Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


This past week the state of Texas was hit with a winter storm that froze the state from the Sabine River to the Rio Grande River, from the Red River to the Gulf of Mexico. The state's hard freeze also exposed a fallacy in our power grid which unlike other states is controlled entirely by the leaders of the state. In Texas, every state wide office is dominated by one political party, the Republican Party. They alone are responsible for all that went wrong with our electric power. Gov. Greg Abbott and the Texas leadership can't run or hide from this responsibility. For years the state has been warned that the electric grid needed to be weatherized. Politics plays a big part into why Texas will not join the national Entergy program controlling electricity. That's a whole other story. Last week there was never a window that would allow us to put out a newspaper. Tuesday we lost all power, Wednesday our press was out of power for 24 hours. Thursday, the highways in East Texas, where the press is located, were frozen and travel was stopped. For us, in a way, it was worse than a hurricane. Despite that Orange County faired better than other areas. In Bridge City our water supply remained strong with no boil notices. We personally only had 10 hours of power outage. State-wide, however, there has been a lot of suffering and death. President Joe Biden has declared most of Texas a disaster area, allowing citizens to receive some future help. Something will have to be done also to stop the utility company's future gutting citizens by hitting them with high surge cost which is strictly unfathomable to most citizens. There are many horror stories about cost escalation, to as much as 100 times more than normal. The Texas Republican Party owns this debacle; now let's see what they do to assure it never happens again. *****I have to move on. Come along, I promise it won't do you no harm.


The United States has suffered over 500,000 deaths from COVID-19, more deaths than Americans killed in WWI, WWII and the Vietnam wars. America has hit another dark milestone; we now have more than twice as many deaths as Brazil, a distant second in COVID deaths. The U.S. is four percent of the world's population. We own 20 percent of the world's pandemic cases and deaths. The problem goes to the former U.S. president, who from the beginning was in denial that COVID was any worse then the regular, annual flu season. In February, Donald Trump said, "Today there are 15 cases, in a couple of days it will be zero." Also during that month, Trump said, "It will be over by Easter." Then, later in February, he added that it was not his responsibility and turned the problem over to the states, leaving the states bidding against each other for COVID supplies. This left the country with no national leadership. Trump owns the situation we find ourselves in today and will own the failed leadership throughout history. Due to Trump's lack of acting soon enough the pandemic has overrun us. Two major changes have occurred since Trump was soundly defeated by over 7 million votes. Joe Biden was elected and after a slow and troubled start to vaccination programs, the United States has picked up the pace and inoculated almost 43 million people. President Biden promised 100 million shots in his first 100 days. He is well ahead of that target. Nearly a year into a life altering pandemic, many Americans are fed up with wearing a mask, desperate for a return to normalcy. Today however, President Biden's leadership and his determination to defeat COVID-19 in the United States and return to normal life, gives us hope that better days are coming. With President Biden, who has a genuine interest in the virus problems, at the wheel, we at least know that we have a national pandemic program. The Biden Administration is working overtime to win the war against this health crisis that has overrun our country because of neglect and bad leadership.


