Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


Republican-dominated Texas Legislature, despite pleas nationwide, is closing out the legislative session with many of its conservative priorities heading to the governor’s desk. Lawmakers also approved the so-called “constitutional carry” bill allowing Texans to carry handguns in public without a permit. Texas House Democrats staged a dramatic exit from the state capitol last Sunday, blocking the passage of a controversial voting bill just before a midnight deadline. As members were gathering their things and walking out, Gov. Abbott conceded that the priority bill was dead – for now. He vowed to resurrect the election bill and another on bail reform in a special session. Democrats and voting rights groups cheered the successful maneuver that killed a bill they had been denouncing for months as discriminatory and voter suppression. Senate Bill 7 would have barred early voting past 9 p.m. anywhere in Texas and ended drive-thru voting and mass-mailing of vote-by-mail applications. This is scary. A last-minute add to the bill would have allowed judges to void elections if the number of alleged illegal votes exceeded the margin of victory without verifying that fraudulent ballots actually tipped the election. At least 250 laws had been proposed by Republican lawmakers in 43 states as of March. Texas already has some of the most restrictive voting laws in the country. The Democrats are declaring at least a short-term victory, saying they week forced to walk out after it became clear that Republicans were going to deny them the ability to talk at length before the bill was voted on.


10 Years Ago-2011

Baseball came to an end Saturday in Southeast Texas when the Bridge City Cardinals lost to Robinson Waco in the regional semi-finals, 13-12. Bridge City ended its season as district champs with a 22-12 record. It was a great effort by a great bunch of kids. Good luck and thanks to the seniors who gave us so much pleasure. Thanks also to our writer Joey Encalade for his outstanding coverage. Radio is not his calling but he knows baseball. To Mark Dunn for his outstanding photography and special thanks to coach Landry, Laird and Moore for their dedication to the sport.***** Leon Hale marked 90 years on May 30. Houston Chronicle published five columns in Sunday’s edition picked from his 21 best. Hired in 1949, for years he wrote a daily column for the old Houston Post and in 1984, when the Post sold to the Chronicle, he joined their staff. He began blogging in 2006. Leon Hale pays attention to what other writers say, like the quote Ellen Goodman wrote in 1981, “Writing a daily column is like being married to a nymphomaniac, just when you think you’re finished, you have to start all over.” He tacked the quote on his wall. In a way, I believe all column writers can relate to Goodman’s quote. It looks to me like I’m always starting over. I passed the five Chronicles on to my friend Neighbor Cox. I always save Leon’s columns for him. Sometime it’s three months before I get them to him but I thinks he enjoys them anyway.*****On June 6, 2010, Harry Land, 66, died in a motorcycle accident. ***Our friend Lannie Claybar, died at age 57, on June 6, 1969 in Houston. He would be 109 years old today. *****June 5 is said to be the perfect Gemini day because it falls in the middle of the sign. As many days on one side as on the other. Folks we know who celebrate on that day are Joyce Dowdle, Tim Hughes, Roy Dunn and Britt Godwin.*** Marline Perry also celebrated her special day on June 5. By the way, she and Ben Perry are expecting a little girl Gemini on June 17.  Our special friend Helen Harrington will celebrate June 6 and lovely Shirley Zimmerman celebrates June 7.*****Mrs. Eula Mae Waters, age 81, of Bridge City, died Thursday, May 26. Services were held Tuesday May 31. She was a good lady.*****Lynn and Carol Emerson, after all these years in the grocery business, will get to retire. They have sold their convenience store, “The Store” at Roundbunch and Hwy. 408. Over the years they have been hard workers and deserve good to come their way. Our friends will be missed. They ran a good, clean store. They started in business when they were teenagers. They had one of the few American owned “C” stores left. ***** Former Gov. Sarah Palin made a star like entrance in D.C., riding the back of a Harley. When Palin resigned as the governor of Alaska, she and Todd owed a half-million dollars, today, she’s super rich, even paid $1 million cash for a home in Arizona. She knows how to play the money game. *****Doctors Ozz and Mehmet say the seven most important foods are broccoli, oats, wheat brand, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, milk and red peppers. Why? Because they contain the most neglected nutrients, calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium and vitamins A, C and E.*****Texas lawmakers fail to balance the budget. They are now in a special session. Republicans hold every statewide office. The state is $27 billion in the deficit hole and after 144 days, they are still looking at balancing the budget on the backs of education and the elderly. The Tea Party presence has put Speaker Struas and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst in a position to have to fend off attacks from the extreme right wing of their party. Gov. Perry is taking a national bow, hoping to be invited to be the number two man on the national ticket. The new budget will have time bombs and no provisions for the 80,000 additional children expected to show up at schools next year. The state budget will have $4 billion less for schools. Lawmakers will also short change Medicaid, setting aside $5 billion less than will be needed. The Perry “Story” doesn’t mention the cost shifts to college students, local governments and tripling fees. Perry’s story shades the truth, like the claim of social fiscal management. He’s building his reputation on the backs of the people of Texas. It’s a different story once you get by the cover.*****When will this drought ever end? Some areas in Orange County have received less than two inches of rain this year, running 17 inches below normal. It will probably take a disturbance in the gulf or a tropical storm to get us caught up. Meanwhile, gardens, plants and lawns are burning up and no significant rain expected in the near future. Old timers say it’s the worse drought since 1953.


