Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


I was really impressed with all the coverage Saturday on the 20th anniversary of 9-11. All the networks did a great job. What amazed me the most was how much real-time video they had. Also I learned that Bin Laden took between three and four years planning the attack. Think about how everything had to fall right in place. First, eight Afghanistan men had to learn to speak English then take flight instructions. They worked in teams of two, never in contact with the other six. They planned to hijack four commercial airplanes from different airports at the same time. Bin Laden was patient and worked out every detail while our intelligence must have been asleep for four years. The real story is how they pulled it off. That would be a great movie. Hopefully we will never let our guard down again. We also got snookered by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. We lately allowed a domestic invasion that, for the most part, was by design to overturn an election.*****Well, that's my take on things. It's time to move on. Come along, I promise it won't do you no harm.


Gov. Greg Abbott, speaking out against mask mandates in schools, is starting a political show designed to sell nation voters. We must remember that his goal is to stay one step ahead of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in national polling. They are both bidding for the bottom of the bucket far-right Republican votes. Being the big, Trump-like bully, really sells with those radical fringe voters. Abbott threatened to impose $1,000 fines for officials who try to impose mask mandates, so far no such fines have been handed down. Meanwhile, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, has published a list of at least 100 violators and has sent letters to some and threatening more legal action to others. In court filings Paxton has acknowledged that neither he nor Abbott will directly enforce the band on mask mandates, instead leaving it to local district attorneys. Can you imagine any D.A. wanting to jump off into that bucket of dung? The federal government considers it unenforceable. State data shows there have been 73,749 cases of COVID-19 among Texas schoolchildren since early August, and 16,213 among staff. Numbers peaked in the week of Aug. 22, with more than 40,000 positive cases that week alone. Abbott's approach to the situation is politically beneficial to him as he faces conservative primary challengers, several political scientists say, that if he were to endorse mask mandates, it could be harmful to any presidential hopes he has for 2024. The longer this drags on the harder for the governor to explain his position and continue to hammer local governments on the decision. As of Sunday, nearly 59,000 people in Texas had died of COVID-19, which is now claiming the lives of more than 200 people a day. Abbott is facing several conservative primary challengers as he seeks his third term, and his name has been tossed around, along with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, as potential 2024 presidential contender. "He backed himself into a corner once he prohibited masks, once he didn't allow municipalities to impose these mandates, so on and so forth," said Jeronimo Cortina, political science professor at the University of Houston." There's something besides human life that's increasingly at risk as Texas stumbles and bumbles through its COVID-19 response. Our governor and oher conservatives speak often of their support for small businesses and this state's pro-business mentality. There are plenty of more important reasons to battle this virus beyond economic vitality, but if our economy is to ever fully rebound, vaccines and masks are the way.


10 Years Ago-2011

Tragedies are always unpredictable and unexpected. This week three outstanding young men lost their lives in a freakish auto accident. Parents throughout time have lived with the fear that their child will meet with danger. We all pray that our children will return home safely but too often that is not the case. It's almost predictable that every year we will witness the loss of young lives.

Jacob Bates, Darrick Brantley and Grey Smith lost their lives Sunday morning at 3:15 a.m. on Highway 62. They were headed south and hit a car headed north. What are the odds of that happening at that time of night, with no other cars on the road?  Everything had to be just exactly positioned for that to occur. It's better than a thousand to one odds that only two cars, on a long stretch, would collide. Those three boys were basically good kids, not hell raising, troublemakers. One thing they all had in common was great personalities. They were fun loving boys who kept you in stitches. I had known Grey since he was big enough to bounce a basketball. Even at that young age he was full of life, loved people and was always entertaining. His dad Jack, a former basketball player, worked with hundreds of youngsters on the basketball court, mine included. Anytime you saw Jack's three boys they were carrying a basketball. They were great kids, with a great dad, a man who cared for youngsters. I didn't know Darrick, just knew of him but I understand he was an avid hunter and fisherman and had many friends. I was familiar with Jacob, who was named for his grandfather, the late Daniel Jacobs. Daniel died recently. He and his wife Gloria spent much time helping to raise Jacob. He was his mom Kelly's only child and she loved her boy. Before Daniel got so sick with cancer he and Gloria attended every baseball game Jacob played in. The day before his death he had mowed his grandmother's lawn. The death of those boys is so sad. I think more so because they were so outgoing, polite and caring. They loved their friends, they loved life.*****We were also saddened to learn about the death of Emma Day, age 88, who died in Round Rock on Sept. 15. Emma had been a 50 year resident of Bridge City. We had known her and husband Ralph over those years. Emma was very community minded and participated in the political process, helping to elect good people. She was a friendly person who never met a stranger. She is survived by one daughter, Jessie Hebert. Jessie and her husband Windell, for many years were leaders in the community. He was a CPA. Jessie served on the school board and in many other service organizations. Graveside services were held Sunday for Emma at Hillcrest Cemetery near Bridge City.*****Congratulations to Commissioner's Court for again hammering out a fair budget. I believe this is Judge Thibodeaux's 17th budget. Times are more difficult now but our conservative court works very hard to come up with a good budget. We're one of the few counties that hasn't had to resort to massive layoffs or decline in services. Year in and year out they do a good job of governing. *****I was sorry to hear that Tom and Jane Perry, because of Tom's declining health, were forced into moving to Tennessee. Tom and Jane, over the years, were pillars of the Bridge City community. Tom served on the school board and city council. He was a driving force in the chamber and both were always available to help with any community project. Their only child, Tom Jr., lives in Tennessee and they will be near him.  *****If you stop by Danny's around noon no telling who you might run into. Monday, the Mike Trahans were enjoying lunch with Richard Sims. Back a few years ago, their dads, "Crip" and Robert Sims, were the movers and shakers about town. "Crip" was an Abbeville native who resided in West Orange.*****Our buddy Tommy Simar is a year older on Sept. 23. I bet Sue has something special planned for him..*****Goodbye Hanna. She was quite a lady, a champion Ridgeback. Hanna died over the weekend. For years people had seen  Mark Dunn and Hanna running the track and the stands. She gave birth to some good pups. Mark only has Raz left. Hanna brought him many years of joy. ***** Pattie Hanks was in from Vegas to see  Braelyn Zion Scott, her new grandson. She and daughter Jami brought the youngster by. He had his mom's good looks. *****Jerry Wayne Bell was spotted hauling a port-a-potty around town. I had heard the sickness was going around but didn't know it was bad enough to haul an outhouse with you. ***** Thanks to Commissioner John Dubose, Roundbunch Road to Hwy. 1006 is sure nice to travel on now. ***** We were sorry to hear about the death of Dolores Hope, age 102. She died Monday, Sept. 19, at her home. We had been fortunate to have met her when she accompanied Bob to Port Arthur for the  Hughen School benefits. Bob Hope died at age 100, on July 27, 2003. The couple married Feb. 19, 1934.