10 YEARS AGO-2011

Operation Desert Storm started 20 years ago this week, Feb. 24, 1991 and ended four days later, on Feb. 28. Hard to believe those were so long ago and so short a war. *****Texas Gateway to the West; Texas has 38 public universities with 500,000 students and the state is preparing to give students and professors the right to strap on a gun and carry it on campus. University of Texas president, William Powers, opposes the measure, "The mix of students, guns and campus parties is too volatile. I worry about some kid being too quick to draw his gun when an argument breaks out." Oh well, they have total control and will rubber-stamp it. It will be good for gun sales, gun shows etc. *****We were sorry to hear about the death of J.L. Mathews, age 88. He passed away Feb. 18. Services were held Feb. 21 at Claybar Funeral Home. He was a good man from the Greatest Generation. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Della, two sons, Jay and Stan and their families. *****We were also sorry to hear about the death of Bill Orr, 83, who died Feb. 16. We had known him many years through his work of 29 years in advertisement for Market Basket. *****GOP battles unions in state capitals in many states. The governments are accused of attempting union busting. Collective Bargaining is at the forefront to weaken union power. Teachers, prison guards, office workers etc. are some affected. Among union workers a sense of crisis is growing. Many recall when President Reagan dealt unions a blow, starting with the traffic controllers. Republican led states fighting unions are Wisconsin, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Missouri, New Hampshire, Maine and Pennsylvania. It won't be pretty; chaos in the state houses. This is an absolute assault on the working class while cutting taxes for big business. *****Special folks having birthdays this week. Chris Menard celebrated on Feb. 21. ***Longtime friend Moe Litton celebrates on Feb. 26. ***Pretty Regina Harrington celebrated another one Feb. 24. ***David Claybar, who we haven't visited with in a lot of moons and miss him, celebrates this week. Best wishes.***Gretta Brinson, Ginger Romero and our buddy Logan Dubose all celebrate this week.***Lovely Tara Townes, Ted's little girl now full grown, is a year older this week.***Even Brad Frye and Tyler Stagg have birthdays this week.***Some Facebook friends with birthdays are Doris Steele, Feb. 23, Larry Callahan and Randy Ragsdale, Feb. 25, Lee Ann Nicholson Fuselier, Feb. 26, and Dee Aven, Feb. 28,*** Donald Rhodes, Jr., and Jennifer O'Neal DeRouen, celebrate March 1,*** April Peveto Carter, March 2. Happy birthday to all. ***** Preston Fuller is equipped to do all of your lawn service. Spring is coming and Preston's ready to spring into action. Call him at 988-5563 for a complete yard makeover. *****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch dined at Robert's last week. Every week brings out a few different people. Last week Marlene and Sheriff Keith Merritt, Roy Dunn, King Dunn, Judge Claude Wimberly, Rev. Leo Anderson, Park's Director Donna Scales, Constable Mark and Babbitt Philpott, County Treasurer Christy Khoury, Brandy Slaughter, Shirley Zimmerman, Judge Janice Menard, Don "Cochise" Shockley, Judge David Peck, Corky Harmon, Sprad Spradlin, Robert Ewart, Joel Steirman, Jerry Wimberly and Constable Chris Humble attended. (Editor's note: Ten years later eight of the above members have died.)


Obituaries 10 Years Ago-2011

Richard James Billiot, 63, of Orange, died Tuesday, Feb. 15. A Military Graveside Service was held on Saturday, Feb. 19. He served in the U.S. Army where he was deployed twice during the Vietnam War and retired as a pipefitter. Richard is survived by his mother and step-father, Dora and Floyd Teal; father, Cleveland Billiot and children, Rachel Billiot, Angela Billiot and Richard Parks. ***** Robert D. "Pete" Becker, 71, of Orange, passed away on Tuesday, Feb. 15. Funeral Service was held on Saturday, Feb. 19. Pete was a retired Funeral Director and Embalmer, he worked at several area establishments including Clayton Thompson and Claybar among several other in different areas of the state. He is survived by his daughter, Cindy Elliott; his son, James Becker; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. *****

William "Bill" T. Nugent, 58, of Orangefield, died Thursday, Feb. 17. Funeral services were held on Monday, February 21. He worked for DuPont for 35 years, was a lifelong member of the NRA. Bill is survived by his wife of 36 years, Gayla Dunn Nugent; daughters, Sara Nugent Welch Amy L. Nugent; one granddaughter and brothers, Victor Nugent and Richard Nugent

