Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest



What the Texas Republicans proposed congressional maps shows is Republican leaders are scared as hell of suburban voters and they well should be. White voters in the suburbs, especially women, are breaking away from the "R" brand and White guys are still smoldering over the electric grid and lack of leadership during the ice storm. No doubt the suburbs are turning bluer and the surging population in Texas has added two congressional seats to 38 and 40 electoral votes. The Republican proposed map is the height of gerrymandering. Old timers called it "Nut Cutting Time." In Dist. 38 alone, to favor Republicans, they stitched a district together by cutting little slices from four existing districts. The two new Texas districts under the map, will not go where the population has gone. In most cases, Republicans focused on protecting the seats they already control. The redistricting proposal has a long way to go to become law. They have just started a special redistricting committee to work on changes and then hold hearing, also state maps must be approved. Lawsuits are a certainty because of how Hispanic voters are treated. By the way, our own congressman Brian Babin, who has COVID, is headed to Washington, not in quarantine. Two Texas Republican congressmen, Babin and Randy Weber, who both voted not to impeach President Donald Trump twice and then criticized the impeachment after Trump provoked a mob to attack his own government with a riot at the U.S. Capital Jan. 6, have joined a resolution by Rep. Bob Gibbs calling for President Joe Biden's impeachment. Babin said, "he has failed miserable at his duties as commander-in-chief and violated his oath of office to defend the U.S. Constitution." This so called impeachment is purely about political posturing and grabbing a headline. Weber said in 2019, when Trump was impeached, "Impeachment is an extreme process reserved for actual crimes, using it as a political publicity stunt only undermines our democracy." Randy, if it was right then, surely its still right today. The only difference is Trump was guilty.*****I have to move on. I'll be watching the gerrymandering coming down the pike. There is a good chance Orange County district lines will be moving in either state representative, senate or congressional districts. Come along, I promise it won't do you no harm.


We were sorry to learn from Judge Pat Clark on Monday that his lifetime friend, Sam Frank Lucia, 76 years old passed away Sunday, September 26th. Lucia had been former Superintendent at Bridge City ISD, prior to that was Assistant Superintendent at West Orange ISD and had served as Construction Coordinator Region 5 Education Service Center. At press time there was no available info on funeral arrangements.



Why is Texas Gov. Greg Abbott hooked onto Donald Trump's wagon and bowing to all of the twice impeached president's demands? The answer is quite simple. Abbott needs the Trumper vote in the Republican primary. He has two strong challengers in Don Huffines and Allen West. Since they have announced Abbott took a far turn to the Right by signing a bill to ban abortions after six weeks, no exceptions for rape or incest victims. Abbott pushed through new voter restrictions that will restrict minority and elderly vote to coincide with Trump's baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen. In the last few days Trump has ordered that Abbott audit and recount the votes in four Texas counties, despite Trump winning the state by six percent. Again it is a move to suppress the vote, create voter fear and waste taxpayer money. Abbott also has banned mask mandates to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than 62,000 Texans. All of this will play well with primary voters but it has eroded his once strong support from Independents that has dropped from 54 percent to 30 percent. His primary challengers will hit hard on the fact that Abbott doesn't want to be re-elected to serve Texas citizens; he wants it as a base to seek the 2024 presidential nomination. They will insist Abbott will be out of the state, flying around the country on tax payer money. Trump's extremist following, the cult base of the Republican Party, figures to be about 30 percent nationwide. Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will benefit from that support in the Republican primary but that will not be enough to elect them in a general election. Those two, plus Ted Cruz, are bidding for Trump's endorsement in 2024. It's a sure bet Trump won't run and will throw all but one under the bus. Abbott will probably win the Texas primary but will end up scorched and branded. He could end up facing two challengers in the general election. In Texas there is no general election run off, winner takes it all. It's very possible that he will face Beto O'Rouke, a democrat or Matthew McConaughey, who is very popular in Texas but doesn't belong to any party and would run as an independent. That would make for a three way race. The latest polling shows heads up with Abbott, Matt would win by 9 percent, 44 to 35. On the other hand, Matt in the race helps Beto by taking votes away from Abbott, plus Democrats have plenty of reasons to go to the polls, the best is that Abbott is trying to make voting more difficult for them, plus women are mad about the abortion issue. Look for a record turnout and also after the primary vote watch for Abbott to move to the center, away from Trump's insane far right. If he doesn't, he can't win. What boggles the mind of many voters is why men, smart government-wise, would be listening to someone like Donald Trump, who even after four years in office has very little knowledge about how government is suppose to work. Trump is the only United States president in history to lead an insurgence mob on the Capital against his own government in an attempt to overturn an election he lost. Also he may be proven a criminal before the 2024 election. For now he will milk the cash cow for as long as he can. He gets to keep all the money he can raise for his own use but once he says he is running or not, the cow quits producing. It's reported he's taking in $39 million a month that he can use to prop up his failing businesses. I bet the farm he ain't running but probably won't say so until March, 2022. In Texas we will be witness to the damnist race in my lifetime and I've seen some barn burners.


