Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Orange County posts vaccine priority list

Orange County has published a priority list for its citizens receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

The info sheet posted on the Orange County website (co.orange.tx.us) under a red "Public Health Notice" bar on the bottom left side includes the note "The rollout and allocation of this vaccination program is 100% handled by the State of Texas."

It says Phase 1A, vaccinating Healthcare Workers, has not been completed.

Phase 1B has six categories and the info sheet indicates they will be vaccinated one at a time. At top is "total law enforcement," followed by "total fire, paid and volunteer" firefighters, then "educational workers." Fourth on the 1B list is "long-term care residents" followed by "adults 65+" and "total medical conditions."

Residents are asked to watch for updates and as their group comes up, to call 409-209-5340 for the Vaccine Registry.


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