Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine worsens by the day. Where will it all end? I recall WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan but this could be different than all the others. One difference for the United States is we won't have boots on the ground. We will have to make sacrifices at home. With the oil embargo on Russia, we will see gas prices rise even higher. That is a small price to pay in comparison to what the people of Ukraine are facing. I believe in our democracy, I believe in our government, but I also believe Ukrainian people are fighting a losing battle and in the end Zelensky will be killed. I pray destiny is on their side and against all odds the people of Ukraine prevail and force Putin and Russia into negotiations, but the proud people of Ukraine will never give up their freedom. They will fight till death. They need the world's support but that is a calculated risk when nuclear powers are involved. By permission from the New York Times we have run excerpts of Maureen Dowd's story which was run Monday. The story was too long to run all of it but I believe in the portion we ran she has captured the historical times we are in.

Zelensky and Trump: Two Performers, One Hero

Excerpts from New York Times by Maureen Dowd

History is full of strange odysseys and intersections.

It's bizarre that two men who were both front page news in the Friday Times started on similar paths and, with a consequential encounter along the way, ended up so differently. Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky both played leaders on TV shows and then became leaders in real life. They both used social media to gain power. And they both had zany acting gigs. But after they ascended to power, the would-be president of "Sharknado 3" and the Ukrainian voice of Paddington Bear took on very different roles. Trump became a blackguard. Zelensky donned a white hat. Trump tried to overturn American democracy. Zelensky tried to save Ukrainian democracy. Trump was always a faux tough guy who bragged about grabbing women and loved all things military except serving in it. Cadet Bone Spurs. Courage was an alien concept to this spoiled brat; he has always been a bully who let other people do the fighting for him. He sicced a mob on the Capitol, while he went back to the comfort of the White House to watch his attempted coup play out on TV and to gloat about the frightened, barricaded lawmakers and his own trapped vice president. Zelensky has stayed rooted in Kyiv to rally the morale of his brutalized country and face down Vladimir Putin and the invading Russian army. He admits he is afraid, but he doesn't show it as danger closes in. Zelensky knows, as Putin's Target No. 1, he could lose his life. The 44-year-old Ukrainian president has become a symbol of bravery. His leadership has been defined by nimble action against overwhelming odds, great one-liners like "I need ammunition, not a ride," and modesty. As he said in his inauguration speech in 2019: "I would very much like for you to not have my portrait in your offices. No portraits! A president is not an icon, nor an idol. A president is not a portrait. Put photographs of your children there, instead. Trump, in a nimbus of selfishness and narcissism, inverted revered American ideals. He soiled the image of his country and reshaped it around his grievances and inadequacies. Zelensky stood up for Ukrainian ideals. He helped imbue his country with a shining, resilient image, reinforced when the world saw remarkable images of battle-ready mothers and grannies making Molotov cocktails. Trump  was impeached in 2019 for withholding military aid to Ukraine ("I would like you to do us a favor, though") until Zelensky dug up dirt on Joe Biden, Trump's rival. "It hammers home how despicable an act it was to treat Ukraine as a political plaything," The claim by Trump and his sycophants that his relationship with Putin had kept Russia out of Ukraine is ludicrous. He was Putin's poodle and Putin would have rolled over him; he was biding his time as Trump weakened NATO. Trump praised Putin for an act of "genius" even as the rest of the world was watching in horror as the mad Russian president prepared to order the bloody march through Ukraine and suffocated the remnants of a free press in Moscow. That was a shameful moment, as was a House committee on Wednesday producing evidence it said showed that Trump had conspired to commit fraud and obstruction by bamboozling Americans about the election and trying to flip the result. There were even some Republicans backing away from the toxic Trump over Ukraine. In a speech to top G.O.P. donors Friday night in New Orleans, Mike Pence included the line, "There is no room in this party for apologists for Putin." By standing up to the Evil Empire, Zelensky could earn comparisons to another performer turned pol, and that should grate on Trump as much as having his vice president turn on him. Ronald Reagan helped lift the Iron Curtain. Zelensky is trying his best to stop it from slamming down again.