23 Years Ago-1998

Matt Bryant, former Bridge City High star, son of Mary and Casey Bryant, kicks a field goal for Baylor to win 33-30 over North Carolina. (Editor's note: Over his career Bryant has been one of the most consistent kickers in the NFL.)*****Chris Cole, former West Orange-Stark standout, playing for R.C. Slocum at A&M, caught five passes for 72 yards in the Aggie 24-6 win over Southern Mississippi. *****Bridge City Lady Cards remain undefeated in 20-4A volleyball. Rosetta Wilson is the coach. Star players are Natalie Sanders, April Belk, Erin Dillow, Ashley Theriot, Misty Jenkinson, Krista Shatto and Sally Hill. *****Orange County is keeping an eye on Hurricane George. *****Robert Dale and Karen Jo Vance celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary Sept. 21. They were married in 1973 with Robert's father, Rev. Dale Vance, officiating. The couple are headed to the New England states and will catch the early fall colors. *****Dr. Tracie Updike, a native of Bridge City, earned her medical degree at Texas Tech in Lubbock. She has opened her practice at 1750 Ninth Ave., in Port Arthur. (Editor's note: I wonder where Dr. Updike is now? Also I would be interested in knowing just how many doctors came from Bridge City High School, including dentist. It seems like a high number. Many were graduates of Texas Tech Medical School including Dr. Updike, Dr. David Jones and Dr. Amber Dunn. *****Tommy Bean, held in a Mexican jail for the past two months, is back in the United States. Congressman Nick Lampson was instrumental in Bean's release. *****Teen violence reported by 911. Sheriff's deputies find 14-year-old Steven Forester dead from a gunshot wound. A 17-year-old white male was arrested and is awaiting formal charges.


43 Years Ago-1978

Bohn Hilliard died Sept. 23 of a heart attack. He is said to have been the best football player to come out of Orange. At Texas the football legend was an All-American. His team beat Notre Dame in 1934 where he scored the only touchdown. He went on to play pro-ball but was injured as a rookie. A native of Deweyville, he was reared in Orange and played for Orange High. His family owned Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.*****Sharon Gregory is chosen Miss Bridge City. Other finalists are Denise Soileau, Brenda Braquet, Teresa Hearn, Lisa Young, Shelly Pate, Liz Godwin, Tanya Huffpauir, Danetta Davis and Melanie LeDoux. *****State Representative Wayne Peveto cut the ribbon at the new West Orange City Hall dedication. *****News Flash.....Inez Hearn will retire from Wards at the end of the month. (Editor's note: Nez  died several years ago.)*****DA investigator Wilson Roberts has a pet duck. His answer to Baretta's white cockatoo, Fred.


