Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Reelect Jimmy Lane Mooney for Orange County Sheriff!

Dear Orange County residents,

It's been an honor serving as your Sheriff for the past four years, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Today, I stand before you to humbly ask for your vote once again, as we continue to build upon the progress we've made together.

Throughout my tenure, we have achieved significant milestones and implemented positive changes that have transformed the Orange County Sheriff's Office like never before. Allow me to share some of our accomplishments:

✅ Negotiated Union Contract: After 13 long years of our officers not having a contract, we successfully negotiated a fair and equitable agreement. This historic accomplishment ensured that our hardworking officers received well-deserved raises, recognizing their dedication and commitment to keeping our community safe.

✅ Strong Working Relationships: We have fostered an outstanding working relationship between the Sheriff’s Office, Commissioners Court, and the County Judge. Together, we have forged partnerships built on trust and collaboration, enabling us to tackle challenges head-on and deliver effective results for the people of Orange County.

✅ Utilizing Seized Assets: By utilizing asset forfeiture money seized from criminals, we have invested in state-of-the-art equipment, patrol cars, training, and essential resources. We took this opportunity to enhance the safety of our schools by providing active shooter training at zero cost to taxpayers. Through our innovative approach, we are making sure our officers are equipped with the necessary tools to protect and serve our community.

✅ Investing in Patrols: Recognizing the importance of a well-equipped and efficient force, we have increased patrols and acquired 26 new patrol cars. These new vehicles come equipped with essential features such as gun safes and radar equipment. By investing in these upgrades, we have empowered our officers, enabling them to perform their duties with the utmost professionalism and effectiveness.

As we look ahead, I am committed to continuing our progress, improving public safety, and working tirelessly to ensure Orange County remains a safe and thriving community. However, I cannot achieve these goals without your support. I humbly ask for your vote in the upcoming election, so together, we can build upon the foundation we've laid and create an even brighter future for Orange County.

Thank you for entrusting me with the responsibility of serving as your Sheriff. Let's keep moving forward, hand in hand, for a safer and stronger Orange County!

Jimmy Lane Mooney

Orange County Sheriff


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