Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

CCOC ARENA Playday Series 2023 Off to a Running Start

Cowboy Church of Orange County Arena's first summer Arena Play Day Series was off to a running start with its July 22 series opener. Ground Events included Stick Horse Race, Dummy Roping, and Goat and Calf Scramble. Calf Scramble provided some excitement for the spectators Saturday night, when a calf on the loose exited the arena to roam the church grounds.

This Arena Play Day series' age divisions range from Pee Wee to Super Senior (ages 40 and over). Horse Events include Barrels, Poles, Straight Barrels and Speed Race. Buckles will be awarded in all divisions at the last event of the series September 23. Ribbons and prizes are also awarded throughout the series.

Spectator admission and parking are free. Minimal event fees of $5 for lead line and ground events, and $10-$15 per event for horse events help fund the cost of maintaining the arena. The Play Day Series will continue on August 12, September 2, and September 23. Registration for each play day is the day of the event. For the spectators, the Arena Concessions Stand features homemade brisket sandwiches, cold drinks, candy and snacks, including ice pops and pickle juice.

CCOC Arena is open free of charge to the community for Open Arena Tuesdays and Thursdays, weather permitting, from 6 p.m. until the last horse leaves. If in doubt about arena closure for weather, CCOC Arena Team Leader James Rucker suggests "call before you haul," 409-670-6748. Negative Coggins paperwork is required for all horses on Cowboy Church property.

The church is moving forward with construction plans for an arena cover which will negate weather cancellations and provide more opportunities for community-wide events. The arena cover will also include a cooling system for spectator comfort. The CCOC Arena, located at 673 FM 1078 in Orange, currently seats 700.


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