10 Years Ago-2021

The Houston Chronicle reported that the Houston area alone will have 66 million trees die. That probably adds up to a billion trees statewide. We are losing less than most of the state, but every day I see new evidence of trees dying. Yesterday, I saw a 100-year-old sweet gum that has given up. That's not all; Texas farmers are losing crops all over the state. Without any water crop losses will be in the billions. Don't let what appears to be great weather fool you. Also, it looks like we are in for a long haul of dry weather through winter and into spring. Editor's note: What a difference 10 years makes.) ***** The Heritage Festival, held in Bridge City, had a great turnout thanks to a lot of work by some very dedicated folks, determined to make it a success. Plans are underway to make the festival an annual affair. Proceeds will go to the building of the Heritage Park and Museum at the foot of the historical swing bridge.***** The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce will put on a fun event and fund raiser. A celebrity roast will cook Giesla Houseman at the hands of some friends who vow to tell all. *****Bridge City's Matt Bryant, who brings home the bacon when he trots out to attempt a field goal for the Atlanta Falcons, has a perfect day Sunday in the Falcons 30-28 win over West Orange-Stark's star Earl Thomas and the Sea Hawks. Matt hit a 50-yarder on his way to three field goals and three extra points for the day. Last week, a Chinese food delivery guy, after making the delivery, helped himself to Matt's golf clubs. The thief traded the expensive clubs on line for Ecstasy pills. Most of the clubs were recovered but an expensive Scotty Cameron putter is still missing. ***** Our buddy Nancy Vincent recently lost her sister Joyce to lung cancer. She says, "If you are still smoking, please seriously consider quitting." Her sister lasted only 74 days after being diagnosed.

