Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


"Have you no sense of decency." Those words, uttered by Army lawyer Joseph Welch to Sen. Joe McCarthy, R-Wis., during a 1954 congressional hearing, unmasked a bullying demagogue engaged in a crusade of smears and investigations that history now calls McCarthyism. And what of Trumpism? For weeks after Election Day, the defeated incumbent has spun fanciful conspiracy theories of a "rigged" and "fraudulent" election, all the while convincing tens of millions of followers that American's presidential vote was a scam. The peaceful transition of power is a signal to the world of the strength of democracy and the resilience of our republic. Congratulations to President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris.


It's not about Donald Trump anymore, he's done. He'll continue to dispute the election he soundly lost by over six million votes. Sure, he will continue his conspiracy theories that he has spread for four years. There is no doubt that he is the Master of Disinformation. He has used over 30,000 lies and could be listed as Guinness' World Record All Time Liar, no world leader even comes close. He is now making threats of being a candidate in 2024. Don't buy that, more hog wash. After all but 20% of his Bubbas reflect on the last four years he won't be able to get elected dog catcher. Someday I want to write my assessment of the coming demise of the Donald and the Trump brand. It won't be pretty. He claims he must run because he can't stand to be a loser. The truth is he has been a loser all his life, six bankruptcies and so deep in debt he will never overcome it. His one win was with Russia's help and the FBI throwing Hillary under the bus just 10 days before the election. His chances are slight to none. One thing this amateur learned long ago is that your first win will always be your best run. Hillary beat him by three million votes, Joe, six million and next time he won't even come out of the chute. The GOP primary will be loaded with candidates. Ted has never quit running, he'll face homeboy Greg Abbott, Pompano, Mario, and Mike, the lap puppy they will throw under the bus and run over him. Trump killed him by putting him in charge of the failed coronavirus task force. A dozen more will be in the race that Trump can't again overrun. He won't run, he's bluffing. He has never has over 47 percent approval. His 20% of Bubbas would vote for him if he ran in the Green Party, however no Republicans would vote for him if he ran as a Democratic, they would vote for Tobby the Clown first. The poor excuse my Republican friends give me for voting for him this time was because he was the only Conservative in the race. He leaves the largest deficit in history and the growth of the largest national debt ever. He leaves office doubling unemployment with 20 million people out of work, 50 million going hungry, 350,000 dying under his watch and by the time he leaves office 13 million could possibly be sick. He was a failed leader, in fact, he has exaggerated the problem by holding big rallies helping the spread of the virus. Forty-four in his crew, included himself, brought it around the country. It was reported Monday that eight GOP senators and 22 GOP congressmen are sick. He can't ever sell his lies again. The people have heard them all. The TV commercial is already in the hopper, "The Emperor Golfs while Countrymen Die." Morgues are so overrun they are using body bags and cold storage until patients can be laid to rest. Four thousand a day are expected to die. Would you want four more years of that? I don't think so. Answer this simple question. Did Donald Trump make America better or not? Don't lie to yourself, think about your answer.


I've been out of pocket so I had not spoken with anyone in several weeks. Cedric Stout has turned 99 since we last spoke. We visited about Pearl Harbor, which marks 79 years next Monday, Dec. 7. Cedric is the only area survivor of Pearl Harbor who was on the battleship Utah. He and Cherry are doing good, however, she lost a brother and a nephew in the last month.***I spoke with Josette Choate also. If you haven't heard from Van it's because he lost everyone's number programmed on his cell. He's waiting for calls to rebuild his number file.***Had a nice visit with Beverly Raymar, she and Jody are doing like most of us, staying home, staying safe. We visited about missing Ms. Pearl.***Marlene Merritt called to see if I was still kicking. Keith has been so busy completing hurricane repairs he hasn't had time to miss work. I'm sure at some point he will, he's worked since he was 7 years old. ***I spoke with Linda and John Heard. They too are just holding up in seclusion. He hopes to have some citrus by end of this month and I can expect some. John says McDonald Baptist is shut down until Jan. 6 due to COLVID among members, including the preacher.*** Judge Pat called checking on me. I appreciate that. I told him my situation and of course he asked, "How can I help you?" I thought, I have a new Catholic president, a Catholic doctor and I know Clark has some connection beyond the Golden Gate, maybe with the gardener, cook or someone and I suspect he still has influence with Father Joe, who might could go to St. Peter, who could put in a good word for me. I could use the Catholic connection. I answered Pat by saying, "I could use a prayer." "Pat said, easy enough, I can handle that." Pat it apparently worked, I'm motivating and feeling spiritually lifted. Thanks for the home folks.


