Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

LCM Presents Award

Implements Safety on the Move Program

Superintendent Stacey Brister and the LCM Board of Trustees presented Trooper Jesse Bodiford with a Safety on the Move Award at the December Regular Board Meeting. The award was given in recognition of the action he took on July 27th assisting five LCM students who were involved in a motor vehicle accident. In addition to a plaque thanking him for his quick and compassionate response to the accident and his skill in assessing the students’ injuries and securing the necessary medical services, a Bleeding Control Kit donated by Meadows Medleys will be placed on one of the district school buses in his honor.  

Safety on the Move is a collaborative effort between LCM’s Health Services, Transportation, and Maintenance Departments. The program was developed by Kelly Meadows, Director of Health Services/LCI School Nurse, and was implemented in 2022 by the district as part of their ongoing efforts to provide a safe and healthy work and learning environment for students and staff. The goal is to outfit all district owned vehicles with Bleeding Control Kits and add Lifevac Choking Rescue devices for vehicles that transport children. Vehicles that transport wheelchairs will have a third measure of protection in the form of fire blankets. According to the manufactures of the Lifevac Choking Rescue devices and Bleeding Control Kits, this is first time they’ve been approached by a school district for placement of their products on school buses, making LCM’s Safety on the Move a truly innovative project. In addition, the project is funded solely through grants and donations.  

Transportation personnel have already received training on the use of the Lifevac Choking Rescue devices, Bleeding Control Kits, and CPR. Maintenance will receive training once their equipment comes in. For questions regarding the Safety on the Move program, please contact Kelly Meadows, RN, BSN.


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