Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

City awards Recreation Center contract

Orange City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to award a $2.9 million contract to N&T Construction to build the City of Orange Recreation Center.

The structure will be built in the footprint of the former Orange Natatorium and will have room for two full-size basketball courts or multiple volleyball courts. It can host weekend tournaments, open gyms or possibly league.

“It’s something a lot of us have been looking forward to since we passed the bond issue in December of 2018,” Mayor Larry Spears, Jr., said. “We’ll be breaking ground very soon.”

Delays occurred because of property ownership and zoning issues since resolved. No timetable for completion has been set.

“Our community needs something for our children to enjoy and keep them off of the streets and provide opportunities,” Spears said.

In other action Tuesday, council approved a $139,000 infrastructure grant agreement with Luigi’s Italian Grill, and about $40,000 to purchase two military vehicles to use as high-water search and rescue vehicles.


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