Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


I'm going to start this column on a different footing this week. Let me tell you about our youngest saint, Saint Agnes, who is celebrated every January 21. Born in Rome to a noble family, St. Agnes was one of the first martyrs for the Christian faith. Though she was a beautiful young woman with many admirers, she wanted only to be a bride of Christ and consecrated herself to Him at a young age. Because she refused to marry, she was turned in to the authorities for being a Christian and sentenced to beheading. She died in 304 at the age of 13. According to Saint Ambrose, she "went to the place of her execution more cheerfully than others go to their wedding." Each year, the Church celebrates her feast day on January 21 with a papal blessing of a pair of lambs. The lambs' soft wool will be used to make "pallium," the vestment the pope places on the shoulders of new archbishops on June 29 each year.


Voting is sacred and should be made easier for everyone to vote. It is cruel what the state of Texas and other states are doing to suppress votes for elderly and minority groups. Both tend to vote Democratic. In some cases, voters will have to wait over two hours in line to vote. Voting should be a given and made easy. To cause voter hardship is wrong and a form of stealing votes. They are afraid they can't win if everyone has an easy path to voting. Trump is not endorsing candidates that would do the best job, just those who will do what he tells them and that is akin to dictatorship. Voting will be made easier for some, harder for others. Voting for all citizens should be the same in all 50 states. To date we have no election fraud in this county but under the new law stealing an election will be made easier. The party in power will be able to replace members of the Electoral College and name their own members to flip the election to their benefit. That would not be a fair election. Every voter, regardless of party affiliation, should be for fair elections and a smooth transition of power. Otherwise we will no longer be a free democracy. We will become a third-world doctoral-type of government. Trump is working very hard to elect secretaries of state that will do his bidding to assure that the election results favor those of his choice. It seems the votes to pass a Voters Rights bill will fail for now but we must continue to insist that we have fair elections.



Inflation today is the highest in 40 years going back to 1982, At that time, gas prices at the pump reached nearly $4 gallon. The president in 1982 was Ronald Reagan. Gas prices also reached $4 gallon under Obama. Like President Biden they got blamed for high gas prices. The truth is that no president has anything to do with oil prices. Worldwide prices are set by OPEC. Also, most of the inflated prices have to do with the pandemic and the inability to move merchandise because of shortage of workers. The trucking industry needs 80,000 truck drivers today and many workers in the shipping industry. Inflation usually does not last a long time; it's controlled by supply and demand. The only control the government has is to raise or lower interest rates. A president is often given credit for good times that he has nothing to do with or on the other hand, a president is blamed for some things he has no control over. Today, unemployment is at a record low 3.8 percent. Over six million jobs have been added in the last year and the stock market is breaking all records, earnings are at its highest ever. When the last 80 years is averaged the United States economy is far above average on the good side. President Biden's Build Back Better plan would serve to curb inflation, while escalating living conditions to new heights not seen since the end of the Great Depression and WWII. The country is on the right track but needs bi-partisanship and a desire to work together to grow the country. What we face today is an attempt to stop all progress to benefit one party. We should count our blessing that we are not being choked by a one dictator-type party, where control is in the hands of one person. Thank God our democracy is still in tact.