Obituaries 10 Years Ago-2011

Raymond Roger Landry, 57, of Bridge City died Friday, May 27. Funeral Services were held on Monday, May 30. He served in the Air National Guard and was a Pumper at Motiva. Raymond is survived by his wife, Patricia (Uzzle) Landry; sons Derek, Ryan and Michael; daughter Lea; eight grandchildren.***** Funeral services for Lea Rachal (Bennett) Tate, 38, of Orange were held Friday, May 27. She worked as a sales representative for several area car dealerships and attended Stephen F. Austin University as the recipient of several scholarships. She is survived by her mother, Sharron Bennett Rollins and husband, Ron; father, George Bennett and Elsie; grandmother, Ruby Rachal; son, Sterling Tate.*****Billie “Molly” Raye Smith, 68, died Wednesday May 25. Service was held on Saturday, May 28. Molly is survived by her husband, Kenneth Smith; daughter Rebecca; sons Webb Rhodes and Joseph Rhodes; and five grandchildren.

15 Years Ago-2006

Career law enforcement officer and present chief deputy, John Tarver, turned in his letter of resignation to

Sheriff Mike White last week, effective in three weeks, June 16. His desire to retire wasn’t a surprise but the timing was.*****Terry and Ella Stuebing surprised everyone by resigning their positions the day before high school graduation. They kept it close to the vest and I’m sure no one had a clue. Terry was high school principal and Ella, a longtime principal, was at the intermediate school. They had their reasons for both retiring now. “The timing was right,” said Terry. He has served the district for 32 years, starting as a coach, Ella for 30 years. .*****Constable Parker Thompson is still very ill but showing improvement. I bet in a few months P.T. will be back on the beat, doing the love of his life, law enforcement.***** Skipper and Keble Free went for a ride Friday evening. They woke up Saturday morning at Buxton’s Place in Ruidoso, New Mexico. You never know about those two and where they will land next.