We dodged the bullet again. The storm Nicholas didn't bring much punch. Honestly, we needed the rain at our place. Despite all the showers around in the last month, for the most part they missed us and we were in a drought zone. My wishful guess is that if we can get through September we won't have a major storm. I believe October will see Orange County mostly in a high pressure zone, keeping the storms away. Just an old man's guess.*****I got a call from longtime friend David Hock, who as a youngster was on the first Bridge City Council. There was a lot of grass roots politics back then. A longtime Orange resident David did volunteer work with Master Gardeners. We caught up on a lot of old times. Nice to hear from him. Some of my friends have forgotten my phone number and that I'm still around.*****Good news if you buy it. Gov. Abbott will arrest all rapist in Texas. That's Uncle Bill, Cussin Ned, Mr. Green, the next door neighbor and also Mamma's live in boyfriend. What a Joke.*****A few folks we know celebrating in the next few days. Sept. 15: Happy Birthday today to Mark's wife, Ethel Dunn, who is celebrating with her family in Guadalajara. Also happy birthday to our friend Cathy Garretson, who we have known since she was 45 years younger. Tara Faye Smith celebrates today.*****Sept. 16: A very Happy Birthday to a very special lady, Phyllis Dunn. Always a beautiful lady Ms. Phyl could have been on the big stage. At age 85 she is still very active and like she has done for over 50 years, she still types all the words you are reading. All these years with Roy she truly deserves a great birthday and many more. Happy Birthday also to Lori Campbell, Mary Frazier, Stephanie Morris, O'Shanique Foster and Patty's boy Landin New.***Happy 43rd Anniversary to Mel and Joey Campbell.*****Sept. 17: Longtime friend, one of Cedric Stouts special daughters, Darlene Montagne celebrates today. She's Johnny's wife but also the monarch of a great family. Happy Birthday also to Stacy Key. *****Sept. 18: Happy Birthday to Gaylan Thibeaux, who we have known since his birth. Today he turns 65. Happy Birthday also to school board member and one of Rita's three boys, Mark Anderson, who we have known since he was in short pants running around Victory Gardens. Also Happy Birthday to Debra Gauthier.*****Sept. 19: We first met George Navarro when he was just a snot nose kid. Today we wish this longtime peace officer a Happy Birthday. Also wishes go out to Leslie Sparks and Sue Plagens.*****Sept. 20: Happy Birthday to Joan Clark, Jennifer Marion, Matt Carter, Jan Thurman, Gary McAllister and Caitlin Ziller.*****Sept. 29: Today, longtime Election Judge Sis Keogh turns 92. Best wishes to this fine lady. Bobby Cormier, Danny Brack are both a year older today. Luke Greeson turns 5-years-old today. He's Amber Dunn Greeson and Clay Greeson's oldest son. He's big brother to Liam and Rowan. All are Mark Dunn's grandsons.*****This Saturday, September 18, domestic radicals and white supremacist will hold a rally in Washington in support of the people who invades the Capital on Jan. 6. They claim the invaders arrested are political prisoners. At least they are admitting their take over of the Capital was politically motivated.*****Quote of the Week: President George W. Bush speaking at 9-11 Anniversary Celebration. "We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, but from violence that gathers within. There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit. And it is our continuing duty to confront them."


Sept.  15: UK's royalty Prince Harry, 37; Actors Tom Hardy, 44 and Tommy Lee Jones, 75, Football Player Dan Marino, 60.*****Sept. 16: Pop Singer Marc Anthony, 53; Comedian Molly Shannon, 57; Actors Mickey Rourke, 69 and Amy Poehler, 50.*****Sept.  17: Race Car Driver Jimmie Johnson, 46; TV Show Host Nate Berkus, 50; Actress Cassandra Peterson, 70.*****Sept.  18: Doctor Ben Carson, 70; Cyclist Lance Armstrong, 48; Actress Jada Pinkett Smith, 50.*****Sept. 19: TV Show Host Jimmy Fallon, 47; Country Singer Trisha Yearwood, 57; Model Twiggy, 72.*****Sept. 20: Pop Singer Phillip Phillips, 31; Actors Sophia Loren, 87 and Jon Bernthal, 45.*****Sept. 21: Novelist Stephen King, 72; Country Singer Faith Hill, 54; Chef Anne Burrell, 52; Actor Bill Murray, 71.


Joe Thibodeaux got himself a little farm between Abbeville and Maurice. He plant himself a big cornfield and he watch over it good. One day he spotted a big, black crow flying around dat cornfield. Joe say to hisself, "You not gonna git my corn you."

Boom, Boom, Joe him, kilt dat crow dead. Dis particular crow had a band on its leg from da Washington Biological Survey, to check da immigration habit of da bird.

Joe read da abbreviate message dat say, WASH. BOIL. SURV.

Da next week, Joe ran into his farmer friend, Otis Comeaux, and tole him bout dat banded crow dat he shot on his field.

Comeaux axe, "Joe, wat you do wit dat crow hanh?"

Joe answer, "Jus like da instruction say, I wash him, boil him and surv him and he still taste like da devil him, jus awful."



Parker Weekly Series Starts Today

This week former State Senator Carl Parker, who was first elected and went to Austin 60 years ago, starts a weekly column looking back at the eight governors he served under. He had a front row seat to much of Texas history, good and bad. He writes of the Lieutenant Governors, Speakers and interesting events and how some laws came to be, true facts and curious events. From his introduction column this week, we learn who sponsored the very first sales tax bill, even though that wasn't his intention. I recall when sales tax started. I believe it was suppose to be to temporary. Carl's a good writer and the content is good Texas history remembered. Follow him weekly. We welcome your comments on our wed site therecordlive.com. *****I've gotta get out of here. Please stay safe, wear mask and get vaccinated.  Take care and God bless.


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