22 Years Ago-1999

Funeral services were held Tuesday, Feb. 16 at St. Paul Methodist Church for Bridge City pioneer Roy Melvin Hatton. Born April 23, 1919, in a house where Entergy Sabine Station is now located, he was an operator for Texaco 46 years. He served on the Bridge City School Board for 13 years. Hatton Elementary School was named for his father. Mr. Hatton was best known for his knife making. A Hatton Knife is a sculptured handwork, molded with skill. He created over 500 knives. They were famous because of the Scrimshaw art, an ancient art form, on the handles. In World War II, Hatton made 38 survival knives at the request of the United States Navy. He was a real artist and made most of the furniture in his home.*****Bridge City athlete Trey Latiolais was named to the Texas High School Coaches All-State Academic 4-A Football Team. He was nominated by Coach Les Johnson who said, "There is no finer young man for this recognition."*****Bridge City Chamber picks Miranda Gilbert of Orangefield High and Elizabeth Dupuis, Bridge City High, as "Students of the Month." *****Coach Les Johnson, athletic director and head football coach at Bridge City resigned. Johnson and wife, Wanda, will be a big loss to the community. Three times more students participate in sports now at Bridge City than when he arrived. He has built a winning tradition in tough Class 4-A. More athletes have received scholarships than at any time in the school's history. It was a concerted effort by a small group of men to get rid of Johnson because he did not play favoritism. He beat them to it by resigning. (Editor's note: Les retired this year but because of his love of teaching football would still take a coaching job. Many of his former Bridge City players stay in touch with him. He and Wanda live in Bastrop and visit Bridge City several times a year.)*****Pretty Betty Bivens Williams is a brand new grandmother. We knew her as a young lady and checker at her dad, Dick's Texas Ave. Grocery. *****Capt. Chuck Uzzle drops off some flounders and Roy promised to cook them for the newspaper crew. *****Our longtime friend Ruby Wimberly retires this week from Orange Savings Bank. This very smart lady went to work for the Stark interest, climbed the ladder to become the county's first lady bank president.

42 Years Ago-1979

Several Orange countains journey to Houston to help with the Bob Hope Telethon at Channel 2. Local folks helping with the statewide telethon are W.T. and Ann Oliver, Roy and Phyllis Dunn, Bill and Martha Hughes, Earl and June Bishop, Weldon and Jane Leger and Charlie and Pat Johnson. Some of the stars appearing on the show are Andy Williams, Mac Davis, Kenny Rogers, Jimmy Dean, Johnny Desmond, George "Goober" Lindsey, Bobby Ames, Vic Damon, Bobby Vinton, Gordon McRae, Fred Travalena, Kathy Crosby, Lynn Anderson and Doug Kershaw. *****Beatrice "Bea" Barrett dies after battling cancer for five months at M.D. Anderson. She is survived by her children Billy, Lester, Thomas, Vera and Kenny. (Editor's note: Do you remember this colorful family?)

47 Year Ago-1974

Orange native, Coach Bum Phillips, will be leaving Oklahoma State to join the Houston Oilers. Sid Gillian is head coach. *****Moe Litton will sponsor Bridge City High School's Bass Club. *****Buddy Moore, formerly of West Orange, has purchased the Kountz News. (Editor's note: Buddy died several years ago.)*****Pitcher Doug Patterson will be leaving training camp in Florida next week. *****Gary Savoy has another birthday coming up next week. (Editor's note: what has become of Gary anyway?)*****Little Cypress-Mauriceville coach Jim Crossland left for a new job as defensive co-coordinator with the Chicago Fire football team, in the new World Football League. (Editor's note: Has that really been 47 years? Crossland died a few years ago.)*****Donald Lewellyn is robbed and killed. *****The Scarborough's, a family singing group from Little Cypress, entertains at a benefit for Laure Fish, a leukemia patient. Band members are Randy, Ricky and Robert Scarborough, Matt Carlin, Guy and Scott Gann.


