Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


Like many of you I'm sure I'm storm weary. Storm fatigue is a common theme along the Gulf Coast after a season in which 10 storms made landfall on U.S. soil, breaking a century old record. One word to describe this season is historic. AccuWeather senior Meteorologist Mike Doll said, "You just don't see storms roll in like this." There is some good news however; a cold wave could sweep through late next week. Air in the Gulf should stabilize and depress any developing storm activity. That would spin the calendar into mid to late October. The official end of the season in Nov. 30, but late season storms are rare. Last week Delta gained strength as it churned across the Gulf making landfall in Creole, LA. The storm didn't bring the damage Laura did. For areas still recovering from Laura, Lake Charles and surrounding parishes, it was devastating. It was a second glancing blow for Orange County. Twice we have dodged the heart of the storm but we were still left with considerable damage. Many roof repairs and just as bad, the loss of electric power. Laura kept me from home ten days, now Delta left me without power. I witnessed a display of fireworks that started with a few sparks and soon developed into a full display of fire racing down the wires. The sparks made it into trees, catching a large limb on fire. If not for the rain it could have taken the forest over. I had never seen such a display. The downside is only three houses in the neighborhood were affected so here I sit with no way to finish this column or send it. I'm long handing it in hopes I can get it typed and sent before deadline. I had predicted a busy storm season but nothing like this. I'm ready for a nine-month break before we welcome the new season. I don't know how many more of these I can take or the community can stand. *****I have to move on. Come along, I premise it won't do you no harm.


The time to choose our president has arrived. Early voting began Tuesday and continues until Oct. 30 and the General Election is on Nov. 3. The past four years have been long and chaotic. It seemed each day or at least once a week, our president showed little respect for the rule of law. From day one Donald J. Trump, a newcomer, an outsider, with no government experience, assumed the posture that "I along can do it," and cast aside valuable advice. To many who supported him, Donald Trump has been a big disappointment. His handling of the coronavirus has so far led to 218,486 deaths and 7.9 million cases in the United States that with proper leadership was mostly avoidable. Instead, Trump zeroed in on his own ambition to get re-elected. By now most voters are aware of the many disasters Trump brought to the presidency. One in which the country is more deeply divided than any other time in our history since the Civil War. Trump has coddled militia and white supremacist groups to build his base of support. He makes racist comments that give them unprecedented support and allows them to take the law in their own hands with the comfort that they have the president's blessing. Four more years of Trump would lead to further disarray and a divided nation with the extremist gaining irrevocable power. That is a fear but just one of several. There is Trump's affiliation with Russia's Putin, who is more than an adversary. Russia is a deep routed enemy of the United States, but Putin seems to have an unbreakable hold on the U.S. president. How he obtained that hold is unknown to anyone but the two people involved. Trump was helped in his election in 2016, and Russia is fully involved in his 2020 re-election. The Russian government undoubtedly has plenty to do with the egging on of the militia groups in an attempt to weaken democracy and cause chaos that would lead to civil war spilling out on the streets. The most dangerous aspect of Trump's re-election would be a near dictatorship hold on the country. Think about it, he would never again need anyone's vote, he would not need the congress or the senate, he would rule by executive order. He would not need the senate to confirm appointments; he would appoint them as acting directors, avoiding conformation. He already controls the Justice Department with the attorney general in his pocket. With the FBI director, CIA director, the head of Homeland Security, the Port Office and now a six to three Supreme Court, gives him complete control of the country with the exception of one safeguard, the Pentagon. If he would get control of the military no telling which direction down the dirt road he could take the country with Putin waiting in the shadows. Never in my lifetime has the country been so close to establishing a true dictatorship. Trump has shown that our constitution and democracy means less to him than any president before him so here we are 20,000 lies later. It's time to retire him while we can still get the country back on an even keel. Trump was given a chance and he failed. He hasn't earned a second chance to continue his policies. All major newspapers in Texas warn about his re-election, and strongly endorse V.P. Joe Biden, who brings experience and qualifications to the office.


