Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Greater Orange-Area Chamber of Commerce Names Student, Employee of the Semester at LSCO

The Greater Orange-Area Chamber of Commerce, along with its Ambassadors and the staff of Lamar State College Orange, named LSCO’s Student and Employee of the Semester recently.

Dawson Doiron, of Orange, TX, was named the Greater Orange-Area Chamber of Commerce Student of the Semester and received a $500 scholarship. Dawson is Vice President of both the Student Government Association (SGA) and LSCO’s Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) chapter, the two-year college national honor society.

“Dawson is a successful, dedicated student who has a passion for helping students and showcasing LSCO to current and future students. To me, he is a shining example of what we hope all of our Gator students will be,” said Amy Moore, Director of Student Life and SGA Sponsor.

Jessica Williams was named the Greater Orange-Area Chamber of Commerce Employee of the Semester. Williams has worked at Lamar State College Orange for nearly 18 months and has jumped into campus life and service.

“Jessica has worked for LSCO as an adjunct faculty member for 18 months, taking on a full teaching load most of the time as well as throwing herself into the campus community. As an adjunct and a now full-time faculty member, Jessica has served as an advisor for PTK, has served on the QEP committee, has been tapped to be the ‘second chair’ on a faculty SACSCOC team, and taken on any teaching assignment cheerfully,” said Dr. Gwen Whitehead, professor and co-worker.

We congratulate these special Gators on this recognition and thank them for all they do for our Gator community!


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