45 Years Ago-1976

Ray Granger and Louis Reed tried to beat the fastest train in the south, the Amtrack Sunset Limited, and lost. They were lucky, not too many folks walk away from a train wreck.*****The first International Gumbo Cookoff was a large success. Chamber members and Ann McCollum had their stuff together. Around 7,500 people attended. Ann and Lou Malcolm’s gumbo edged out Major Inman and Jim Graves. Some of the folks spotted were: “Teddy Bear” Cox, Liz Wickersham, Louis Dugas, H.D. Pate, Roy and Phyllis Dunn, Barbara Smith, Mrs. Cleo Hogan, Nita and Peter Henry, Lynn and Carol Emerson, Corky and Betty Harmon and Jerry Wimberley, who was being blood tested by M.J. Girlinghouse. M.J. said he found no pressure on Jerry at all. Gumbo Cookoff champions were Mildred Cobb, grand champion, Lennard Carlson, professional class, Mrs. Marshall Duhon, of Bridge City, was named number one in amateur class.*****Bruce Tuppen, a fine young man, was killed in an auto accident last week. Bruce is the second son Jimmy Tuppen lost in auto accidents.*****Benis Lee and his children lost his wife and mother, Paula, a few days ago.*****Helen Harrington has a milk cow that gives two gallons a day and her lying husband says half of it is cream.***** Twenty-five athletes respond to new no-age-limit summer baseball team. Billy Permenter and Cecil Allen will get things going. Ray Pousson and Ronnie Rost, who both attend the University of Colorado on baseball scholarships, indicated a desire to play. Others are former Stark stars, Mark Bonnin, Mark Lambert, Grant Gipson, Chris Allen, Billy Bayless and Vincent Brooks. Also wanting to play are West Orange standout Jerry Caillier, now at TCU, and Marlin Richard, now at Tyler Junior College. Paul Richardson of West Orange, Charlie Hillebranndt of Bridge City and Jimmy Mallory and Dewitt Gipson, of St. Mary’s and former pro Doug Patterson and former McNeese star and member of the Little League World champion team, Joe Kazmar will instruct, and play.


A Look at the Past

When I think back at all the years I’ve traveled probably the best years in the country were between 1950 and 1960. WWII had been over five years and many improvements had been developed during the war years. The Korean conflict started in 1950 was no comparison to WWII. I worked two jobs in 1953 while in Green Bay, Wisconsin. By day I worked at a desk making factory and at night at International Canning Co., usually living on four or five hours sleep. It was a time that features some of our best music. All the great country stars, plus the soul music of Louis Armstrong, Nate King Cole, Swamp Pop, Fats Domino and a host of other great groups. Elvis was the big star until The Beatles invades the U.S. from England, changing music across the board in the 1960’s.*** When I was a baby, my mother put me in flower sack diapers. My wife used cloth, washable diapers which she washed by hand and hung on a clothes line to dry. In 1961, when our last child came along, Proctor & Gamble Co. came up with a disposable diaper, later named Pampers. Through the years came Luvs, Huggies, etc. forever doing away with bad baby rash from cloth diapers.***The 1960 Olympics, in Rome, Italy, featured one of our country’s greatest athletes, Wilma Rudolph. As a child, like so many youngsters in the 1940’s and early 50’s, after contacting Polio, she wore leg braces. Wilma, despite that early handicap, won three gold metals in the 100-meter and 200-meter sprints and 400-meter relay. 1960 brought Chubby Checker’s dance craze called “The Twist,” “Psycho” earned Hitchcock a fortune and “To Kill a Mockingbird” was published. Cassius Clay (later Muhammad Ali) boxed his way to gold in the Rome Olympics. Politics changed forever with televised debates. On black and white TV, on a presidential debate, John F. Kennedy out shined Richard Nixon. In 1958, actor Peter Lawford bought the story idea of “Ocean 11.” It was released in 1960, featuring the “Rat Pack,” (remember them?) Lawford, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Frank Sinatra. The plot was perfect for the Rat Pack, a version of themselves, hard partying, misbehaving circle of friends. Of course “Old Blue Eyes” played the leader Danny Ocean.***It was in 1960 when Arnold Palmer transformed golf into a spectators sport coming from behind to win at the U.S. Open, going into the final round tied for 15th and trailing the leader by seven strokes. Palmer birdied six of the first seven holes to erase his deficit. At days end “Arnie’s Army was born. In 1968 Palmer was the first golfer to reach $1 million in lifetime earnings. Recently Phil Mickelson, at age 51, became the oldest golfer to win a PGA championship. ***I could go on with this nostalgia but I’d better get back to my regular work before I get wrote up for playing.***In 1963, Six Flags over Texas opened the first amusement park in the country which featured high/fast rides. The park was located between Dallas and Fort Worth. I’ll never forget that first visit.