15 years Ago-2007

Ms. Cora won't be running her newspaper route this week. Last Tuesday, she picked up her Penny Record newspapers, bagged and delivered them just like she

had done every Tuesday for over 10-years. Cora was proud of the paper and was conscientious and dedicated to her delivery job. She took special care, even though the

paper was free, to get it to our readers promptly and according to their wishes. She had several pet customers. We never received any complaints on

Cora's route. Someone else will be throwing the route this Tuesday and those to follow. Cora Lee Hebert, 64, has gone on a long trip to join the Lord.

She passed away unexpectedly Friday, March 2, at her residence. We at The Record Newspaper family will miss her. She was a good lady and a good friend.***** We had known Evelyn Culp, 83, for many years. We were sorry to hear of her death Monday, March 5. To Cheryl, Pat, Randy and Steve and their families, our deepest sympathy on your loss. She and Thomas, her husband of 51-years, are back together again.*****Well, we did hear from Judge Pat and he's cooking on all burners and looking forward to the St. Joseph's Altar coming up. Clark had his first complete physical since he was a G.I. many years ago. He hated drinking that gallon of Phosphorus Soda as bad as I did. The good thing is he'll live to see many more St. Joseph's Altars*****Friends of Raymond Meyers to host a benefit beginning at 10 a.m., March 17, at

Groves Knights of Columbus Hall. In 2006, Raymond suffered a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage. He is now in a care facility.***** Happy anniversary on March 12 to Watson and Ida Mae Collins.*****Bridge City is on the grow. Two new subdivisions are starting up. Rodney Townsend and Matt Bryant have projects going, Parkside Development  has sold all of their remaining lots to one developer and have a deal working on 75 more acres. Tri-Con, parent company of Exxpress Mart has purchased the corner at Hwy. 87 and Hwy. 62 from Paul Cormier and Tim Edgar to build a new convenience store. Homes are going up on most available lots around the city plus, Boren is expanding his subdivision at Harvey and Jones Streets. All of Orange County will be facing a shortage of housing with over 8,000 new construction jobs coming to Jefferson County in the next year.*****We  were sorry to hear about the death of Phyllis Green's

mom, Gladys Cuccio, 85. She passed away Feb. 27. She and Anthony had been married 65-years. ***** Condolences also to Dale and Mike Parish and their families on the death of their mother Laverne Parish, 80, who died Feb. 27. *****Gov. Ann Richards was remembered with admiration last week by the United States Congress. The resolution was co-sponsored by Republican Ralph Hall and Democratic Solomon Ortiz in a tribute where many spoke. Nick Lampson said, "She aimed to create

a new Texas and when she broke through the glass ceiling, she reached her hand out to pull women, minorities and the disadvantaged up with her."  Ms.

Ann's razor sharp wit, bouffant white hairdo and her legacy as a trailblazer for women was recalled by the entire United States House.*****Congrats to American Real Estate's star performers Lori Jordan, Bette Elliott, Tina Granger, Linda Stout and Amanda Green. These ladies are not only very good at helping folks with their real estate needs, they are also very lovely.*****Steve Worster is a granddad and the Worster name lives on. Evan Scott Worster was born Feb. 8. A big boy, he weighed in at 9 pounds, 11 ounces. Evan is the new son of Scott and Jacque Worster. I can't help but think about how proud Louise and R.B., Steve's now deceased parents, would have been.*****According to Coach Neal Morgan, Coach Wade Phillips continues to bring publicity to Orange and that's a good thing. *****Walter and Wayne are back in the banking business. The group has purchased the County Banks from Carlos and his group. Carlos will continue to run the chain for two more years. Employees are expected to remain the same.***** Since Wayne Peveto has gone to the barn, our longtime buddy, legal secretary Marilyn Smith has retired. She had been Attorney Peveto's private secretary and confidant. She said for years when Wayne went, she was going too. Wayne is still practicing on a limited schedule. Sons Rex and Eric are doing a good job at the law firm. Wayne Peveto, a former State

Representative, teacher and rodeo rider is one of the smartest, down to earth guy this writer has ever known. (Editor's note: Marilyn passed away a few years ago.)***** Well Anna Nicole has been buried but the parties eyeing that dough are not making nice. Meanwhile,

James Brown is still on ice.*****Ann Coulter, the darling of the conservative right, is moving her Adams apple, doing the job she's paid for, spreading

hatred. She and Hannity are the merchants of fear and lies. *****For years Demos have been urging President Bush to have dialog with our enemies. Bush called them "Axis of Evil" and said, "Bring them on." Now that things are crumbling around him, he's agreed to talks.*****Bill Clinton is still the Muhammad Ali of politics. He's proved it in Selma Sunday. He is still the champ.

