Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Solving the summer puzzle

One of the biggest and most intriguing factors that keep fishermen coming back day after day is the process of discovery, figuring out the puzzle so to speak. The task of sifting through all the variables and making sense out of all the factors in order to establish a pattern is what drives many anglers. Unknowingly we all go through the same process every time we fish but without the fanfare.

Most of us don’t realize we are even doing it, establishing a pattern, but just as sure as water is wet we are doing exactly that.

Now there are way more folks who fall into the category of “routine” fishermen than those who actually take the time to go about establishing a solid pattern. The guy who hooks his boat up, launches at the same launch, fishes the same spots, and throws the same bait trip after trip is a “routine” fisherman. The law of averages eventually rewards this guy with a good trip or two, just enough hope and success to keep him coming back day after day. Now I can’t tell you what the “routine” fisherman does is wrong because different folks have different goals and expectations. If “routine” fisherman has a good time on the water and enjoys his trip then more power to him, but there is much more out there see and a whole lot more fish to be caught.

Perhaps the best way to illustrate the technique of establishing a pattern I ever heard of was demonstrated by a very accomplished guide on Sam Rayburn by the name of Will Kirkpatrick. Will actually taught classes on fishing and showed anglers how to apply the techniques he taught. One of the best ones was “how to establish a pattern”. Anglers in the class were given a stack of 3 x 5 note cards before they went out to fish. On the cards the anglers were to write down a variety of information every time they got a bite or caught a fish. Water depth, surrounding structure, water temp, lure, retrieve speed, and so on were all noted by each angler. At lunch or dinner that evening the anglers were to bring their stack of cards and start sorting through them. Little by little each

card was put into a stack until they were all done. It was amazing at the end of the sorting process how each angler could now physically put their hand on one stack, that was usually the largest, and see exactly what the common denominators were in their pattern. This process is what we as anglers need to be able to do mentally in order to narrow down the options and realize just

exactly what the pattern is for that specific day.

Okay so now you understand the method of how to decipher the pattern, the only question is “how do I get started?” A few basic questions first come to mind that should shed some light on the subject. First one has to be about things you cannot control, meaning weather conditions. Weather obviously plays a huge factor in determining your strategy for that days trip on the water. For

arguments sake we are going to make weather a non-factor, it’s drop dead perfect conditions and no water is off limits due to bad winds or other limiting factors. The next uncontrollable factor has to be tides, either you have them or you don’t, no in between. Tidal movement will certainly influence your approach and should determine where and how you start your day.

A truly dialed in pattern is a thing of beauty and helps to promote confidence in any angler. When you step on a boat to go fish with your buddy or a guide and they tell you something is going to happen and as soon as you stop at the right spot it starts then it seems as if everything in the world is right. The more skilled you become at putting these pieces together and being able to decipher

the puzzle the more enjoyable your trips on the water will become. Don’t become a creature of habit, take the clues you are given and put them in order in a very simple and basic fashion and watch what happens. The results become much more predictable and your time on the water becomes much more pleasant as your results get better with each and every trip. It’s always been said “knowledge is power” , the more you know the better off you are.


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