Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


“Our nation lost an exemplary leader and steadfast advocate in Colin Powell.” Senator John Cornyn

Powell, a four-star general who became the first Black secretary of state and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, died Monday, October 18, from complications of COVID-19. Powell, 84, had been treated over the past few years for multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that impairs the body’s ability to fight infections and to respond well to vaccines. Powell, who in four decades of public life, served as the nation’s top soldier, diplomat and national adviser, is drawing praise from both parties. World figures are reacting to the death of this Vietnam War veteran. Colin Luther Powell was born on April 5, 1937, and reared in the South Bronx. His parents, Luther, a shipping room foreman in Manhattan’s garment district and Maud, a seamstress, were emigrates from Jamaica. On Monday, President Joe Biden ordered flags to be lowered to half-staff in honor of Powell. That’s only fitting for those of us left to consider the lessons of his life and to mourn his death. “America has lost a great patriot and public servant,” said former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. “A friend for nearly 40 years, Colin’s whole life was about duty, honor and country. He is gone far too soon. Few people have come along in my lifetime who possessed the character of Gen. Powell. We could use many more like him today as character has been lost in the fog of bigotry and lies.*****I must move on, I’ve got a long way to go. Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


We lost a longtime friend last week, Vicki Lynn Brown, age 72, who passed away October, 11. I first met Vicki when she was only a teenager helping out at her parents, Betty and Earl Drake’s Park Avenue Cleaners. She was a beautiful youngster and got prettier with age and was extremely talented. Fifty-years ago she came up with the Office Hound caricatures for the “Ear to the Ground” column that ran in the Opportunity Valley News. Thirty years ago she also came up with the logo for Sherlock Breaux and Creaux, for the Record column Creaux’s Nest, like the one on the top of this column. She drew a dozen different 8 x 10 framing size poses which were lost in hurricane Ike. We fortunately had some of the logos, which we use today, saved on computer. A prize possession of mine is a large pen and ink picture presented to me by Vicki as a birthday gift. She also painted a scene of the John Harmon family, the first Orange family, landing their raft on the banks of the Sabine at Orange during a storm. John, his wife, two sons, daughter, cow, goat, chickens on board were in the painting. They made camp in the vicinity of where Farmer’s Mercantile is now. The last time I saw that great painting of Orange County history by Vicki Brown, it was hanging in the office of Harmon’s Used Cars, on Henrietta. I’m sure Donnie Harmon still has it there. Vicki once gave me a very unusual gift, two annuals (yearbooks) like high school or college annuals. These two books were from Texas A&M, one probably around 1928, the other earlier. Here is something I discovered and you may already know, the covers of those annuals were inscribed in bold, gold letters, “The Longhorn.” That was apparently their mascot at the time or just the name of the annual. I don’t know if Vicki got them from the Brown’s or the Stark’s. Lutcher Stark was president of the Texas University board of regents at the time, however, his two boys, Bill and Homer, attended A&M. It doesn’t make much sense; Lutcher was a big beneficiary for UT. That’s as strange as the Longhorn on the Aggie annual. Vicki was talented in many ways. She played a mean guitar and while attending several parties at our home, she and Don Jacobs did the strumming while everyone sang. Although most of the party goers are gone now, a few still around, Judge Buddy Hahn and Carol, Judge Don Burgess and Bobbie, the Bearden’s, Sen. Parker and Beverly, Wilson Roberts and several others. Vicki eventually moved to Kansas and when I spoke to her I always asked what she was doing? I knew the answer. She would say working in her yard. She spent a lifetime creating and found joy in all the beautiful things she made come to life. Vicki fought a lengthy illness and left us way to young. I will never forget this beautiful person I met so many years ago. Funeral services were held October 16, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. I was disappointed I couldn’t be there but she will long be remembered. May she rest in peace.


