Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlcok Breaux in the Creaux's Nest



Tuesday President Joe Biden said the United States stands with Israel following Hamas' brutal massacre in Israel. "We will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself and respond to this attack. There's no justification for terrorism. There's no excuse." In the deadliest attack on Israel in decades, more than 1,700 Israelis and at least 14 Americans were killed when Hamas militants crashed through the Israeli border along the Gaza Strip and launched a surprise invasion. "There are moments in this life when pure unadulterated evil is unleashed in this world," Biden said. "The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend." Hamas, a militant organization is committed to the destruction of Israel and has been designated a terrorist group by the U.S., the EU and various nations. The group has vowed to annihilate Israel and has been responsible for many suicide bombings and other deadly attacks on civilians and Israeli soldiers.


We were sorry to learn of the passing of ‘Al’ DeRoche, age 95, on October 1. Funeral services were held at St. Paul Methodist Church October 6. Several years ago Al helped the Record Newspapers as an ad executive. Al was a people’s person and loved calling on the trade. He made many friends, some still advertising in our paper today. One friendship in particular was with Keith Wallace, owner of Reliable Cleaners. It was a running joke. Keith would call and say, “Send Al.” Over the years he was the first to arrive at the office. He was a fun guy and shared many stories about the events in the field. He had a special way with people. It finally got to where it was too dangerous for him to drive due to his age and he finally had to give it up. He checked on us regularly to make sure we were treating his customers right. Al helped us through some hard times after hurricane Ike. He was a good friend and a pleasure to have known. Our condolences to Helen and his entire family. May he rest in peace.


10 Years Ago-2013

The government shutdown is having far reaching effects and is inflicting pain on the American people. About 35 Tea Party members, led by Sen. Ted Cruz, is holding our country hostage by placing a gun to the head of Speaker John Boehner. They have threatened to take away his speaker ship if he allows a vote on the senate bill that reflects Republican Paul Ryan’s budget. All Boehner has to do is call for an up or down vote in the Congress and let the two party members decide, yes or no. It’s that simple, but instead Cruz and the extremist demigods want to play with the Affordable Care Act, which is already decided and the law of the land. One of those extremist is our own congressman Steve Stockman, who can do absolutely nothing to help us. We pay him $180,000 a year plus perks and all we get from him is a government shutdown and a threat to take the country over the cliff. ***** State Rep. Allen Ritter won ‘t run for re-election in 2014. He has served in the House since 1998, many of those years as a Democrat. He switched to the Republican Party when the district was redistricted. Two years ago, it was redistricted again taking in all of Orange County, Mid County and portions of Beaumont. That move left Orange County without a local state representative for the first time in over 60 years.*****CONDOLENCES: We were very saddened to learn about the death of a beautiful young lady, Rachel Ford, only 20 years old, who died last Friday, Oct. 4. Services were held yesterday, Tuesday, Oct. 8. We have known Rachel’s parents, John Ford, Jr. and Gail Ford Maddox, since they were youngsters. Rachel was their only daughter.***We were sorry to hear about the death of Dana Clark Silkwood, formally of Bridge City. She was the daughter of Bill and Doris Ann Clark. She passed away last week after a long illness. She and her husband lived in Spring. A celebration of her life was held Saturday, Oct. 12,***A lifetime educator, Leona Simmons, 81, of Bridge City, passed away Monday, Oct. 7. She was survived by her only sibling, John Dubose. Our condolences to John and his entire family. *****For several years Orange County didn’t get much attention from our state senator. That is no longer the case. Sen. Nichols and his staff are constantly in touch with our county. Sen. Nichols’ assistant, J.D. Hale, is a very accommodating and very dedicated young man. If you need assistance, you’ll get quick response. That’s a welcomed change. Our previous senator came from the Woodlands. At least Sen. Nichols is an East Texas boy from Jacksonville and Orange County is one of his largest counties which wasn’t the case before.*****This might surprise you. Thomas Monson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, announced Saturday that the Mormon Church now totals 15 million worldwide members. More than half live outside the United States. The membership has tripled in the last 30 years. Headquarters are in Salt Lake City, Utah where Brigham Young brought his followers. I’ve always considered it mostly American.*****We heard from Jason Menard, formerly of Bridge City, has just re-enlisted in the Army. Jason has only seven more years of service to retire after serving 20 years in the military. (Editor’s note: I believe Jason is now retired.)