10 Years Ago-2010

Russell Dillow, new owner of the Orange Sears store, is holding a big grand opening this Saturday, Oct. 16. Bargains throughout the store with an additional 10 percent off on great Sears items from lawn equipment to appliances and small ticket items. Russell invites everyone to come visit and check out the store improvements and bargains. *****We received a pleasant surprise last week when our sweetheart Dot Esbach came by for a visit. We don't see her much, not as often as we did when we were located at the Creaux's Nest in Bridge City. We got caught up on all the happenings. Dot also brought us a copy of the 1955 "Bi-City Banter" published in Bridge City at the time. Interesting reading. Dot misses her world traveling buddy Marie, who died a couple of years ago. (Editor's note: Dot also left us a few years ago.)*****Speaking of traveling, Patsy Peck hosted a trip to Boston, Mass. through her company Traverus. The folks returned Sunday and all raved about the trip, the historical sites seen, the visit to the bar Cheers, the good weather and how well Patsy had organized the tour. Those attending were Vera Milne, Jo Ann Riggs, Mary Lobb, Jenny Stark, Chandra Best, Carol Cash, Rebecca Flickinger, Louis and Carolyn Jeanis, Phyllis Stephenson, Linda McFadden, Sharon Davis, Ellen Ray, Janice Odell, Glenda Mello, Pat Richard, Johnnie "Jeff" Hattman, who is in her mid-80's but didn't let that stop her. She just turned up the volume on her pacemaker. Also attending were Betty Harmon, who while away, got a call from Corky wanting to know where the can opener was. He also ruined the microwave. Gisela Houseman, who first flew to Chicago and New York and met up with the gals in Boston and Karen Jo and Robert Vance who celebrated their wedding anniversary in Boston. I believe it was their 36th.*****Some special folks celebrating birthdays this week. Our buddy Harry Stephens, who married child bride Margie, will notch another year Oct. 14. ***Judge Carl Thibodeaux, who just returned from a Catholic retreat, celebrates on Oct. 15. It won't be as big a party as last year when he was roasted at a Bridge City Chamber event.***Johnny Dubose and his sister Joy Dubose Simonton, both celebrate their special day this week. ***Also Sue Collins. What a gal. *****Another year older is Dr. Wesley Palmer, Bob Puntes and Jason Yeamen, also our good buddies Darrell Segura and Curney Lormand.***Jerry Hughes celebrated Monday, Columbus Day. No, he didn't come with Columbus, he arrived shortly afterwards. ***** The Veteran's Memorial Park near the Neches River is being turned over to Jefferson County. That is a good thing. The park was put together by our late friend W.T. Oliver and a host of vets, who put a lot of hard work into building it, now they are up in age or gone. The county will keep it up. ***** A whole bunch of good ole' Catholic boys attended a retreat in Beaumont. Judge Pat got to meet and share time with Larry Judice and his uncle, Jivin' Gene Bourgeois. I'm surprised he hadn't met them before. I believe Judge Thibodeaux was on the panel also. All great folks.


10 Years Ago-2010

Leona Alta (Greer) Lyons, 92, of Orange, died Tuesday, Oct. 5. Funeral services were held on Friday, October 8. Leona is survived by her daughter, Rosa Crownover of Orange; and son, Oscar C. "Buddy" Lyons, Jr. and his wife, Barbara of Bridge City. She is also survived by her five grandchildren; fifteen great-grandchildren and two great- great-grandchildren.*****Brenda Fay Bullock, 49, of Orange, passed away Tuesday, Oct. 5. Family and friends gathered to honor her life on Thursday, Oct. 7. Brenda worked as a security officer for the Port of Orange. She is survived by her husband, Howard Bullock; mother, Ella Collins; daughters, Kristi Metz and Amy Smith; sister, Carolyn Kirbow; brothers, Gary Thibodeaux, Joe Almaguer and Philip Almaguer and five grandchildren.***** Lena "Prissy" Tullis, 45, died Monday, Oct. 4. Memorial services were held at 2p.m. Thursday, Oct. 7. She is survived by her son Richard Whitmore; daughters Jessica Bargonetti and Pam Whitmore; mother Barbara Hardy; brother Billy McInnis; sisters Louise Womack, Martha Smith, Debra Bertrand, Sam Finn and Mary Rogers and seven grandchildren.