45 Years Ago-1977

A native Orangeite, who supports the merger of schools, Brown Claybar, has become a West Orange-Cove school board candidate. Claybar is a 1968 graduate of

Stark High. He has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from SFA University and is a graduate of Commonwealth College of Science in Houston. Claybar and wife, Linda, have a preschool age son and are expecting another child in June. She is a

former West Orange teacher. *****Radio Shack opens at Northway. Dick McAdoo is the manager. *****Some of the C.B. handles heard around the county are Black Max,

Tall Boy, Lady Quicksilver, Sandblaster, Lazy Boy, Rusty Bottom, Ouita, Lady Wells Fargo, Beebe Gun, Captain Kangaroo, Wild Woman, Lady Informer, Sneaky Snake, Fire Ball, Dinky, Yankee Red Bone, Sure Thing, Stud and Thunderbird. (Editor's note: CB radios were the craze in the mid 1970's. Women were very active in CB-ing, along with men. The Lone Star Club was one of the largest in Orange, and gatherings and dances were common. Every home had at least one CBer.)*****Stark High Class of 1957 to hold reunion. Some former students are Gerald Thompson, Jack Smith,

Patsy Fisette, Ray Trahan and Pat Brandon.*****Titles of having the "Top Country Western Singles" are held by unlikely country singers.  "Say You'll Stay until Tomorrow" by Tom Jones was #1. "Moody Blue/She Thinks I Still Care," by Elvis Presley, #2.

"Heart Healer" by Mel, Mel, Mel Tillis #3; "Near You" #4 by George Jones and Tammy Wynette. #5, "Torn Between Two Lovers" by Mary McGregors. (Editor's Note: I don't remember that one.) "Crazy" by Linda Ronstadt #6. "Uncloudy Day"

by Willie Nelson #7. "Two Less Lonely People" #8, by Rex Allen Jr. "Desperado" by Johnny Rodriques #9. (Editor's Note: What became of him since the killing. I liked his music.) "She's Just An Old Love Turned Memory" by Charlie Pride #10. *****The

#1 top album is "A Star Is Born Original Soundtrack" by Barbara Streisand and Kris

Kristofferson.*****Sheila Beeson celebrates her 29th birthday. (Editor's note: Sheila, a newspaper reporter, was editor of the Opportunity Valley News, became a school principal and is now running for the Vidor School Board. She was once married to the late, notorious Harold Beeson. Her last name is now Sarver.*****Uncle Jim McKay will celebrate his 92 birthday on Thursday, March 10.*****Amy and Whitney Oubre will celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary. They are the parents of Phyllis Dunn.*****Don Bray was rescued after two miserable days in the marsh with no food or shelter. He says he

will have a lifetime of memories about that fishing trip. (Editor's note: I wonder what became of Don.)  

50 Years Ago-1972

The OVN front page features a picture of football great Steve Worster and his 14-year-old brother Gary arm wrestling and an exclusive story inside where Steve covers a variety of things. He speaks of players, coaches and his football days in Canadian football. The interview covers a full page and is a keeper.***** I can't remember when John and Ruby Pichard didn't live in the Cove but they now live in Wichita, Kansas. Ruby is in the real estate business there.*****Cathy Gale Sandefer and Mark Hatton will be married come May 12.*****Helen Denmon is named 'Modern Woman in the World of Today.' She is part owner, vice president and secretary of Keown Supply. A sign on her office wall reads, "Four things a woman should know: How to look like a girl; How to act like a lady; How to think like a man; How to work like a dog."*****Bob Biffe is new sports writer for the OVN. Former writer, Pete Runnels, is running for Orange County Democratic chairman. Coach Jim Crossland also writes a very interesting sports column.*****Wayne Peveto, running for state representative, features a picture of his family Sandra, baby Eric, Rex and Wayne in a full page ad run in the Opportuniy Valley News.*****Prices at Beall's: Men's double knit suit, $64.88; Double knit sports coat, $44; Men's shirts by Arrow, $8: Haggar slacks, $16.*****The Opportunity Valley News celebrates 1st anniversary March 17, St. Patrick's Day. The paper grew from six pages to 32 in the first year and from nine advertisers to 106.*****A list of most colorful people of the last 30 years: Judge Sid Caillavet, Jimmy Conn, Neal Miller St., Clay Dunn, Joe Blanda, Claude 'Showboat' Williams, Father Joe, Lannie Claybar and Rev. W.W. Kennedy.