12 Years Ago-2001

A Bridge City native, Clint Harrison, 39, and seven others were killed in a plane crash Oct 10, in the Mediterranean Sea, about 80 miles from its destination of Oran Algiers. Search crews from Spain combed 5,300 square miles finding only some floating debris with serial numbers and a few body parts. Penny Harrison, Clint’s sister, of Bridge City, said Kathy Roberts Harrison, Clint’s wife, had made funeral arrangements in Woodville. Their daughter Kree Harrison had become a local celebrity and went on to national fame appearing on national television. The family had moved to Nashville so Kree could advance her career. Services for Clint were held Oct. 20. Survivors were wife Kathy, daughter Kree, son Cory, stepson Michael Johnson, stepdaughter Laci Johnson, parents Buddy and Myra Harrison, sister Penny, father-in-law Wilson Roberts and mother-in-law Beverly Schmidt. (Editor’s note: Since Clint’s death his wife Kathy was killed in an auto accident. *****Former Hibernia branch manager Mike Moreau, has joined Carlos Vasek, Joe Burkeand, the folks who have purchased Newton Bank. A branch will open at the Round Bank between now and the first of the year. The banks will be renamed.*****The Bridge City Cardinals have a football flag bearer, Kevin Duplechien, who can really boogie with that 60-pound flag. He’s really something to watch as he covers the length of the field and back. *****Pretty Stacey Feverjean, daughter of Jeannie and Randy Feverjean, is named Orangefield homecoming queen. ***** A few area deaths this week of Oct. 9, 2001. Nolan Gaspard, 76, of Bridge City died Oct. 10 at Doctor’s Hospital in Groves.***Dudley Joseph Pepper, 70 died Oct. 12, at his residence in Orange.***Sada Marie Atkins, 90, of West Orange died Oct. 9.*****Dale Thompson, of Orange, recalls the April 16, 1947 Texas City explosion. Thompson was an 18-year-old employee of Todd Shipyard, in Texas City, when the explosion happened at 9:14 a.m. The exclusive story by Thompson ran in The County Record Newspaper, on Oct. 17. (Editor’s note: Dale has since passed away but he left behind a record of Texas’ greatest industrial disaster.)

47 Years Ago-1976

The Little Cypress-Mauriceville football sweetheart is pretty Melanie Cunningham, Robert Hughes presented her with flowers on behalf of the Bears.*****The Stark homecoming court is Kathy Rodgers, Nikole Thibodeux and queen Jana Stiniac.*****I thought you might like to know who the Little cypress Junior High cheerleaders are: Lauren Leifeste, Johnnie Kay Heard, Lacey Gunn, Lori Kolar and Tara High. Real cuties.*****M.B. Flippen passed away. “Flip” was 88 years old. For years he had been working for Gus Harris at Farmer’s Mercantile.*****The best kept secret is who will become the head football coach of the combined West Orange-Stark High School.***** Beverly Matsowkas is now associated with Cooper Realty.*****Come Oct. 27, sweet little Loretta Lynn Simmons will be 2-years-old.*****Paul Eason takes a bride. He and Janet ran off and got married in Houston.***** A new 1977, 1/2 ton, 6 cylinder, Chevy pickup will cost you $3,579. A loaded V-8 Malibu coupe, $5,400.*****C.R. Nash will be Bridge City’s new city manager. He is presently living in Jacinto City. He has 17 years in city management. He and wife Patsy, have two children, Rodney Allen, age 9 and Karla Ann, age 6. (Editor’s note: C.R. later served as city administrator at Pinehurst and has since passed away.) *****Top country songs: #1, “You And Me” by Tammy Wynette; #2, “A Whole Lotta Things to Sing About” by Charley Pride; #3, “Among My Souvenirs” by Marty Robbins; #4, “Cherokee Maiden” and “What Have You Got Planned Tonight Diana” by Merle Haggard; #5, “The Games That Daddies Play” by Conway Twitty; #6, “Her Name Is” by George Jones.


