Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


We are headed into the last 13 days of a four year nightmare. I told you in this column over four years ago that if Republicans nominated Trump he would wreck the GOP as we know it. Trump has presided over the most liberal administration since Jimmy Carter. For years, an issue Democrats couldn't claim was being the party of state rights, now Trump and the radical element of his base, have just handed it over to the Democrats by attacking states, some controlled by their own party. I remind you that I said, "It will be four years of chaos and falsehoods, (30,000) lies to date, Trump never releasing his tax returns or turning against Russia's president Putin. Every step of the way it has been a failed leadership Trump was unfit to serve and he didn't grow with the job. He claimed to know more than the generals. "I alone can fix it." He claimed, as the country continued to fall apart when the pandemic came to our shores, that Commander-in-Chief wasn't at his post. Today, the U.S. leads the world in cases, 21 million and 400,000 deaths by the time Trump leaves in two weeks. Texan, former secretary of state, Rex Tillison, called Trump a f-----g moron. Gen. Jim "Mad Dog" Mathes called him a "buffoon" and Gen. John Kelly, chief of staff, who spent many hours with him, called him an "Idiot, just plain crazy." They knew him best. It's unpredictable what he might attempt in the last few days, he's a very desperate, sick person, who will try to destroy everything around him, even start a civil war within the Republican Party. He could end up with his 22% to 26% "bubba" base that he can use, if he can beat the indictments coming out of New York, to run as a third party candidate in 2024. That will throw Ted Cruz, who hopes to be the face of the Republican Party, and the other 30 candidates, a curve. I may not be here but remember where you read it. Trump attempting to get to Georgia's secretary of state was the last straw that broke the elephant's back, even with many Republicans. Trump quote: "All I want to do is this; I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we got." He had earlier claimed that the Republican governor, lieutenant governor and secretary of state should all be put in jail just became they wouldn't steal the election for him. It will all pass and we will wake up in a new dawn on Jan. 20, with the swearing in of Joe Biden as the 46th President. We will wake from this very bad reality show and its top star will be history. Keep asking yourself, "Did Donald J. Trump, the New York shyster, make America better or not, or is it like I told you it would be over four years ago?"


Last year, President Donald Trump and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar promised 100 million doses by the end of 2020. As late as Dec. 13, Azar expressed confidence that at least 20 million people would be vaccinated by Jan. 1. "Oh sure, yes" he told "Face the Nation." By year's end, however, more than 14 million doses of new Pfizer and Moderna vaccines had been delivered to states and over 3 million people had received the first of two shots. (Total shots as of Monday stood at nearly 4.6 million. The president, as usual, blamed everyone else. If vaccinations were late, he said, it was the fault of resource-strapped states with health care systems already overwhelmed with coronavirus patients. Dumping the vaccines on the states has had the same results as leaving masking decisions, testing, contact tracing and other responsibilities to the 50 governors. Some do a good job, some not so much, and the country ends up with a patchwork response to a national crisis. There is no time to lose. This is a national emergency Deaths have surpassed 350,000. Between 2,000 and 3,000 Americans are dying as a result of COVID-19 every day. Trump, consumed with fantasies of overturning the election results, seems incapable of improving his leadership in this crisis. That means more delay as America waits for President-elect Joe Biden to take office in two weeks. Biden is promising to inoculate a million people per day during his first 100 days in office. We can only hope that he overdelivers.