10 Years Ago-2011

Last week, President Obama’s threats that Moammar Gadhafi had to go were fulfilled. The “Mad Dog” is no more. The same warning was issued to Egypt’s Hosini Mubarak. *****The gutsiest political call in my lifetime was Obama’s getting Bin Laden, who was being hidden and protected by Pakistan. If that mission would have failed Obama was done politically. He killed the leader of al Qaeda and all of his top men. The world, and especially the United States, is safer with the mastermind dead. If Obama hadn’t made that call, Ben Laden would be masterminding terrorist attacks for years to come. No one else had the guts to do what President Obama did. ***** Congrats to Van Wade, recognized at the West Orange-Stark/Bridge City game last Friday. The Stangs, by the way, won the game. Van has been covering local sports for 20 years, plus serves as Sports Editor. It’s a full time job and he does it well. *****QUOTE OF THE WEEK is by Anita Perry, Rick’s wife, “God told her that her husband should run.” Then she adds, “We have been brutalized, beaten up and chewed up in the press and by some in our own party. I think it’s because of his faith; they may feel like God called them also.” Like Roy’s cousin Jessie Duplantis, who claims he went to Heaven and visited with God, I wonder which one, the Father, Son or Holy Ghost? *****That reminds me, Nov.1, is “All Saints Day.” Does anyone other than Catholics observe that day? *****Speaking of religion, which I never should, this week the Mount Zion Baptist Church, in Orange, is 110 years old. *****CREAUX’S TIP OF THE WEEK. Whenever you purchase a box of SOS pads immediately take a pair of scissors and cut each pad into half. You won’t have to throw away rusted, used up or smelly pads and it’s much more economical. It won’t only sharpen you scissors but the SOS pads will last you indefinitely.


Obituaries 10 Years Ago-2011

We were sorry to learn about the death of Glen Peveto, 77, who died Sunday, Oct. 23, at his home. Services are at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26. A native of Orange County, he was a cattle rancher along with his brothers Simon, now deceased, Sam, Marion and Wayne. Their roots ran deep in county history. *****We were saddened by the death of Marie Brown, age 90, who passed away Wednesday, Oct. 19. Services were held Oct. 22. Mrs. Brown was a 55 year resident of Bridge City where she and her husband, the late Aval Brown, Sr., raised their family. Her three boys are Aval, Jr., John and Kenny Brown.

18 Years Ago-2003

Dana Allen is crowned Bridge City Homecoming Queen. *****The World Series for 2003 is in the books. The Florida Marlins, with the outstanding pitching of 23 years old Josh Beckett, knocked out the New York Yankees, 2-0 in game six. Beckett was named MVP. He beat fellow Texan Andy Pettitte. Beckett never allowed a runner past second base in the five hitter game.*****Soldiers continue to get killed in Iraq. *****Matt Bryant, our Bridge City boy with the New York Giants, is still recouping from a leg injury. ***** Susan Bailey and Richard Corder have been filmed and will appear on the Texas Country Reporter show, Sunday on Channel 6, at 10:30 p.m.*****Roy Dunn was on cloud nine Friday when Lou Garriga presented him with an autographed football from Brett Farve, Green Bay’s quarterback. Lou is Brett’s cousin. (Editor’s note: Hurricane Ike didn’t get the football. Roy still proudly displays it.)***** The Record’s “Players of the Week” are Kenneth Beasley, West Orange-Stark; Dale Armand, Bridge City; Michael Thomas, Orangefield and Jonathan Davis, Little Cypress-Mauriceville.

48 Years Ago-1973

Dr. Terry Fontenot has moved his practice from Bridge City to Merryville, LA. *****Lynn Bock had a big night punting for Lamar. Lynn is a former Bridge City Cardinal. He kicked 10 points for better than a 45-yard net average. (Editor’s note: I believe Bock still holds the all time punting record for Lamar.)*****The West Orange Chiefs rolled over Jasper 47-6. Outstanding players were Victor Enard, Ray Pousson, Roy Williams, Barney Duhon and Lorrance Wills.*****Sharon Tippet was chosen homecoming queen at Bridge City. The Cards beat LC-M 28-0. In seven games the Bridge City “Wild Bunch” defense has allowed only six points. They are in a three-way tie with West Orange and SFA. *****Tony Giarratano, a West Orange student, was named to “Who’s Who Among American High School Students” for 1972-1973.