A few folks we know celebrating birthdays in the next few days, all Gemini’s. June 2: Best wishes to Elberte “Bertie” Herman who turns 89 today. Also Debbie Crews, Shilo Carr, John Gifford, Kayla Hickey all celebrate today.*****June 3: Pretty Tanya Molley, (thank God she looks like her mom) celebrates today. Sharing a birthday is Att. Harold Trantham and Herman Dupuis.*****June 4: Our buddy Glenn Fisher has a birthday. We miss him. Also celebrating is Sandra Hoke, Brittany Yu, Paige and Jade Ousley. A year ago, June 4, 2020, my friend Millard died. “Neighbor Cox” was 95 and in fair health at the time. While blowing leaves on his driveway he fell and broke his neck. He died a few days later. I think about him daily, many things I’d like to tell him about or ask him about.*****June 5: This day is referred to as the perfect Gimini because it falls right in the middle of the sign, as many days on one side as the other. Some folks who celebrate on this day are Tim Hughes, Joyce Dowdle, Britt Godwin, constable Matt Ortego, Carrie Prouse, Gena Guyote, Brenda Howard and Roy Dunn.*****June 6: Today is D-Day-1944. Celebrating birthdays are Amanda Rainwater, Lynn Fields, Sonia Smith, Gail Griffith and Linda Sims.*****June 7: Gabe’s big sister, Samantha Ball, turns 5-years-old today. This is also “Best Friends Day.” I want to wish good friend Shirley Zimmerman, who I miss seeing, a happy birthday today. Also to Roger Smith and Billy Frank Bradberry.*****June 8: Happy Birthday to Walter Riedel, now retired, also to Shon Jones, Tana Hightower and Crystal Wells.*****A friend sent me this message. Just a thought: We should put a sign on the interstate coming into Texas. “WELCOME TO THE WILD WEST. If you don’t have a gun we will issue you one. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.”


Cuzzin Sostan says he knows da following story to be true. Alsid Boudreaux and Joe Babineaux had bout been best friends for years dem, and day bout live to dere early 90’s. Babineaux suddenly falls deathly sick him. Boudreaux, his good friend, comes to visit him on his death bed. Da two reminisce about dere long friendship.

Den Boudreaux axe his friend dat is dying, “Babineaux, do me a favor, wen you die, I want to know if dere is baseball in heaven.”

Poor Babineaux is taking his last breath him, wen he answer, “Boudreaux, you been my friend all our lives, I’ll do dat for you me.” Den Babineaux dies him.

A couple of days later Boudreaux is asleep wen he hears his friend’s voice. Babineaux say, “Boudreaux, I got some good news and some bad news me.” “Da good news is dat dey got baseball in Heaven.”

“Good,” said Boudreanx, “Wat’s da bad news hanh?”

Babineaux say, “Well, it’s like dis, you pitching on Wednesday.”



United States Senate Republicans blocked a bi-partisan commission to study the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. Last week President Biden said, “I can’t imagine anyone voting against the establishment of a commission to study the greatest assault on the capitol since the Civil War.” There is no guessing game here. We all know who provoked the insurrection against our democracy. Now Trump supporters want to sweep it under the rug in an attempt to rewrite history. Republicans held 30 hearings on Hillary Clinton, one lasted 11 hours in one day. I think the best plan is to form a committee in the Congress, bi-partisan, half Republican, half Democrat, and let the chips fall where they might. Either that or President Biden appoint a bi-partisan commission.*****That all for me today. Take care, be safe and God Bless America.


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