10 Years Ago-2012

Joe Paterno, 85, who won more games, 409 in 46 seasons, than any other major college football coach and became the face of Pennsylvania State University and a symbol of integrity, only to be fired during the 2011 season over a child sexual abuse scandal by an assistant coach died Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. He died as he lived, he fought hard and stayed positive and reminded everyone of how blessed his life had been. I find it sad that such a good man as Joe Paterno, died with an awful scandal hanging over his head that was not of his doing. He now joins the great Bear Bryant. They can spend time making O's and X's and reliving the glory days.*****Gov. Perry spent $15 million and received 14,000 votes. More than $1 million per thousand votes. He got two delegates, $7.5 million for each one, plus Texas citizens had to pitch in $2 million for Rick's security and he also set the image of Texas back to the cowboy and Indian days.***** Last week the Wednesday Lunch Bunch, dinning at Robert's, had the pleasure of having former county commissioner Marcelle Adams stop by. She never meets a stranger even though most of the crew were longtime friends. Also dining with Marcelle was former longtime Bridge City teacher and councilor and also principle at Deweyville, Joy Scarborough. She is a beautiful lady who admits to being 83 years old but could pass for 10 years younger. She always seems to be on the go. She also makes the world's best candy, special fudge loaded down with nuts and secret ingredients. Mark Dunn just happened to be one of the many students she taught so they enjoyed a great visit. ***** We had several visitors this week. Among them were Johnny Montagne and Al Judice. Al reports his mother, Lois, is doing well. Ian, one of our interns, is a student of his lovely wife Michelle, who teaches at Lamar Port Arthur. Johnny deer hunted all winter but never saw the trophy deer he wanted so he didn't kill any. Grandson Blaze however brought us a nice deer that was processed at K-Dans.*****Quincy Procell, despite two bad knees, is out making the rounds, explaining how important voting is.*****Democratic Chairman Mark Carter will be entering the hospital for another back surgery on Feb. 1. *****Our longtime friend, a beautiful gal in a small package, Mickey Litton, is recovering from a broken verbra sustained in an auto accident several weeks ago. She crawls along but like dad Moe, she's tough. *****Our buddy King Dunn is still having some health issues. ****** State Senator Robert Nichols, from Jacksonville, stopped by. He's a personable guy. He will be our senator in the new line up. At least he's not from, the Woodlands.******Special folks celebrating their special day this week: First a belated happy birthday to Judge Janice Menard, a nice, pretty, olive-skinned Cajun lady who celebrated her special day on Sunday, Jan. 22. ***Mike Faulk, a good man who gave back to his community, several years ago suffered a stroke. Today, he is in the same Orange nursing home as Ace Amadeo. Jan. 25 is Mike's birthday and we wanted to recognize him and send best wishes. *****Also celebrating on Jan. 25 is Payton LaFleur.*****Our neighbor on Henrietta St., historian Roy McDonald, turns 87 on Jan. 25.*****One of our favorite people, Nancy Vincent, who we don't see often enough, celebrates on Jan. 26.

20 Years Ago-2002

Andrew Hayes becomes the first African American to become superintendent of West Orange-Cove School district. Hayes is also the first person to have risen through the ranks, from teacher, coach, assistant principal and principal. *****Little Cypress-Mauriceville also selected its current superintendent from its ranks. Pauline Hargrave replaces Lamar Hebert, who retired last year. *****Robert Montagne was not only a teacher and principle before becoming superintendent; he also attended school in the district and is an Orangefield High grad. *****On a very sad note, 11-year-old Dustin Brack lost his life Saturday, Jan. 19, in a skiing accident, while on a church trip. Service was held Wed., Jan. 23. He was the son of Darla and Dan Brack, Jr.*****Gene Rutledge, 81, also passed away Jan. 17. The former postmaster served in the Army Air Corp in WWII as a B-26 pilot. He leaves wife Lennie, children Calvin, David and Winnie and grandchildren. Service was held Sun., Jan. 20.*****County clerk Karen Jo Vance joined 400 county and district clerks at a seminar at Texas A&M. *****On Jan. 24, Jordan Humble turns five-years-old. (Editor's note: Just think, today that boy is 25 years old.)*****Judge Carl Thibodeaux gives up the gavel as president of Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission. He passed it on to David Moore, Beaumont mayor. Commissioner John Dubose and West Orange mayor, Roy McDonald, will represent Orange County.

45 Years Ago-1977

Jeff Fruge, Orangefield football star, is named to AA All State Team.*****Bobby Smitherman named Citizen of the Year by Bridge City Chamber.*****Former sheriff Chester Holt is hospitalized after suffering a massive heart attack. *****The Bridge City girl's basketball team remains undefeated in district play.*****Don Campbell is appointed Go-Texas Ambassador for the 1977 Houston Livestock Show. Other members are Don Katchik, Elaine Meyers and Wayne Fredrick.*****Robert Nelson is installed as president of the Orange Noon Lions Club. Other officers are Victor Campbell, W.E. Pritchett, and Oscar Dominques.