22 YEARS AGO-1998

It just doesn't seem to have been 22 years ago since some of the following events happened. The city of Bridge City hired a new public works director. Donald Fields reported to work Oct. 19. He and his wife Lucy have three children. Fields came to Bridge City from the city of Port Arthur where he served as administrative coordinator, street superintendent and maintenance director. Jeff Ellington, at the time, was Bridge City city manager. (Editor's note: Fields went on to serve as city manager. He has since left and was replaced by Jerry Jones. Side note wife Lucy now serves on the city council.)*****The Orange County Navigation and Port District hired a new port director. Eugene J. Bouillion Jr. reported to work Oct. 19. Board president Lester Winfree announced a reception would be held Dec. 17 for the new director in conjunction with the Port Christmas party. Bouillion replaced Roger Richard who left in January for a position at the Port of Baton Rouge. This will be Bouillion's first director position. He is a native of Crowley, La. but has spent much of his life in the Golden Triangle. He's a Notre Dame High School grad and has a bachelor's degree from the University of Southwestern. He had been with Louis Dreyfus in New Madrid, Mo. He had wanted to return down south, in the land where God put down the crawfish and Cajun cooking. He and his wife have a 21-year-old son who attends LSU and a daughter, a senior at Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School.*****Kristi Wood is Bridge City High School Homecoming Queen. Erin Sullivan is the 1998 Band Sweetheart. *****Orange County's Wes McClelland, singer, songwriter signed a recording contract. Born in 1972, he went through the West Orange school system and was a 1990 grad. He recorded three contemporary Christian songs in Nashville. With the help of his brother-in-law, attorney Alan Sanders, he negotiated a contract. One of the songs he wrote was "Cow Creek Party." (Editor's note: I wonder what became of that talented guy.)*****Maw-Maw Judice celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday, Oct. 17. ***** Clay Dugas won a $4 million lawsuit in Montgomery County. *****Constable Keith Merritt's new canine drug dog was caught stealing from the blind attendant at the courthouse concession stand.*****Orange native, A&M coach R.C. Slocum had the biggest win of his career. The Aggies beat Nebraska 28- 21. *****Bridge City's Matt Bryant scored the winning points in Baylor's 31-24 win over Kansas. Matt kicked a field goal and four extra points, the margin of victory. ***** Ken Rainwater passed away. He left behind a million Rainwater stories. Eddie Sutton was his caregiver. (Editor's note: What a twosome.)*****Johnny Dubose hit a $3,000 jackpot at the Grand Casino Coushatta while celebrating his birthday. He's the son of Bridge City mayor John Dubose.*****Bridge City football star Shane Dronett had a big day for Atlanta Falcons, causing a fumble and also recovering one. (Editor's note: Shane had a great pro career before taking his own life years ago.)*****West Orange-Stark star Kevin Smith had a good day in the 27-14 Cowboy win over the Panthers.*****Orange native Wade Phillips' Buffalo Bills beat the Colts 31- 24.*****Diana Smith Guidry, 36, lost her life in a motorcycle accident. She left behind four children, daughters Rachel and Claire and sons Charlie and Jordan. Diana was the daughter of Hubert "Snuffy" Smith and wife Rachel. She was also survived by brothers John, Kenneth and Grady. (Editor's note: Rachel's parents have since passed. She had a child that had been in a wheelchair most of his life with a crippling illness. I wonder what became of him?)*****Mike and Elicia Dillon announced the birth of their son, Jared Royce Dillon, born at 2:59 a.m., Oct. 6, in Port Arthur. He weighed seven pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. His grandparents are Jimmy and Patsy Dillon and Bonnie Turnbull.


In the past, over the years I've often called a county commissioner for information or help with a problem and told, "I'll get back with you" and never heard from them. That is not the case with Commissioner Kirk Roccaforte. He gives you an answer or says, "I'll get right back with you," and he does. Kirk has a sincere interest in all the constituents. This year there is no straight party voting so regardless of party you can vote for Kirk. He deserves your vote of confidence even without an opponent.*****A few folks I know celebrating their special day I the next few days. Oct. 14: Harry Stephens has a birthday on this day. I'm not sure of his age but he was in the Marines in 1959. He's weathered well.*****Oct. 15: Judge Carl Thibodeaux was a youngster over 45 years ago when I first met the young pharmacist. Today he is an elder statesman after serving as the longest serving county judge. These days he's Municipal Judge in West Orange, where he started his political career as its mayor. Best wishes Judge for many more healthy years.*****Oct. 16: Wayne Mulhollan celebrates a birthday on this day. *****Oct. 17: A great bunch of great folks celebrate on this day. Linda Heard, Johnny Dubose, Sue Collins, Bob Puntis and Dr. Wesley Palmer. Alan Jackson turns 62 today. *****Oct. 19: Phillip Todora celebrates a birthday today.*****Oct. 20: A beautiful woman we've known as a pup Judge Joy Dubose Simonton shares a his birthday week with brother Johnny. The two special folks are the children of Joyce and John Dubose. Also a happy birthday to Jason Yeaman and Kim Ezell.*****Judge Mary Coney Barrett is Trump's third Supreme Court nominee. The committee vote is expected around Oct. 22. It is likely to split down party lines 12-10, and then go to full senate where she will need at least a majority to be confirmed. GOP leaders have their eyes set on quickly confirming Barrett before the Nov. 3 election that could give the high court a conservative bend for decades. There is little Democrats can do to stop them. This will be the first time in United States history that a judge is appointed while the presidential election is in progress.


