Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

OC Sheriff deputies aid in Ida relief

Thankfully, Hurricane Ida didn't come Texas' way, but that didn't stop the Orange County Sheriff Office from pitching in to help.

Sheriff Lane Mooney sent two teams to assist in disaster recovery efforts in an area where winds wiped out nearly all of the infrastructure.

The first team included the department's drone unit, members of the department's narcotics unit and Jasper Constable Joe Sterling.

This team assisted the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Office located in Houma, south of New Orleans, in assessing the levee systems to ensure there was no damage or breach.

Additionally, they patrolled the impacted communities by land and air – with the drone unit – to prevent looting. The drones allowed deputies to search in hours area that would have taken days by car and on foot.

The second convoy carried donations from the Orange County community to help with disaster relief.

Sheriff Mooney, Sgt. Darrin Mooney, Deputy Ken Bost, Capt. Chris Frederick, Capt. Joey and Jaime Jacobs and Lt. Chad Scales with the OCSO joined Leon George with Orange County Emergency Management in carrying supplies donated from the citizens of Orange County to the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Office.

The donations by Orange County individuals and groups helped to restore hope in areas devastated by the hurricane.


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