Brandy Judice, Leigh Anne Harrell, and Hillary Gravett had the weather cooperate with the first cool fall morning to start Saturday's Orangetober festival for the city. Locals and people from all over came to enjoy the music, food, and booths, plus pose with the numerous displays set up of pumpkins and gourds. Leigh Anne, the city's events planner, has been off the past month on maternity leave, but she and husband Brodrick Harrell brought infant Honey to pose with the pumpkins. Debbie Hughes and Pam Cheek got to bring grands Mackenzie and Ian to the festival. The youngsters' parents, Nick and Kayla Hughes Cheek were also there. The Ragsdale family, including Randy, Paula, and Rebekah, helped out in the Orange County Disaster Rebuild booth.  Paul Dickerson was helping the Little Cypress Lions Club sell hot pretzels and chocolate-covered strawberries. Sherry Hommel and other Orange Rotary members were also out helping. Brittney and Matt Chandler brought their three little ones for pumpkin pictures. Justice of the Peace Joy Dubose-Simonton brought along family to stroll and pose. Kristopher and Regina Marple were with sons Kolton and Kody Paul. Maggie Reynolds went with friends Shawn Hare and Chance Henry. Nathan Hayes brought his toddler son along with his parents Roderick and Brandy Robertson. Also seen in the crowds were James and Jennifer Wright, Abbey and Logan Poluk, and Rachael Raymer with David Slaughter.*****Another big fall festival is now underway. Shangri La Gardens of the Stark Cultural Venues opened the annual Scarecrow Festival on Tuesday morning. Clubs, schools, churches, and individual families design and create dozens of scarecrow figures that are set up along the pathways of the gardens. Lots of pumpkins and fall blooms can also be seen. Another Stark Cultural Venue, the Lutcher Theater, is beginning its new season on Sunday with country music star Craig Morgan.*****Lacey LeMoine of Bridge City has been selected to participate in the Beaumont Junior League's Southeast Texas Dancing with the Stars. The fundraising show will be in 2024. Bet she'll draw a lot of family and friends to see her routine.*****Keith Longlois is forever an LC-M Bear. While attending the homecoming game last week, he met up with old classmate Tim Hunter.*****Della Gallien has had quite the birthday celebrations for her 84th. Her daughter, Rita Monson, surprised her with a party and unveiling of the Della Gallien Building at the non-profit Friends Helping Friends in Pinehurst. Della has been a longtime volunteer for the group. In addition, the two went to Minute Maid Park to see the Astros playoff game. Della got special birthday wishes from Mauricio Dubon when she went to the fence off the field.*****Jacqueline and Keith Kyle toured Boston before going off on a cruise.*****Brad and Terri Childs traveled up to Virginia to visit with their daughter and son-in-law.*****Brandi Griggs and Justin Riesen had a 'batty' birthday weekend in Fredericksburg that included watching thousands of bats fly out as dark descended.*****Joe Mires and his fiancee Kendra Waldbusser celebrated double birthdays as they traveled to Tucson, Arizona, and did some mountain climbing.*****Faith Moore, daughter of Chester and Lisa Moore, was invited onto the field to give the Lamar University women's soccer team an inspirational talk.***** We have a mess of friends getting older in the next few days. Judge John Gothia celebrates October 9. I have nothing but praise for the job John is doing as our county judge.***On October 13, Sheriff Lane Mooney will mark another year. He will complete his first tenure as sheriff and is asking to be re-elected to a second term.***County Commissioner Johnny Trahan celebrates a birthday October 14. He is running for re-election. The folks in Pct. 1 love the big guy so he shouldn’t have an opponent.***Harry Stephens celebrates number 82 on October 14. He isn’t running for anything, just staying out of Margie’s way. This year Harry’s Appliance marks 60 years in business. You can’t go wrong when you trade with Harry and Margie.***Oct. 15 is a big day for Judge Carl Thibodeaux, he was the longest serving county judge in Orange County history. Today he’s is West Orange Municipal Judge. I remember when he and his young bride arrived in Orange County. He and Doug Harrington opened a drug store in Pinehurst, sold it to one of the Johnson boys, opened a drug department in Danny’s Grocery in West Orange, built his own store and became the mayor of the town. As they say, “The rest is history.”***Our longtime buddy Johnny Dubose celebrates on Oct. 17. Happy Birthday to Johnny and all the rest of you guys.*****On October 17, our late friend Sue Collins would have celebrated a birthday. We just wanted to remember her. Other birthdays this past week included Ronnie Peveto, Sherry Combs, Melissa Anne Rushing, Kathy Mullins-Brown, Patricia Pena, Leo LaBauve III, Thayer Kovatch, Rosalie Eason, Candi Collins, Homer Pillsbury, Skylar Rowley, Jill Kunst,  Dawn McCarver, Fran Hulsey, Alan Peveto, Skylar Rowley, Gabriel Wernig, Pam Becker, Sam Patronella, Mark Cook, Mary Henson, and Lela Fontenot. Note: (Call 409-886-7183 or email therecordlive.com to post birthdays or anniversaries free of charge.)*****We heard that Orange City Councilman, longtime peace officer, former sheriff chief deputy David Bailey is announcing that he will be a candidate for Constable in Pct. 2. He is doing a good job as city councilman but law enforcement is his life’s work.