Birthday wishes in the coming week to John Heyduck, Ronny Arnold, Stacy Rhodes, Trey Miller, Jerry Evans, Olivia Hubbard, Becky Lafleur, Jennifer Peveto, C.J. Benoit, Sue Freeman, Kory Freeman, Allison LeBlanc, Derek Borel, Nancy Newton, Barbara Harmon, Brad Brown, Channing Larkin, Pam Bowman, David Sargent, Cheryl Royal, Lynn Bates, Mary Kendrick, Dina Defrates, Emily Hughes, Julie Prosperie, Phillip Todora, Beth Baas.


Celebrities celebrating birthdays in the coming week. October 14: R&B singer Usher, 42; Fashion designer Ralph Lauren, 81; Wrestler Stacy Keibler, 41.*****October 15: Guitarist Tito Jackson, 67; Actor Paul Logan, 47.*****October 16: Rock singer John Mayer, 43; Actors Angela Lansbury, 95 and Caterina Scorsone, 39.*****October 17: Rapper Eminem, 48; Country singer Alan Jackson, 62; MMA fighter Holly Holm, 39.*****October 18: Actors Zac Efron, 33 and Jen-Claude Van Damme, 60.*****October 19: Boxer Floyd Mayweather, Sr., 68; Actors John Lithgow, 75 and Jon Favreau, 54.***** October 20: Rapper Snoop Dogg, 49; Actors Jennifer Freeman, 35 and John Krasinski, 41.


Neighbor Cox's nephew, Ernie Cox, in Lafayette, has a neighbor named Dudley Thibodeaux, a bachelor, ladies man about town, sharp dresser, spit shine shoes and form fitting clothes. Dudley's only problem is that he suffered from migraine headaches so he went to see Dr. Bigneaux. Da doctor him, tell Dudley dat da only ting dat will cure dem migraines is castration. Poor Dudley, he say no to dat, him but his headaches continued to persist. Finally Dudley just couldn't stand da pain no more so he went back to see Dr. Bigneaux. "Doc," he say, "Me, I hate to lose my manhood but if dats da only way to get rid of these migraines, I jus got to do it I guess." Dr. Bigneaux say, "Well, castration is da only way I know me." A few weeks after da procedure, Dudley put on some clothes and go shopping at Abadalla's Men's Department Store. Da clerk told him he needed a size 36-inch waist pants. "Oh no, said Dudley, dats too loose, me I like my pants tight, tight." Da clerk him he say, "Sir, don't you know if you wear you pants too tight it will cause you to have migraine headaches." Dudley passed out him.


Militia planned to put Whitmer on trial

A team of militia operatives is charged with conspiring to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in a plot in which they considered storming the state Capitol in a commando raid that would use Molotov cocktails to keep police cars at bay, according to court records. Members of the group bought weapons, conduced surveillance and held training and planning meetings, but they were foiled in part because the FBI infiltrated the group with informants, according to a criminal complaint. Six were charged with federal kidnapping offenses, and a least seven others face state charges. Organizers of the domestic terror plot talked about "murdering tyrants" or "taking" a sitting governor, according to the affidavit. The FBI monitored a meeting June 20 in Grand Rapids, the affidavit says. Discussions included using 200 men to "storm" the Capitol building in Lansing, kidnap hostages including Whitmer and try the governor for treason. The group purchased an 800,000 volt Taser and night goggles for use in the kidnapping plot, according to court records. Members of the plot said they wanted to complete the kidnapping before the election Nov. 3, according to affidavits. More than a dozen people from several states met in Dublin, Ohio, on June 6 and talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights, in which they could be self-sufficient. After that meeting, the militia group in Michigan was contacted. Once kidnapped, Whitmer would be moved to a "secure location" in Wisconsin for trial. Plans included planting a bomb under a nearby bridge to divert law enforcement, according to the affidavit. *****My time is up. Thanks for yours. My lights came on in time for me to meet my deadline. Stay safe and God Bless.


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