Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


President Joe Biden travels to Israel  in a dramatic display of support for the U.S. ally as his administration seeks to prevent the Israel-Hamas war from expanding into a larger Middle East conflict. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is currently in Tel Aviv, announced Biden’s visit following an overnight meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “He’s coming here at a critical moment for Israel, for the region and for the world,” Blinken said. The trip will come a week and a half after Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel killed at least 1,300 Israelis, prompting airstrikes on Gaza in retaliation. The death toll on both sides of the war has surpassed 4,000, about 2,800 in Gaza, and more than 10,000 are wounded. Blinken said at least 30 Americans were killed in Israel. Blinken said Biden “will again make clear, as he’s done unequivocally,” that Israel “has the right and indeed the duty to defend its people” following the Hamas attack. Blinken said Biden will hear from Israeli leaders about what it needs from the U.S. to defend itself. The White House is seeking approval from Congress to provide military aid to Israel. “President Biden will underscore our crystal-clear message to any actor, state, or non-state trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack Israel. Don’t, Blinken said. Biden has publicly warned other parties hostile to Israel, terrorist groups and other nations, not to use the Israel-Hamas War as a moment to interfere and expand the conflict. Biden singled out Iran by name last week, saying he “made it clear to the Iranians: Be careful.”


It almost seemed like a joke that coatless Jim Jordan was trying to elevate himself to the position of speaker. On Tuesday, the GOP House delegation blocked Jordan’s bid in its first vote. Jordan called for another vote Wednesday. That vote was also expected to turn Jordan down. Jordan is the chairman and leader of a committee to impeach President Biden, so far it seems without cause. On Friday Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-El Paso, made the following statement. “They have nominated an insurrectionist and the architect of a prior government shutdown.” “This is a man who literally and figuratively has tried to burn this place down. I am stunned and profoundly disappointed.”


10 Years Ago-2013

On the local high school front, two Bridge City guys faced each other on Friday night as head coaches. Coach Dwayne Dubois, the new coach at Hardin Jefferson, hosted his old buddy, Josh Smalley and His Orangefield Bobcats. Dubois, using his own son Camden, a Bridge City native, as quarterback, led the entire game and held on for the 35-30 win. Camden Dubois, in case some of you didn’t know it, is Shirley and Mayor Kirk Roccaforte’s grandson.*****Sen. Ted Cruz and a handful of Tea Party congressmen caused the shutdown of the government because House Speaker John Boehner wouldn’t bring a bi-partisan senate bill up for a vote. That would have saved all the pain and expense the shutdown causes. Now it looks like a deal will be struck despite Cruz still demigoding. The proposal does not include any significant reforms to the Affordable Care Act, which is the witch hunt Cruz was promoting. He knew that the health reform law was here to stay. His one man show wasn’t going to change anything but that didn’t matter to Cruz. He took in a lot of cash and propelled himself to leader of the Tea Party.*****Tommy and Sue Simar stopped by. They just returned from Alligator Country near Morgan City. They detoured to Abbeville, Roy’s birthplace, a unique Cajun town. Tommy is a former Levingston Shipyard worker.*****On Oct. 23, the Lunch Bunch will dine at Robert’s. It also will be Judge Claude Wimberly’s 79th birthday.*****Harry Stephens’ birthday was Monday. He spent it at the doctor’s office so he’s throwing his own party at Harry’s Appliance with a big sale storewide.

22 Years Ago-2001

Dan Dumas is honored as Ambassador of the Month by Bridge City Chamber. Ricardo Ceja, owner of Tequila’s, accepts the award for Business of the Month.*****Britt Godwin’s parents, Mickey and Sandra Godwin, celebrate their 40th anniversary last Saturday, Oct. 20.*****If A.G. John Cornyn has his way, we are headed on a course that will take Congressman Jim Turner away from us. The state Republicans have redistricted, putting Orange County in the Houston area district.*****Frank Manchec, Jr., 43, son of Athelene and the late Frank Manchec, Sr., died Oct. 18. Athelene has lost both of her sons. Mark was killed in a plane accident in Florida a couple of years ago. Her only surviving child is daughter Margaret. Frank, Jr. is survived by sons Stephen and William and daughter Karen.*****Jim Latiolais, 54, brother of BCISD board member Tim Latiolais, passed away Oct. 19. *****Mable Mann, 72, died Oct. 18. She was a 58 year resident of Bridge City. She is survived by mother Gladys Strong, sons Gary and Don and daughter Debbie.*****The 1951 class of Stark High School celebrated their 50th class reunion. Louis Dugas’ sister, Margaret and husband Preston Conway, attended. Louis says they were freshman when he graduated.  