10 Years Ago-2010

Final Month of the Year Begins

It's come on a cold wave; I've got too many plants to move and am still stuffed like the turkey. Speaking of turkeys, they have all returned to Washington. They have a lot on their plate between now and the end of the year. Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," gays in the military, extending unemployment benefits which are due to run out Tuesday. The President has frozen wages for government workers for two years. President Obama and Republican leadership had a meeting at the White House Tuesday, supposedly the start of working in bi-partisanship. Extending the Bush tax plan is on the table, one of the world's richest people, Warren Buffett, says it is foolish to add $700 billion to the deficit to extend tax cuts to the wealthy who don't need it. He explained the tax break wouldn't go to businesses to create more jobs; the cuts will go directly to the individual and won't create jobs or help the economy. Social Security and Medicare reform are being talked about also. The President's advisor David Axelrod is leaving the White House to start working on Obama's re-election campaign. President Obama will be blamed by Liberals for moving too far to the middle. The Republicans will blame him for not going further and the dance will go on. The music will be loud, but in the end government will work and we'll go on with our lives. It would be nice to see improvements start soon but its politics and that brings barricades to one or the other party's advantage so things continue to drag on. *****Bridge City's Matt Bryant won his third game for Atlanta when he kicked a 47-yard field goal, with nine seconds remaining, to beat Greenbay 20-17. Matt is the Falcons top scorer. *****Orange countian Earl Thomas recovered a fumble and we will get to see West Orange-Stark star and Oklahoma true freshman, Trey Franks, in the Oklahoma game Saturday. *****Drew Brees and the Saints were just too much for the Cowboys.***** Mayor T.W. Permenter and his grandson, Blake, freshman at Orangefield, bagged two large 8-point bucks on a recent deer hunt. They got a buck a piece. *****Judge Derry and Jane Dunn had their entire tribe in for Thanksgiving holidays. Some left the blizzards of Oregon, while others came from Utah and other parts. *****The Service League Toy Coffee fundraiser will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, in the home of Judge Jerry and Susan Pennington, 612 W. Orange Ave. in the historical district. *****Commissioner Owen Burton was off on a deer hunt, sitting in a stand, when we spoke to him via cell phone. He said he was trying to get Miss Nelda to run the deer by his stand but so far she hadn't done him any good. She probably got her limit and he's still waiting on his. *****Speaking of Mauriceville folks, for the first time in many years the community is having Christmas tree lighting. A 17-foot tree is being planted and decorated to bring back an old annual tradition.*****This Friday evening, in Orange, the Jaycee annual Christmas parade. ***The Bridge City annual Christmas Light parade will be Saturday night. (Editor's note: Remember when we had parades.) ***** Neighbor Cox came home Sunday from Bartlesville, Oklahoma where Ms. Ginny is recuperating after suffering a heart attack. Cox hated to leave her but he's glad to be home. (Both are now gone.)*****Also on the medical front, our friend Daniel Jacobs is home from Houston. His Leukemia is in remission and he will be home for five weeks. We ate some of his Muscadine grape jelly, with homemade biscuits. He knows his jelly making. He raises his own Muscadines and figs. *****A few special folks celebrating their special day in the next few days are Buster Lapeyrolelie, a good man who's raised a large family of great kids. ***Gene Edgerly, a former drummer boy and long, longtime husband of Judge Flo. ***Rene' Hanks, a good Cajun and mayor of Starks, proof that he's compassionate, he adopted and raised daughter Pattie. That was a trip. *****Our longtime friend H.K. Clark, a pioneer in the building of Bridge City.***Buddy Sheppard, former Bridge City councilman and political campaign manager. What became of Buddy anyway, did he move away? ***Educator Richard Briggs, a handsome guy, marks another year and a few more wrinkles. ***Jim Keith, our buddy who moved away after Hurricane Ike but still keep up with us on our wed site. ***Randy Philpott is also ageing. ***Our friend girl Melissa Fisher turned 37 on Sat. Nov. 27. Her folks, the Howard Johnson's, treated her to a night out at Red Lobster. Her choice. ***On Dec. 3, Jo Ann Huard, Ms. Phyl's sister and only sibling, celebrates another one. The numbers keep getting larger.***Belated happy birthday to The Record Newspaper's Facebook fans Freda Riley and Evelyn Brandon. *****I've been thinking over this long lifetime. I've done almost every type of writing but I've never written a country song. I just might, so I've written down a few titles for ideas. #1, "How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?" #2. "I'm So Miserable Without You It's Like Having You Home." #3. "She got The Ring and Gave Me the Finger." #4. "If I Can't be Number One, Then Number Two on You." #5. "Don't Know Weather to Kill Myself or Go Bowling." You got any other suggestions. *****Meanwhile, notorious Mexican drug gang leader Arturo Gallegas Castrelion, 32, was captured and has confessed to ordering the killing of 2,000 citizens in Ciudad Juarez since August 2009. *****This week we are publishing a feature story on Orange County men who were stationed at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. *****Orange Police Chief Sam Kittrell turns over his badge and office to new chief Lane Martin. We welcome the new chief and extend thanks to Chief Sam for his many years of service.