50 Years Ago-1972

Opportunity Valley News representatives attended Super Bowl VI in New Orleans as guest of the National Football League. The game was played at Tulane Stadium. The Dallas Cowboys shredded the Miami Dolphins 24-3. O.V.N. publisher Roy Dunn, sports writer Pete Runnels and editor Lee Grimsley, from Orange County, arrived on Saturday, picked up their packets at the NFL headquarters then made the town. Sunday morning they attended the NFL breakfast with 257 sports writers from around the country. In a poll of sports writers 136 had Dallas winning and 121 picked Miami. Several large vans picked the group up at the hotel for escort to the stadium. "We had access to everything but on field photography," Runnels said. "In the press box we were served snacks, including caviar, and any drink we wanted. We had dressing room passes and got many photos and interviews." Dunn said, "One of his highlights was visiting with Jim Brown. Duane Thomas (nicknamed Sphinx) was represented by Jim Brown. He and Tom Landry weren't speaking and there was friction between Thomas and the team." Roger Staubach was named Super Bowl MVP and got a new sport's car. Toby Smith, from Beaumont, Cowboy's first round pick, just got in for a few plays but most of the Cowboys, including Bob Lilly, felt he would be a great defensive lineman in the NFL for many years. Just a few of the Cowboys the trio got to visit with were Walt Garrison, Dan Reeves, Bob Hayes, Leroy Jordan, Mel Renfro, Calvin Hill, Lance Alworth, John Niland, Chuck Howley, Cornell Green and Staubach. Eight pages of pictures and interview coverage appeared in the OVN, a collectors publication. Plenty of stories could be told about that 36-degree day and the two day trip. The best story of all is how a small weekly newspaper made it to the Super Bowl when other area dailies didn't. Someday maybe Roy will print that interesting story. SIDEBAR: The great, immortal Jim Brown got locked out of the Cowboy dressing room so he climbed a 12-foot fence and went in the back door. I'll try to contact him and see if he remembers that. Also at the time, Margaret Toal was attending Nelda Stark's school in Denton and got a call or maybe a copy of the OVN from her mom about our little paper covering the Super Bowl. She started telling the story once before being hushed so I don't know how the story ends.


Congratulations to Brown Hearing Aid Center on their 60th anniversary. They have advertised with us for most of those years. We have known Mrs. Dorothy Brown since 1964. See story by Dan Perrine.*****A few folks we know celebrating in the next few days. First I want to start with a special lady who will be celebrating next week on Jan. 26. Marilyn Landry Roccaforte, a Vermillion Parish native, turns 96 years old on this day. She is the mother of county commissioner Kirk Roccaforte. Grandma Roccaforte is a full blooded Cajun who married a 100% Italian many years ago. Kirk and his siblings were raised in two cultures where Italian pasta was served one day and Cajun jambalaya the next. Mama Roccaforte is reported to be a master chef at both and always delights the family gatherings with a large table full of goodies from both cultures. Today she still makes her own way and depends only on someone mowing the lawn. Best wishes for a very happy birthday to the girl from Erath, a suburb of Abbeville, LA. You may send her a birthday card at 200 Circle, Bridge City, TX 77611. That would be nice.*****Jan. 19: Happy Birthday to Krystle Janeaux. Candance Clark, Jimmy Whittle, Lisa Costilla and Brenda Manasco.*****A very Happy Birthday to our friend Judge Hershal Stagner. Nineteen years ago in 2003, our friend Ray Trahan died. Gone but not forgotten.*****Jan. 20: Happy Birthday to coach Steve Griffith, Melissa Berry and Beth Fisher.*****Jan. 21: Celebrating today are Charles Arceneaux, Sarah Bonds and David Doucet.*****Jan. 22: Happy Birthday to Julian Meadows, Don Collins, Myra Sherwood, Nincy Sieck and Meloney Delano.*****Jan. 23: A very Happy Birthday to Rex and Eric's mom, Sandra Peveto. Also celebrating are Sue Harris, Karen Anthony, Caitlyn Linder, Cindy Cain, Logan Mitchell and Stephanie Smith.*****Jan. 24: Happy Birthday to Toni Robertson, Eric Shuford, Randy Franklin and Larry Gray.*****Jan. 25: Celebrating today are Amy Kidder, Garland Gresham, Jessia Hobbs, Malissie Bailey, Judy Rodgers and our friend Roy McDaniel. *****CREAUX'S TIP OF THE WEEK: To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers fill a trigger spray bottle with vodka, that's right, vodka. Spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew. Vodka has a lot of uses. Just think I used to drink the stuff.*****Welcome to Top Deck Flooring's J.W. Dalton, Dennis Malone and staff. We are hearing some good things about the new company. Before you buy any type flooring visit the friendly folks at Top Deck for the best deal in the area. Just a little trip down the Interstate can save you a lot. See advertising in this issue.


