Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Kenneth Prosperie seeks Place 4 seat on Bridge City Council

Bridge City Citizens, I am not a politician. I am just a citizen who wants to work hard for the betterment of our community. I, Kenneth Prosperie, have filed to run for Place 4 on Bridge City Council. I will focus on our City Services such as clean, safe drinking water; good drainage; and clean outfalls; drivable roads; and a properly functioning sewer system. I have been very active for years working through City Council trying to achieve what's best for our community. Bridge City is down to two water wells from four. These wells supply our fire water and drinking water. Our growing community needs the proper infrastructure to sustain our City. When I see a problem, I contact the necessary entity to repair the issue, whether it be City, County, TxDot, or Entergy. This is why my wife and I have been labeled as civic activists.

My wonderful wife of 40 years, Peggy, and I have lived in Bridge City for over 23 years at 819 Sunnyside Drive. We have enjoyed raising our three amazing children in Bridge City, all who graduated from Bridge City High and completed bachelor degrees at Lamar University. Our children have blessed us with 11 precious grandchildren. Bridge City, to us, is a family-oriented community, and I want to keep it that way.

I learned many mechanical and trouble shooting skills from my father and my employment. I was lucky enough to be employed at Gulf Oil/Chevron where I retired after 29 years of working around highly skilled, old-school craftsmen and many exceptional operators who had a wealth of knowledge. Along with mechanics, I have learned the importance of preventive maintenance.

I am a true conservative who believes that our City tax dollars should be spent on our City Services. City Council should always ask our City employees what tools they need to succeed. Council needs to put the safety of our citizens first and foremost, and work closely with our police to keep drug dealers out of our community.

I will work relentlessly to get your concerns dealt with. I will also keep a close eye out for any profit agenda items that are not in the best interest of our City. I will be independent, impartial, and responsible to our citizens, and always have unconflicted loyalty for the interest of the entire city! I am not in any special interest groups or have any affiliation with any company or other private or public organization, which is a requirement by our City Council Standards.

If elected, I will be a very active Council member who will always show up, and check out all issues that arise. Some of the best ideas and solutions come from our fellow citizens, so I am always asking questions and listening. I can promise you if you allow me with your vote, I will make a difference!


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