total from COVID-19, which was avoidable with a national alert program, to date has risen to 157,000 and is expected to go much higher. Experts agree that the coronavirus death toll is likely being under counted, meaning the number of cases and deaths is higher than reported. More Americans have died from coronavirus than did in battle throughout several major military conflicts in American history. The human cost of the pandemic is more severe than all other 188 countries affected with the virus with no end in sight. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, 53,402 Americans died in combat during World War I, 33,739 during the Korean War, and 47,434 during the Vietnam War. These statistics match records from the Defense Manpower Data Center inside the Department of Defense. The Department states 3,528 military personnel were killed in action during United States operations in Iraq from 2003 to 2011. The DOD also reports that 1,833 troops were killed in action in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. The United States maintains military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, which may mean there are further causalities not included in the DOD’s official numbers for operations in those countries.*****My time is up. Thanks for yours. Please follow the rules, wear mask, practice distancing and wash your hands. Take care and God bless.


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