Last Saturday, Hardin-Jefferson Lady Hawks lost its 4A state championship bid to Brownsboro, 50-49. The Lady Hawks took a slim lead into halftime but scored only 20 points during the second half in the championship game played at the Alamo Dome. College scouts were in attendance. Hawks senior guard Ashlon Jackson, who scored 17 points, is headed to Duke. Hawks coach is Mike Fogo, athletic director is Bridge City native and former Bridge City head football coach and A.D. Dwayne 'Beaver' DuBois. He's city councilman Aaron Roccaforte's brother-in-law, married to sister Cristal.


On March 6, 1964, Cassius Clay officially changed his name to Muhammad Ali, after winning heavy weight championship from Sonny Liston.

Franklin D. Roosevelt became United States president 89 years ago, March 4, 1933. He served throughout most of my childhood until April 1945. Harry Truman was sworn in April 22, 1945.

Notable birthdays: March 12, Lisa Mienelli, 76; Mitt Romney, 75; James Taylor, 74. Proves old age comes fast. Mitt was only 59 when he ran against Obama.


A few folks we know celebrating birthdays in the next few days. March 9: Celebrating today are Kim Forman, Tiffany Kelly, Brittney Zenos, Liz Weaver and Pat Pate.*****March 10: David May, Robert Harvey, Zara Hollis, Josh Gross, Mary White and Bob Izer all share birthdays with Chuck Norris, who turns 87.*****March 11: Pat Lund, Cindy Reynolds, A.J. Strahan, Colton "CJ" Dugan celebrate.*****March 12: Happy Birthday today to Jack Morgan, Bryleigh Moore and Carol Ann Kimbrow.*****March 13: Celebrating are Amy Peevey, Kyle Dubose, John Collin Kimbrow and Lindsey Bland. (Daylight Savings Time begins today)*****March 14: A year older today are Jill Peveto, John Brister, Bud Briggs and singer and music producer Quincy Jones, who turns 89.*****March 15: Dusty Jennings, Julie Myers, Amber Doiron and Ricky Glenn Roberts, Jr. all celebrate birthdays on this day. Happy Birthday to all.


LuLu Comeaux, da old maid, is da self-appointed monitor of da church's morals and always sticking her nose in utta people's business. Most of da church members didn't approve of LuLu running her head and talking bad about utta people but dey feared her scorn so dey didn't say nuttin bout it. LuLu however, and her bad tongue, made a mistake wen she accused Joe Boudreaux, who had jus joined da church, of being an alcoholic him, after she saw Joe's old pickup truck parked in front of

Tee-Boy's Bar and Grill. LuLu said, "Anyone who saw his truck dere for dat long can't mistake wat he was doing." Boudreaux, a man of few words, stared at LuLu for a moment and den jus turn and walked away. He didn't say nuttin, didn't defend or deny, but to himself he say, "Dat old bitty." Later dat evening Joe quitly parked his old pickup in front of LuLu's house, den walked home and left his truck parked dere all night.




Congratulations to Chris Sowell, on his victory for county commissioner and to Judge Joy Dubose-Simonton on her re-election. Both ran good, positive campaigns. I wasn't surprised by the outcome and had predicted that only 20 percent of eligible voters would vote. Also a big congratulations to LCM football coach Eric Peevey, named the 'Bum Phillips Coach of the Year.' Coach Wade Phillips, like his dad also an Orange native and former NFL coach, presented Peevey the ring adorned with Bum's famous western hat. We wish continued success to Coach Peevey.*****Thanks for your time. Please read us cover to cover and support the advertisers who bring you this publication free of cost. Take care and God bless


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