24 Years Ago-1997

Bailey's Fish Camp destroyed. "Bailey's," the 71 years old, two-story structure, built in 1926 and an historical landmark on Lake Street, in Bridge City, burned to the ground at 4:08 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 5. By 5:50 a.m. it was all over. The history of the old ferry landing is well known. It was home to the family of Mary and Henry Bailey and was opened in 1926 as a restaurant on the first floor and a dance hall on the second floor. Several generations of the family were raised there. The last occupant of the building was Fred Bailey. Many people stopped by to visit Fred, who always had something cooking on the stove. He made a mean gumbo with any kind of meat or seafood available and often folks had no idea what was in it.*****Rainbow Bridge Reopening: The Bridge City and Port Arthur Chambers of Commerce are hosting a rededication ceremony Wednesday, Oct. 8, for the reopening of the Rainbow Bridge. The refurbished bridge will handle southbound traffic. The bridge now has wider travel lanes. For many years it had handled only two-way traffic on the narrow bridge.*****In Other News: In his spare time Dan Cochran, who served as mayor of Orange from 1992 to 1996, is in his workshop where he pursues his hobby of hand carving duck decoys. His ducks are designed as working decoys, not art. *****The Bridge City High School 1997 Homecoming Court members are freshmen Amy Broussard and Andrea Hebert, sophomores Danielle Bourque and Kelly Kyler, junior class Kristi Wood and Geni Kimbro and representing the senior class are Courtney Huckabay and Amber Wiegard.*****Amber Fontenot is named Miss Congeniality at the Miss Bridge City pageant. She is the daughter of Billy and Liz Fontenot. She is a third year Bridge City Strutter. She also is a 14-year student of Phyllis' Dance Studio and will participate in the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. (Editor's note: I often wonder how life turned out for some of those youngsters and where life has taken them.)*****Last week Judge Carl Thibodeaux, Capt. David Peck, Constable P.T. Thompson and Todd Lindsey were spotted at Gary's Coffee Shop while on the night watch. *****Pretty Christy Peebles was named Miss Bridge City. She is the daughter of Darlene and Mike Peebles. (Editor's note: What became of pretty Darlene and wild Mike, owners of "Yellow Rose Barbecue" anyway? Their son, Matt, was a Bridge City football star who played for New Mexico.*****The lovely Little Cypress-Mauriceville homecoming queen is Kristen Fall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lanston Fall.*****Homecoming queen for West Orange-Stark is April Enard, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Victor Enard. Victor serves on the school board and is a former Mustang and college star football player.***** The 1997-1998 Orangefield cheerleaders are Lacy Longron, Mindy Granger, Ashley Boehme, Dena Green, Katie Hannegan, Karen Holbrook, Ashley Windham and Suze Belt. Mascots are Jessica Terry and Nicole Hebert.***** First Realty agents are T.F. "Sleepy" Smith, Lou Givens, Joyce Kleinknecht, Betty Derrick, Teri Wallace, Richard Herrington and Liz Hanley.

50 Years Ago-1971

Grand opening of the Whang Doodle, 3020 MacArthur Dr., was held Sept. 28. (Editor's note: You are getting up in age if you remember that eating place and all the Doodle sandwiches.)*****Judge James Neff, 128th District Judge, is named Citizen of the Year by OVN News. A native of Jackson, Tennessee, he moved to Orange as a youngster. He attended New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell, University of the South, in Service, Tenn. And graduated in 1928 from Cumberland Law School at Lebanon, Tenn. the same year he opened his law office. In 1936 he was hired as Texas' first assistant attorney general under Willard McCran. He then served as assistant Orange County attorney and city attorney for the city of Orange. In 1961, Gov. Price Daniels appointed Neff judge of 128th district court. He ran unopposed until he retired Dec. 1972.*****Pete Runnels writes in his sports column, Strike two, third down, that Buddy Gillis is Bridge City defensive coach. Also the next super star could be Butch Campbell, only a sophomore at West Orange. Pound for pound, 135 pound Bridge City defensive back, Brad Roy, is probably one of the best in the state. The Bridge City Cards upset the LaGrange Gators 21-14 here at home.