February 23, marks 25 years since one of the most beautiful, courageous person we have ever known passed away. Annalee Knight, after a long battle with cancer, lost the fight. She left behind a husband and five boys. (Editor's note: Had she lived she would have several offspring that she would be extremely proud of. Like many of you who knew her I will never forget her.)*****Roy's column on Johnny Preston brought a lot of response. We heard his wife Sharon, who now live in Nederland, really enjoyed it. We heard from people as far away as London. A very interesting letter came from right here in Bridge City from Daniel Placette, whose grandparents, Ben and Beatrice Placette's home was where Johnny and his band practiced. Daniel said his grandmother played a mean accordion and she and Johnny often had jam sessions at their 17th Street home in Port Arthur.*****A few belated birthdays that we were unable to publish last week. Amie Smith, Trey's better half, celebrated Feb. 17. *****Our friend Norman Barry turned 81 on Feb. 18.*****Ryan Brack celebrated Feb. 20.*****Paulette Stevens, that we knew as a teenager, turned 60 on Feb. 21, also on this day John Nickum celebrated.*****Chris Menard and John Hughes celebrated on Feb. 23.*****Folks we know celebrating birthdays in the next few days. Feb. 24: Our friend Regina Harrington. ***Feb. 25: Our friends Constable Brad Frye also Nathan Fleetwood and Sara Gibson.*****Feb. 26: Charlotte Perritt.*****Feb. 27: Our childhood friend Anna Belle Rost turns 86, also longtime friends Ellen Nickum, Gretta Brinson, David Claybar and Butch Choate, along with Pamela Burchfield all celebrate.*****Feb. 28: Krish Smith Moore and the First Lady of West Orange, LaVerne McDonald celebrates.*****Feb. 29: Our little friend, now grown, Logan Dubose celebrates.*****March 1: Jill Culp gets a year older.*****March 2: Craig Nugent and Tammy Andrus celebrate. Happy birthday to all.*****Senate hearings begin this week on the January 6 insurrection on the Capital. In the end, the majority of the American people will never forgive Trump for turning that mob loose on the Capital and the attack on our Democracy.*****Thanks to Van Choate who dropped off dinner last week. It was nice to have a change in meals.*****Good news, we understand Lois Judice no longer needs around the clock care.*****Everywhere we look we see ugly. The freeze played havoc with landscaping. The best bet is to call Pete at Coastal Landscaping to clean up and set out new plants. No one does a better job for less money. Pete and his gang are miracle workers. They will get you ready for spring and a beautiful yard.


Feb. 24: Boxer Floyd Mayweather, Jr., turns 44; Actors Billy Zane, 55; Kristin Davis, 56; O'Shea Jackson, Jr., 30.*****Feb. 25: Wrestker Ric Flair, 72; Comedians Carrot Top, 56 and Chelsea Handler, 46.*****Feb. 26: Rock singer Michael Bolton, 67; Actors Carlos Esparza, 30 and Teresa Palmer, 34.*****Feb. 27: Singer Josh Groban, 39; Actors Timothy Spall, 63 and Kate Mara, 37.*****Feb. 28: Country singer Jason Aldean, 44; Chef Aimsley Harriott, 63; Rock singer Patrick Monahan, 51.*****Feb. 29: Motivational speaker Tony Robbins, 61; Actor Ken Foree, 73.*****March 1: Singers Justin Bieber, 26 and Kesha, 33; Director Ron Howard, 66.*****March 2: Rock singer Jon Bon Jovi, 58; Actress Rebel Wilson, 40.*****March 3: Actors Julie Bowen, 50; Christian Oliver, 48 and Nathalie Kelley, 35.


GoSleaux Comeaux was standing on da street corner in Mamou, wen a Yankee talking man came up to him and say, "Excuse me sir, but can you tell me the quickest way to get to Ville Platte?"

GoSleaux him scratched his head and axe, "Mais, do you be walking or driving."

"I'm driving sir," replied the stranger.

"Dat's da quickest way." Said GoSleaux


United States Lands Dune Buggy on Red Planet

It took over six months, traveling 300 million miles at 12,000 miles per hour to land a satellite on Mars. Just a few years ago the hope of landing Perseverance seemed impossible in our lifetime. Unfortunately, today Texas can't even keep the lights on.*****The Supreme Court has ruled that Trump's tax returns and business dealings can be released to Manhattan District Attorney for review by a Grand Jury. My take is when D.A. Cy Vance completes the Trump investigation it won't be pretty and will highlight Trump as a New York shyster. *****Donald Trump will be the headline speaker at CPAC. Speakers will continue to promote the "Big Lie" that the election was stolen and will claim the Supreme Court ruling is a "Witch Hunt." Meanwhile, Judge Merrick Garland will be confirmed as Attorney General by 80 votes. I bet Trump will never run for president. He will use that to milk the "Cash Cow" and raise needed lawyer money for a criminal trial.*****Papers will be late, the press just getting electricity back from outages and storm last week.*****Times up. Take care, stay safe and may God bless you all.


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