10 Years Ago-2011

The state of Texas is facing big problems with a $25 billion shortfall. Notice they don't call it a deficit because Texas is a pay cash state so they cook the books. Gov. Rick Perry has trimmed his inauguration to a barbecue to save money. He's still in his $10,000 a month mansion. Perry will stick to his guns, no new taxes, pulling the wool over citizen's eyes. The shortfall will cut necessary services but the worst is more Perry fees on everything. Over his last twelve years he has tripled or more all fees, from hunting and fishing to court cost. Example: When he took office court cost on a speeding ticket was $18 dollars, today its $99 dollars, and then the fine is added. Texans are paying more taxes than ever before but it's called fees. *****This year, 2011, we are recognizing some special ladies; all of them are widowed. We hold each one in high esteem. First is our friend of many years, Anabel Anderson. She has been one of the pillars at St. Mary's Catholic Church for over 70 years. ***Marcelle Adams, the first woman county commissioner who for many years was married to Cowboy Adams. They contributed much to our betterment. Her daughter, Theresa Beauchamp, is currently serving on the Orange City Council. *** Joy Young Parish, age 90, was for many years married to Monroe Parish. As a young lady she was the wife of attorney John O. Young. ***Juanita Toronjo, age 86, has been active with the Orange Historical Society for many years. Along with her husband Walter who she married Oct. 1, 1943. Walter passed away June 30, 2010. Juanita is still active as treasurer and corresponding secretary of the Orange County Historical Society. She also publishes the magazine Las Sabinas, recording the history of Orange County. ***Marilou Pachar Gunn, "MiMi" to her grand and great-grandchildren. Marilou turns 83 this Wednesday, Jan. 5. She was married to Donald, a former constable of Pct. 2. ***Mary Ann Cruse, longtime Bridge City School District employee. She was a music teacher who has played many church services, weddings and other functions. She was an inspiration to all her neighbors after Ike destroyed the neighborhood.  She was the first to say, "Let's stay and rebuild."***Nova Dee Holts Strickland, longtime Little Cypress-Mauriceville employee. Nova was married to the late Jerry Strickland, and raised two beautiful girls. She published an historical book, "Bugscuffle" chronicling her life and family, being the daughter of Chester Holts, longest serving county sheriff. *** That brings me down to the "Sweetheart of the Year." Picking Pearl Burgess, age 90, was easy this year. She has been so active and is an inspiration to young and old alike. She's a bundle of energy, well stacked in a small package, an extremely talented lady who is our poet laureate. The latest issue of the Las Sabinas features her pretty picture on the cover and a detailed story of her childhood in Brunner Addition and also the history of her ancestors, the Myers of Orange County. ***** Saturday many old friends greeted Ruby Pickard, a wonderful lady, who for many years ran "Make a Wish" and fulfilled many people's wishes in their final days. She attended the Jan. 1 swearing in ceremonies at the Court House in Orange. Judge Carl Thibodeaux, Judge David Peck, County Treasurer Christy Khoury, Commissioner Precinct 4 Jody Chump and Judge Janice Menard were officially sworn in. Thibodeaux was administered the oath for a record fifth time by Dist. Judge Pat Clark. On that day Thibodeaux became the longest serving county judge. Judge Sid Caillavet served two eight year terms, 16 years total, at two different times. *****Judge Thibodeaux also has the distinction of being the first Orange County judge to install a Republican commissioner. ***** A speedy recovery to Rosalie Clark who is in a Beaumont hospital. Judge Clark left her long enough to swear in Thibodeaux and Peck. Rosalie recently had her gall bladder removed but is suffering with staff infection in a leg. She's one of our favorite people, one of Frank and Sarah Todaro's twin girls. ***Also best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dorothy Harmon, who was in the hospital in Orange but transferred to Houston. She developed an infection with her pacemaker and a valve. ***** Bobby Cormier broke his ankle getting off of a tractor. His foot went one way, his weight the other. ***** We will get to see two Orange County boys in the playoffs. Bridge City's Matt Bryant and the Atlanta Falcons will host Pittsburgh after a one week bye. West Orange-Stark star Earl Thomas and the Seahawks will host the Saints. That will cause mixed feelings here because many people are New Orleans fans. *****Carlos Vasek and family attended the Rose Bowl to witness the big TCU 21-19 win over Wisconsin. *****The next big bowl game with local interest is the Cotton Bowl between Texas A&M and LSU on Jan. 6. All the Cajun boys I've talked to are wanting to bet on LSU but not give up any points. I'm not giving up on the Aggies.***** Also important to a lot of South Louisiana Cajuns is that after eight years, Gov. Edward Edwards will be released from prison. He will serve six months in a half way house, then will be a free man. Many feel the colorful governor was caught in a political trap that gave him a longer sentence than some murders and other more serious white-collar criminals. Like a good Cajun, he took his medicine and did the time without being a wimp. ***** Special folks celebrating, Commissioner Owen Burton, celebrates on Jan. 3, Chynna Withrow, Jan. 5, Lori Perry and John Callahan Jan. 6. *** Skipper Free, turns 77 on Thursday, Jan. 6. Skipper was born in Shangri La on the day of Epiphany. She also was the first woman union barber and the first pregnant barber. She's lived a colorful life and enjoys it to its fullest. *****Lanston Fall has his big day Jan. 8*****Our buddy Collin Slade Gros, alias "Billy Jack," "Blue-Eyed Bill" will celebrate his 16th on Jan. 10. *****Happy anniversary to Ray and Linda Leleux who celebrate their 46th on Jan. 11. ***** What difference Commissioner Jody Crump, a Republican, would make on the Court? Not much is my thought, just another conservative joining a conservative court. ***** Democrats just as conservative as Republicans. Sometimes more so. You would be hard pressed to find any more conservative persons than John Dubose, CPA, Owen Burton, longtime businessman, David Dubose, businessman/ pharmacist and of course Carl Thibodeaux, Orange County's longest serving administrative county judge. You can't improve much on the job these gentlemen are doing.


