Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

LSCO salutes 146 first-gen grads

Seventy-seven percent of Lamar State College Orange's 190 Fall 2021 graduates are first-generation college students.

That figure is music to the ears of Dr. Tom Johnson, the school's president. Johnson and his siblings were the first in their family to attend college and he started at a two-year institution like LSCO.

A total of 270 degrees and certificates were awarded earlier this month – 124 of which were associate's degrees and 146 were certificates of completion. Nine institutional awards were given out as well.

Average grade-point average of the graduates was 2.96.

The average age of graduating students was 29. The youngest grad was 18, the oldest was 62.

Sixty-eight percent were female and 68 percent of the graduates were part-time students. Seventy percent of grads were in technical programs, 30 percent academic programs.

A majority – 58 percent – of graduates were from Orange County, while Louisiana residents accounted for 14 percent of grads.

Other neighboring counties accounted for 25 percent of the grads: Jefferson 12 percent; Hardin 6 percent; Jasper 5 percent; Newton 2 percent.

Tyler, Harris and Galveston counties were home to 1 percent of the grads each.

Earning top Summa Cum Laude honors were Peyton Beebe, Remi Cobb, Clara Eude, Joshua Flynn, Payton Gereau, Cayla Hodge, Jonah Landry, Karem Ochoa, Hannah Ortego, Chloe Overstreet and Kevin Thompson.

Magna Cum Laude honors went to Hannah Campbell, Nicholas Cox, Sydney Hanson, Tammy Jarreau, Alex Jimenex, Caden Oquinn, Jessica Peet, Blake Peveto, Elijah Reynolds, Corbin Ward, Jentzi Wilson.

Cum Laude graduates Billie Askew, Kevin Cameron, Jeesel Dewitt, Rylee Gore, Chloe Haliburton, Jeannie Hanson, Madison Hess, Karie McKeown, Hanna Sadler.

Graduation ceremonies were held Friday, Dec. 17 at The Lutcher Theater in downtown Orange. Mayor Larry Spears, Jr., of Orange was the commencement speaker.


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