22 Years Ago-1998

Tommy Bean is back from a Mexican prison where he spent seven months and a week. He was incarcerated for having a handful of shells, which were mostly 22 shells. He didn't have a gun. Bean said, "Bullets in his truck were an oversight. The crime should have been like a jaywalking fine. I was sentenced more like I had robbed 10 banks." It cost Bean more that $200,000, an international felon record and a two-year supervised release. When the bullets were discovered at the border, he paid $2,500 fine for his two companions. They told Bean his fine was $10,000, and then upped it to $20,000. When they determined Bean might have a lot of money all bets were off, he was placed in prison. The last offer rendered for his release was $70,000. Bean won his release on Oct. 21, in a treaty engineered by Con. Nick Lampson and Con. Jim Turner.*****A bad day for native Orange coaches, A&M coach R.C. Slocum and Buffalo coach Wade Phillips. Texas defeated A&M 26-24 with only five seconds left on the clock. Longhorn Ricky Williams had 44 carries for 259 yards and broke Tony Dorsett's rushing record. Chris Cole, of West Orange-Stark, starred for the Aggies. ***** Bridge City's Shane Dronett had another great game for Atlanta. They made it to the playoffs by defeating Wade Phillips' Buffalo Bills. *****J.D. Sumner, of "The Stamps Quartet," the group who backed up Elvis, and had preformed in Orange years ago, died on Nov. 16. *****Robert's Grocery and Meat Market has top quality ground chuck for $1.49 lb., beef shoulder clods, $1.49 lb.*****"Tick" Granger, former county commissioner, discovered large cougar tracks in his Orangefield garden. Big Mike, the game warden investigated. Some people call them panthers, pumas or mountain lions, "Not anything you want in your mustard greens patch," said "Tick." (Editor's note: "Tick" is now gone and so is Big Mike.)*****Capt. Chuck Uzzle, Darren Logsdon and Chris Gunn showed off a big catch of Sabine Lake fish caught over Thanksgiving weekend. *****Lance Doucet turned 30 years old on Dec. 1. (Editor's note: That makes him 52 years old. Happy birthday Lance. *****Ervin Brody, featured in our Pearl Harbor story is one of several Orange County men who served there. Cedric Stout was another. *****Farmer's Mercantile celebrates 70 years in business in 1998. Register for door prizes and also the grand prize basket of "Beanie Babies." (Editor's note: Do you remember those Beanies?) If I'm correct, that makes Farmer's Mercantile 92-years-old.


Natives celebrating birthdays in the next few days. Jo Ann Huard, Jake Glazner, Lisa Walker, Wayne Scales, Barbara Blackwell, Sandra Huthison, Susan MacCammond, Trisha Anderson, Amber Franklin, Carolyn Andrus, Chris DeCuir, Dana Simmons, Gwen Tallant, Belinda Force, Susie Collins, Mary Bridges, Shea Bolton, Debbie Bishop, Cheryl Jones, Richard Briggs, Jim Keith, Buddy Sheppard, Randy Philpott, Channing Larkin, Samantha Peveto


Pecoo Arceneaux was way down in the Atchafalaya River Basin, wen he got turned around and lost his way. After hours of searching for his way out of da Basin, his little boat, it ran out of gas. He drifted and paddled. At dark he found himself on one of da far-away barrier islands. Exhausted, he fell asleep, wit da alligators, snakes and varmints all around him.

Wen he woke up alive, figuring he might be lost a long time, he gathered driftwood and such and built a little hut, tying everyting together wit vines to protect him self from the elements.

A few days pass, nobody come to rescue him. He lit a fire in a hole near da cabin and went scavenging for someting to eat on. He arrived back to find his little hut in flames, smoke rolling to da sky. Pecoo was stunned wit disbelief, grief and anger. He cried out, "God, how could you do dis to me, hanh?"

Later in da day he heard a motorboat coming. Sheriff "Cat" Doucet say, "Pecoo, we came to rescue you."

Pecoo axe, "How you know I was here me?"

Sheriff Doucet say, "Mais, we saw you smoke signal, us."



Some of my mail has caught up to me. Raymond Bailey wrote a note back on Oct. 4. I'm sorry I'm just getting to comment on it. I didn't realize Bob said that. He pretends to be my friend. Anyway, he's wrong. I'll continue to sail my ship in the "Right" direction, in the middle of the channel. I can use another deck hand. Thanks for offering Raymond. *****I also received one of the most interesting political assessment and its success. Along with that, I learned about a political system that has been developed and its success is fascinating. I'll report on the first thing this week and the most interesting one next week. The document comes from a high in the ranks of political strategist but at this time I can't reveal his name. Obama wanted to carry one all-White, Red state in his first run, to prove he could win anywhere, not just heavy Black states. He chose Colorado, and the strategist and his colleges put it together. No easy task, in fact, almost impossible. Obama was a Black man, with two strange names, in a state which was only half of one percent Black, one out of every 176 votes. The group built an entire new Democratic coalition. The state had voted Democratic only twice in history, in 1944 for FDR and in 1964 for Texan LBJ. Obama won twice and every Democrat has won since they turned the state Blue. Obama wanted a national system for the country predicting voter turnout that was scientific, not made up of politicians but of computer nerds, professors, etc. It was used in 2016 and in 2020. The results will amaze you. Very fascinating. I'll give you the numbers and results next week.*****Have a great week. Stay safe, wear mask, wash hands. Thanks for your time. God bless.


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