Last week we ran into two lovely Donna Peterson's at Dr. Morbia's office. Morbia has been taking care of Peterson hearts for nearly 30 years. The elder Donna was having problems and was scheduled for additional test at hospital. Donna Jr., now has a beautiful three-month-old daughter to go along with son Victor and daughter Donna III. As a family, the Peterson's are some of the nicest people I know. Visiting the Gulf Coast Cardiac Clinic this week is Commissioner Kirk Roccaforte. I had not realized Kirk also had COVID-19, along with Judge Gothia and Commissioner Trahan. Commissioner Beachamp seems to be the only court member who dodged the virus. *****We heard from Judge Pat Clark on New Years Day. It is always nice to hear from Pat anytime. We got in a conversation about the early mid-1950s. His dad, Junior, and I first met in 1950 when I was living with the Joe Runnels family. Junior and I worked in Joe's campaign for mayor and also in 1952 and 1953 for the Allen Shivers campaign. We put Shivers signs up all over the county. He won in 1950-52 and 54. Joe was close to Tillman Frank, who ran the Louisiana Hayride, and brought entertainment like Claude King and band to Riverside. Pat, his mom and dad, lived in Riverside. Pat was about 8-years-old and Pete Runnels was around 10-years-old. Pat recalled those days when both boys attended these rallies. He looks like his dad but that is where the similarities stop. Junior was pure country, loud, brazen and backs down to nothing. A die-hard union man, his picture was featured in Life magazine once after knocking a guy's lights out. What a guy, a great character. ***** A few folks we know celebrating their special day in the next few days. Our longtime buddy, one of a kind, Skipper Free, turns 87 on Jan. 6. I'm not sure what became of Skipper, maybe Eddie or someone who knows will let me know. *****Jan. 9, Mike Collins, who we have known over 50 years, has a birthday. We haven't heard from Sue Collins' little boy since he was in the car business. *****Jan. 8, Lanston Fall, who I coached in junior football back in the 1960's, is celebrating a birthday. We go back a long way with his late family and sister Peggy. Also celebrating are Sean Brinson, Terry Gauthier and Heather Montagne. *****Jan. 10, Sandy Uzzel, Hunter's mom, Chuck's better half, celebrates a birthday today. Celebrating also is longtime friend Frank Skeeler and everyone's buddy, Collin Slade Gros, "Billy Jack" to his Papa. *****Jan. 11, Happy 35th wedding anniversary to Margie and Harry Stephens. Hard to believe it's been that long. Best wishes for many happy, healthy years. *****Keith Wallace and Logan went deer hunting in Woodville. We haven't heard any story about the deer Logan got and the one that got away. *****Our buddy Sharon Bearden is home overcoming COVID. He gets out of quarantine Tuesday. Since December 20, Ms. Liz has been in a Clear Lake hospital, also suffering with COVID. Plans are to try and move her to a breathing rehab facility. Bearden says while in lockdown he has been well taken care of thanks to friends and Jim Sharon. Our prayers are for Liz to soon recover and come home. *****We were pleased to have an outdoor visit from our friend, Port board member, Carroll Holt. He's a very interesting guy, with a great story. He treated us to his homemade "Bread and Butter" pickles and pure vanilla, made from vanilla beans from Madagascar. Carroll has been making pure vanilla for years. At age 86, he lets no grass grow under his feet. He's a doer. *****Over the last few days, I've heard from three of my Republican friends who want to stay off the record. One said he has voted for President Trump four times, but of late Trump has crossed the line. He should not have taken a direct hit at state Republican office holder in an attempt to get him to fudge the vote count. "He knows he lost, now he's hurting the country and we really do need to heal." Another displayed disappointment in Congressman Dr. Babin for signing on to the crazy protest of the Electoral College vote Wednesday. "There is no good reason for him to step off in that slop, I'm disappointed, it makes him appear to be one of the real crazy bunch." Another Babin supporter said, "He must not be planning to run again because this is a bad move." I believe it changes voter's image of him but so does his track record. He's made himself a part of a failed government, with a lot of death and suffering, a record deficit of $3.3 trillion, and a record national debt of $27 trillion. Now Babin has joined attacking states rights that Republicans have always championed until Trump came along and discarded all conservative principles.*****Kevin Nunes and coatless Jim Jordan will be presented the Medal of Freedom by Trump next week. What a joke, a diminishing of the award. What about Sean Hannity, he carried Trump's water and trash for over four years on FOX.*****Crazy Texas A.G. Ken Paxton organized and filed a supreme court case against GOP states. GOP Texas chairman Allen West wanted 13 states to succeed from the union. So much for state rights.


