Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

WOS Mustang Baseball Announces Thompson Receives Baseball Honors

Jalen Thompson, West Orange-Stark Baseball Player, receives baseball honors by being selected to play on the Southeast Texas Baseball Coaches Association (SETCA) 2021 East All-Star Team, announced Head Baseball, Coach Sergio Espinal. Espinal states, “I’m proud to announce Jalen being selected and representing West Orange-Stark High School. South Texas is a very competitive baseball area, and I am very proud and excited for Jalen. He has the ability to do well and play at the next level.” The SETCA All-Star Game will be held on June 16, 2021, in Barbers Hill High School at

7:00 p.m. CDT. Coach Espinal invites all West Orange-Stark family and fans to the game to support Jalen.


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