Tee Cus Comeaux and Alfred Thibodeaux were in da local Wal-Mart wen dey decide to get in on da charity raffle. To help out dey bought five tickets, all a dollar each. Dey felt good about dere donation but wen da raffle was drawn, to dere surprise dey boat won.

Tee Cus him, won da turd place prize, a bag of coment rice, a bottle of Tobasco and a jar of Savoy Roux. Alfred him, he won da six place prize, a toilet brush.

A few weeks pass wen dey met up for coffee. Alfred axe Tee Cuz how he like his prize. Tee Cuz say, "Me, I like all dem, and used dem."

Den he axe Alfred, "How bout you and your toilet brush, Hannh?"

"I don't like it so good me, I'm tinking bout switching back to paper me."



Gov. Greg Abbott has come under fire by several Texas newspapers. Friday, Jan. 14, the Houston Chronicle ran a half-page editorial under the headline "Abbott's Operation Lone Star Must End." Sub headline: "It's the Least the governor can do for the National Guard that Trump demoralized by his leadership." The long editorial can be found on The Chronicle website. Maj. Jason Featherston is quoted several times in the article, "Inside the command group it is common knowledge that this is just Gov. Abbott doing his political thing, trying to be like Trump, you know. "Build A Wall." Eighteen hundredguardsmen are on the border. So far it has cost Texas taxpayers $3 billion. They mostly just sleep in their Humvees or a cramped trailer with 36 beds packed in like sardines. Basic necessities, such as bathrooms, are absent. Troops perceive the mission as a lack of purpose. They are just there. They can't even make arrest. Maj. Featherston said, "I've never seen an operation be so screwed up." Many soldiers with hardship cases at home are forced into deployment. The Chronicle says," Treating the troops like his own collection of toy soldiers isn't just wasteful, it's cruel." The hypocrisy is staggering. Abbott routinely slams President Joe Biden for mythical "open border policies," when Biden has in fact left in place Trump's 'Chapter 42' policy that allows migrants to be immediately expelled. "Operation Lone Star" embodies the toxic mix of shortsighted policies, arrogance and naked ambition that have defined Abbott's second term. The Chronicle says only 17 miles of new wall has been built. That would leave 700 miles in Texas that will never be finished in our lifetime. It's a political football. Abbott should put an end to this political charade that's wasting taxpayer dollars, tearing apart military families for no good reason and costing lives as young soldier commit suicide. Abbott's presidential ambitions are well known, but first he has to gain another term as governor and that may not be a sure thing. To read the entire Chronicle editorial will cost $2 but its well worth the price for what you learn.*****Well, I've come to the end of the trail. Please read us cover to cover. Also check out our website therecordlive.com. Remember, the opinions expressed in this column are those of mine and Creaux's alone. Have a nice week and God bless.


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