Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Orangefield High School September Student Of The Month Jezlyn Matlock

The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce has announced that the September student of the month for Orangefield High School is Jezlyn Matlock. Jezlyn was presented her certificate by Ambassador, Kristen Placette, Vice President of marketing at Sabine Federal Credit Union.

Jezlyn is the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Leroy and Zena Matlock. She Ranked 1 of 119 with a GPA of 4.82.

Jezlyn’s awards and honors include:

Various Big “O” Awards

Honors English II

Health Education

Human Services

Highest Honors Award-9 th , 10 th and 11 th grade

Mariam Lutcher Stark Interpretive Reading Contest: 1 st Place April 2018

Jezlyn’s clubs and organizations include:

National Honor Society

Family Career and Community Leaders of America Member 2018-present

Meet in the Middle Member 2018-present

Sophomore Class President 2018-2019

Be the One Student Leaders 2017-present

Fellowship of Christian Athletes 2017-2018

Freshman Club Member 2017-2018

Lady Bobcat Athletics 2017-2018

Jezlyn’s community service/work experience:

Youth Music Ministry 2016 present

Puppet Shows for local Children 2014-present

Hurricane Harvey Clean-up September 2017-December 2017

Misty Bellard, Technology Teacher, said, “Jezlyn Matlock is the quiet kid in the room. She is the one always on task. She is the one always producing the best product she possibly can. She works extremely hard toward perfection and hits the mark most of the time. I taught Jezlyn in Business Information Management 1 her freshman year and was super excited to see she had signed up to take the second-year course this year. She may be quiet, but she is also very kind. She has a very bright future ahead of her.”

Kimberly Spears, Human Services Teacher, said, “She is a fantastic, a kind spirit, and a joy to have in the classroom. Her wisdom, humor, insight, honesty, and kindness will be missed tremendously.”

Simone Oregel, Math Teacher, said, “Jezlyn is a sweet hard working student. She is a pleasure to teach. I can’t wait to hear about all the great things she will do after high school!

Jezlyn plans on attending Texas A&M University to pursue a career as a physicians assistant.

Pictured left to right: Counselor Crissa Bonnin, Mother Zana Matlock, Student Jezlyn Matlock,

Ambassador Kristen Placette, Superintendent Shaun McAlphin

Photo courtesy of the Bridge City Chamber of Commerce


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