Ray Dartez’s two young boys take it on demselves to go down to Desomeaux’s Drug Store in Mamou. Da older boy, 8-year-old Tee-Ray picked out a box of Tampons him.

Da owner, Dartez, him, axe, “Son, do you know wat dese are used for, hanh?”

Tee-Ray replied, “I’m not exactly for sure me, but dey not for me, dey for my 4-year-old little brudder. We saw on da TV dat if you use dese you would be able to swim and ride a bike, and Joe-Joe him, he can’t do eather.”


Speaker Dade Phelan Deserves Southeast Texas Support

Attorney General Ken Paxton on Friday endorsed a slate of primary challengers to state House Republicans who voted to impeach him, a new front in his political revenge tour since the Texas Senate acquitted him. Paxton threw his support behind seven challengers, including those running against House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, and Rep. Andrew Murr, R-Junction, chair of the House impeachment managers. Paxton’s campaign described it as an initial round of endorsements and promised more details soon on a “statewide Fall tour,” including campaign stops with the candidates. Phelan's campaign fired back, saying his constituents "will not be swayed by the West Texas billionaires and their cult of out-of-town political puppets seeking to influence southeast Texas." The House overwhelmingly voted in May to impeach Paxton, accusing him of abusing his office to help a friend and donor, Nate Paul. Phelan demanded that elected officials, notably Lt. Gov.  Dan Patrick, who recently received $3 million from Defend Texas Liberty in loans and donations, give all money they received from the PAC to charity. Shortly after Phelan released his statement, Patrick denounced Fuentes and antisemitism, but saved his sharpest repudiation for Phelan. The best thing that has happened for Orange County, after years of being treated like an unwanted stepchild, is State Rep. Dade Phelan. The Speaker has done much to help us. Ask any public official. Phelan has earned our support. Our little part of Texas is better off because of Dade Phelan.*****Patronize our advertisers and visit us at therecordlive.com. Take care and God bless America.


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