Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

We've Got Spirit... How About You?

We are proud to welcome Maddy Smith as a columnist for The Record. Maddy is a student at Orangefield High School. She is a talented young writer whose columns offer unique insights from the perspective of a local high school student. Intended primarily for young people, all of The Record readers are welcome to enjoy our columns by Maddy Smith.

Football season is coming very soon! This means people are scrambling to buy tickets and make sure they have plenty of spirit clothing, accessories, and items to show their support. However this can also be a very stressful time for the players in high school that are hoping to make football their life and job.

Whether you are going to support your high school football team, you are going to support your favorite NFL football team, or both, you always want to make sure you look the part. This cannot only be achieved by wearing spirit shirts and accessories but also by having the enthusiasm and passion for the team you are supporting. As a freshman in high school that has previously gone to a private school, I am looking forward to all the football games. The high school football season is not just exciting to me but to parents, teachers, and students everywhere. Parents can go watch their child play hard in a game that they are very passionate about. Teachers get to watch their students who are probably not so full of life in the classroom but a completely different person on the field. And students get to support all their friends while hanging out with their friends in the stands. It's a time for everybody to come together, eat nachos and hot dogs every night, and have a great time with their friends.

If you are a football player, however, the upcoming football season can be very scary. Sometimes, people play because they enjoy the game but others do it because they want to make football their life and job. College scouts come out to games to decide if they think you would be an asset to their team and recruit you. This puts a lot of pressure on the football players. Football work very hard to impress the recruiters. Their determination is respectable. The amount of hours they practice, workout, and mentally prepare themselves while also going to school is incredible. This year could be different with the global pandemic that is circulating. When going to any sports game, the supporters especially, need to be cautious and stay safe. If you are worried that you may get sick at the game or be around someone that is sick then do not go. It is better to be safe than sorry. Make sure you wear gloves, a mask, and bring hand sanitizer to wash your hands. Do it not only for you, but for your children or friend who plays football. If someone gets sick and was at the football game, they will most likely not continue with the season. This can affect many people on the team just like it did the baseball and softball players back in March and April. Being a supporter also means that we make sacrifices. If that sacrifice is to not come to your games so the season is not cancelled and you can get recruited by a college team then we will do it.

Athletes work too hard just for their season to be cancelled. We need to take the extra step and be cautious when going to games. Remember to have fun on the field and parents and friends have fun in the stands. Continue to stay strong and be safe.


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