50 Years Ago-1971

The OVN “Citizen of the Week” is B W. “Bill” Stringer, born August 31, 1914, in Merryville, LA. He moved to Orange in the early 1930’s after attending high school in Port Arthur. A veteran of WWII, he served as commander of the American Legion in 1951. He served 12 years on the Orange Independent School Board and was a 20-year member of the Lions Club where he served as president in 1949. He belonged to the Chamber of Commerce and in 1955, he served on the most important committee for industrial development. In 1957, he was president of Orange County Society for Cripple Children and Adults. He also was active in Girl’s Haven and the Salvation Army. Bill is a former city councilman. He and his wife of 35 years, Annabelle, live on Cypress Street. They have three children William Bryan, Betty “Nan” Trotter and Peggy Claybar. Since 1939, Bill was a Gulf Oil dealer and operated a service station at 7th and Green.*****Betty and Corky Harmon are touring Japan.*****Cliff’s 7-Eleven stores are featuring these prices. Cigarettes-45 cents, Maryland Club coffee, 89 cents pound, Borden’s milk-79 cents gallon.*****Roger Staubach is number two quarterback for the Cowboys behind Craig Morton.*****Paul Patin, lightweight boxer from Orange, knocked down Jimmy Phillips, of Memphis, three times before the referee stopped the fight. (Editor’s note: I wonder if Paul is still with us.)*****Sweet Water is a pop Orange band. Members are Chris Adams, David Teague, Richard Wing, Roger Puckett and Sam Maggio. (Editor’s note: I’m not sure if any are still alive but I’m sure they have relatives here.)*****Buck, Tim & Tom invite you to their first anniversary sale at Superior Tire and Service at 105 Green Ave. Employees are Bob Dartez, Al Gradney, Earl Jacobs and Mike Gunn. (Editor’s note: They say the rest is history. Tim Hughes ended up owning the business that is still in operation today.)*****Allie Broussard, night clerk at Roy Dunn’s Warehouse Liquor Store, 812 Second St., was robbed at knife point by two Black males. According to the police report they took the money in the register and four jugs of whiskey. K.D. Sims was instigating officer.


We were sorry to hear about the health problems that Easton Merritt has been battling. He is Marlene and Keith Merritt’s grandson, their son Robert’s boy. Easton, who was unvaccinated, came down with COVID in August. After a hospital stay and recovery but still very weak, he contacted COVID for a second time. This time he became very ill, life threatening ill, with collapsed lungs. He’s not well but getting better, the prognosis however is that he will probably have long-term health problems. A fund raiser for Easton will be held Saturday at Memorial Field, in Orange. Come out and enjoy lots of food, games and fellowship. Your help will be deeply appreciated.