I called my friend Van Choate but I got pretty Josette instead. She and Van have been on a short vacation in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Josette said the leaves were just starting to turn. I'm glad they got to get away.*****Mark just returned from a couple weeks spending time with daughter Jenna and her family. He attended Kerrie's memorial service where he also saw daughter Amber and family. Jenna lives on a 73 acre farm located where Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts meet. He says it is beautiful country and the foliage is just beginning to change colors.*****I was sorry to learn that Bobby Manshack, 65, passed away September 23. Service was held Monday, September 27. He was such a nice guy. Condolences to his family. We were also sorry to hear of the death of Judge Leonard Giblin, Jr., a retired district judge. He died of COVID at the age of 80. I had met him only twice at parties but he was the kind of person you don't forget. *****Sept. 29: Celebrating is Kayla Nichols and Landon Luna. Today would have been Bum Phillips 98th birthday.*****Sept. 30: Happy Birthday to some great guys. Richard Albair, Robert Dale Vance, Howard Fisher and Rob Stause. Also celebrating on this day is a little beauty, Mark's youngest granddaughter, Willow Grace Ballou turns 7-years-old today.*****Oct. 1: Happy Birthday to Aaron Iles, Kimberly Cooper, Skylar Rowley, Brandon Gerrald and Gerald Brignac.*****Oct. 2: Happy Birthday to Glenn and Jason Ray, also to Collin Stanley and Jo Bramhan.*****Oct. 3: Celebrating on this day are Dona Vincent, Logan Bonds, Bobby Romero and one of Skipper's boys, Eddie Free, and also one of Darlene and Johnny's boys, Jason Montagne.*****Oct. 4: Celebrating today are Makayla Warren, Lori Ess, Jami Anderson, Dakota Rowley, Ryan Dubose, Bobbie Burgess and Jason Menard.*****Oct. 5: Jared Dillon turns 31 today. Happy Birthday also to Tyler Miller, Brad Lanthier and Elida Dillon.*****We were glad that Peggy's Place, on Cow Bayou, finally re-opened after storms and the bridge rebuild for four years, kept them closed. We ordered the large seafood platter. Very good, with plenty of shrimp, fish, crab patties, etc. Well worth the money. Yesterday we picked up hamburgers. No one makes a better burger than Peggy. They are only opened from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. until they get more help. This weekend I'm ordering a bucket of her famous seafood gumbo. Give them a try, you'll love the quality of the food.


Wen Sostan walk into Tee-Boy's Bar & Grill he saw Tee-Boy behind da bar. Sostan say to him, "Tee-Boy, pour me a stiff one, I jus had anotter fight wit Sugar Bee."

"Oh yeah, say Tee-Boy, and how did dis one end?"

Sostan say, "Wen it was over wit' da little wife came to me on her hands and knees."

"Really, said Tee-Boy, now dats a switch."

"Wat did she say her?"

She said, "Come out from under dat bed you little no good, Cajun, coward."




In Senator Carl Parker's column this week he mentions how Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes helped him get the Lamar Orange/Lamar Port Arthur bill passed. Ben, an up and rising star, was well connected to Orange County. G.L. "Red" Garrett was Ben's Orange County campaign manager. The two had become friends through the state Jaycees. Red's wife, Pat, Beth Rach's mom, was state director for the Jaycettes. Red and Pat's connections state-wide was a big help to Barnes' campaign for lieutenant governor. On March 24, 1971, Ben came to Orange as guest speaker for the Greater Orange Area Jaycees annual distinguished service awards banquet. Barnes, 32, the youngest man in the state's history to serve as Lieutenant Governor and also was the first candidate in Texas to receive 2,000,000 votes in a state election, was in Orange to honor his friend Red Garrett on receiving the distinguished service award. At the age of 35, when all good Jaycees are turned out to pasture to become auxiliary members, Red, on this night at the Jack Tar, received his retired rooster award. Red, with his heart heavy, eyes filled with tears, got a big hug from his friend the Lt. Governor of Texas. Barnes had praised Garrett in his remarks. For seven years Red served as chairman of the annual Jaycee rodeo. Barnes gave credit to Red and Pat for their help in his election, not only in Orange County but statewide. My wife and I had accompanied the Garrett's to Austin for a meeting at the capital with Barnes and his statewide campaign managers. He and I hit it off right away. He is from Comanche and all my people are buried just down the road at Rising Star in the same county. At least when Parker went to the Lt. Governor for help on his Lamar bill, Ben knew quite well where Orange was. Thanks to Sen. Parker for his weekly historical column, it gives us a chance to reflect on those times. *****"Mosquitos be gone, let Pestco spray your lawn", give them a call at 409-886-4248*****Read us from cover to cover and check out all the great ads. Take care and God bless.


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