It had come on the Christmas season and Norris Boudreaux him, had been having a conscience problem about not going to church. It had been many years since he had gone to Confession him. He brought himself to St. Theresa Catholic Church and Norris him went into da Confessional box. He noticed dat inside was a fully equipped bar, with Coors draft on tap. On da utta wall was a big selection of da finest Cuban cigars.

Farter Lebove came in him.

Norris say, "Farter, forgive me, it's been a long, long time since I've been to Confession me but I must first admit dat da Confessional box, it's much more inviting dese days."

Da priest him replied, "Norris, get youself out of there, you on my side."



We were pleased to receive an e-mail from newly retired Dist. Judge Dennis Powell.

I don't believe he will mind me running some of his note.

December 30, 2020, submitted by Dennis Powell.

I have to say that I was delighted to discover that I could read The Record e-edition of my favorite newspaper while sitting in our new Hill Country home. The very first thing I would read each week, usually sitting at my desk before starting the day's Court docket, was Down life's Highway. This morning, sitting in the dark on my back porch, waiting for the deer feeder to go off and waiting for the storm to roll in, was no exception: "Sixty-Six Years of 'Hanging on to Each Other.'" I thoroughly enjoyed it, thanks for sharing your life story, past and present, with me and with all of your readers. Thanks also for your kind words some months ago in the gracious story about my retirement. I will start my last hearing of my 20 years as the 163rd District Judge at 1:30 today, by Zoom of course. Little bittersweet, little scary, I worked since I was 14, can't envision what the next season of retirement will look like. And COVID has certainly complicated our Hill Country transition. Time will tell. I'm glad to know I can take you with me as we spend Wednesday mornings together on the pack porch. Well, feeder went off and 12 deer chomping down 35 yards from me. Better turn my attention to them so they don't feel neglected. Lucille's twin fawns are about grown up. I'm happy to come along, knowing "it won't do me no harm." A happy New Year and happy anniversary to Roy and MeMe.

Signed, used to be Judge Powell, now just Dennis.

(Editor's note:) We're proud of Dennis, a home boy who got to live his dream. A kid from a not so high, middle class, who worked hard, got a law degree and earned a spot as 163rd. District Judge, where he retired with high respect from the Bar members. We wish him and family the very best. We can just envision what sounds like a great layout in the Hill Country. "Old Dennis will do to ride the range with." That's what Sharon Bearden just told me.*****Thanks for your time and readership over all these years. Pray for better days ahead. Take care and God bless.


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