Question of the Week: The Abbott administration in Texas wants high schools to balance Holocaust books with opposite views. What would that be, that Hitler didn’t really murder over a million Jews?*****Well, we finally heard from our friend Chris Farkas, who was employed here at the Record for a few years A very talented guy. Last we had heard from Chris, just over a year ago, he was returning from Cuba in his sea-going boat and was near U.S. waters when we lost contact with him. Glad to hear he is fine. He lives on his boat which is docked at Jacksonville, Florida. He is still able to earn a living in sales but claims he has gotten lazy and doesn’t run in high gear anymore. Chris always loved water and while here he hung out with his river rat friends on the Sabine.*****I hear our friend Jackie Roberts has been absent from Jim Dunaway’s office due to COVID. We hope she is well soon.*****We spoke to our buddy Cedric Stout, Pearl Harbor survivor, who will turn 100-years-old on November 7. I asked him how he was doing. His reply was “Up and down, ready to go one day, ready to lay back the next.” Big things are being planned for his 100th by the City of Bridge City and Orange County. Also his family is planning a big reunion-type party for family and friends.*****A few folks we know celebrating birthdays. Oct. 20: Celebrating on this day are Brooke Wejs, Jason Yeaman, Jeanne Mullins and Kim Ezell.*****Oct. 21: Happy Birthday to Jennie Hutchison, Tammy Ballard, Cory Moreaux, John Cecil Beeson and city councilman Brad Childs.*****Oct. 22: Celebrating today are Kayla Jordan, Kyle Murrell, Stacy Johnnie, Brian Prevost and Bill Butler.*****Oct. 23: Born on this day are Sherry Maitz, Eric Brinson, Pat New, Jimmy Byrd, Danny Jennings, Larry Myers and our friend from Dime Box, John Wayne Clark. *****Oct. 24: Longtime friend and former employee, a special buddy, Debbie Fusilier celebrates today. Also in my thoughts today is Mary Stanton, Jerry Wiegreffe, Dale Morris and Tammy Scales Chauvin.*****Oct. 25: Happy Birthday to Tanner George and Conner Ziller. We also are remembering Doris Holts Fogal, our friend who died on this day in 1993 at age 62.*****Oct. 26: Celebrating today are Toni Dyer, Hunter Smith, Evan Swenson and Phyllis Yeats.*****Last weekend, Mark Frye and his staff held the grand opening of the new Columbanus Motor Sport business on IH-10. It’s a great facility, one of the largest motor sports outlets from Houston to New Orleans. Mark Dunn said a great crowd Saturday and he saw a lot of friends including Christy Kourey, who I miss seeing. Mark Frye is such a nice guy and that bleeds down through his staff. We wish them great success.*****A spokesman for President Biden says that his infrastructure proposals would invest in port facilities and work to expand their capacity. What a wide open window for dredging three miles of the Orange Port ship channel. All we need is someone in government able to sell it.*****Word is out that Matthew Dowd, a political consultant who lives in Wimberley, TX., and a former ABC commentator and national columnist, is going to take on attorney general Ken Paxton, who remains under indictment for securities fraud and also being investigated by the FBI. Paxton is sure to have a number of Republican challengers. Dowd, who worked for Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock, joined George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential campaign, will run as a Democrat. This will cause problems among Texas Democrats who already have a candidate, former accounting executive Mike Collier, who came within five percentage points of beating Patrick in 2018. Paxton is a Baltimore native and former talk radio host. My best guess is they will get him this time, either in the primary or the general election.



Badeaux wat is flying for da first time in his life, taking a plane trip to visit his very ill sister, Agnes, in California. Clovis is really nervous about da trip, him. Not too long after dey take off dem, da pilot is making da usual welcome announcements over da PA system.

“Ladies and gentlemens, dis is the captain. I would like to welcome you aboard Cajun Airlines. We are flying non-stop from New Orleans to Los Angeles. Me, I expect a smooth and uneventful flight. Jus sit back and enjoy da----Oh My God!”

Den dere is nuttin but silence. A minute later, da pilot comes over da PA again and say, “Ladies and gentlements, I’m sorry me if I scared you but da stewardess accidentally spilled a big cup of hot coffee in my lap. Boy, you should see da front of my pants.”

Badeaux him, breath a big sigh of relief. He say “KeeYaw,” to da passenger sitting next to him, “Da front of his pants ain’t nutten, you should see da back of mine.”


Texas election bills, pushed by Trump, are on the rocks. Passed by the Senate, the election audit bill is headed to failure. The Texas House, led by Dade Phelan, will not take up the bill despite threats by the former president. The bill would have been costly to counties having to pay for the audit.*****A final thought: Our friend John Kimbrough, who on Fridays makes predictions on Saturday college football, will get a reprieve this week. University of Texas has a bye.*****Thanks for coming along. Your readership and loyalty makes us the most read newspaper in Orange County. Take care and God bless.


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