47 Years Ago-1976

Congratulations to Bridge City high royalty. Homecoming queen June Nazat, band sweetheart Melissa King and football sweetheart Kim Daniels.*****At Orangefield, Julie Breaux was chosen homecoming queen, Patti Peveto football queen and Angie Hasting band queen.*****Art Miller is president of the BC Optimist Club.*****Jeanne Wood, Helene Litton and Lennie Rutledge will represent B&PW at the district conference.*****BC football star Tony Mullholland featured in “Sports Illustrated” magazine.*****Sandi Mobley and Debbie McCardle will both celebrate birthdays next week.*****The world’s ugliest man, our own Gene Goza, (that’s according to “National Enquirer”) will appear on Merv Griffin’s national TV show. That will bring recognition to Orange. Gene is a super-talented person.*****The Little Cypress- Mauriceville Bears use passing attack to explode for 18 second half points but fell just short of victory. SFA scored three TDs in the first half on Bear turnovers. In the first half, the Bears saved being shut out when split end Jet Tooney caught a 38- yard pass and Wade Kachtik scored from 2 yards out. The second half belonged to the Bears with an 18-yard pass from quarterback Teddy Gibbens to wingback Mike Brosette and a 16-yard pass from Gibbons to Mark Mortimer. Gibbens passed for 205 yards; Tooney, 84 yards receiving; Brosette, 48 yards and Katchtik and Brian Landry accumulated 161 rushing yards. Bears came up one point short.



Another family-fun community activity is coming up Friday and Saturday with the Orange County Livestock Show and Auction in Mauriceville. Raising farm animals has never gone out of style here and 4-H is growing. The students of all ages will be showing their animals for judging and then auctioning. The show will be held in Mauriceville at the show barn, 5319 Arnel Road. A non-profit group of local citizens organizes the livestock show and keeps the tradition going. Roasters and rabbits will be on display beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday. The time for showing swine, lambs, and goats will be 8 a.m. Saturday. There is no admission charge and for the ‘city’ families, it’s great way to see clean and cared-for farm animals. The kids who raise their animals for show love talking about them, too. A buyer’s dinner will be held at 5 p.m. on Saturday and the auction will begin at 7 p.m.*****The Heritage House Museum’s Seventh Annual Historic Ghost Walk once again drew crowds to downtown Orange on Saturday to take a stroll around the areas first settled in 1828. Costumed drama students from all five public high schools in the county read true history stories at the places where the events happened. So many people came away amazed at how many things happened in such a small area. Yet, the historic ghost walk has enough stories for a whole set to be rotated every three years. Next year will be different stories. Heritage House Board President Adam Conrad was the busiest of all as he made sure the drama students had everything they needed. It was his idea at the first historic ghost walk to use the drama students. Museum Director Charlotte Alford spent weeks of preparation, including to assure that dozens of high school students got plenty of food, water, and soft drinks. Lots of volunteers helped, along with board members like Peggy Wells, Angela Abshire, Jody Chesson, James Scales, Lori Ardoin and others. Kimberly Manning was making sure she got photos of everything. Mindy and Robert Currie helped sponsor the fundraiser through their Innovative Air, and also spent hours volunteering. Former museum director Carolyn Rose came, though she couldn’t make the whole tour because she is now using a walker. Caroline and Mike Hennigan were there with Dan and Denise Sanders. Heather Dyson, who lives in the Old Orange Historic District, was helping out. Also seen were Mandy Jacob, Kaiden Richard, Steve and Gail Maddox, McKenna Tucker, Kent Hutchison and his wife, Brandi and Chris Moree, Brad and Terri Childs, and Anthony Holder.*****Across town, the Little Cypress-Mauriceville High Class of 1983 held their 40th reunion. Orange City Councilor Paul Burch was a member of the class and brought along some of his fellow thespians from Orange Community Players to sing for the reunion. Could Paul belt a song in high school? Others at the reunion included JoAnna Acosta Clark, Stephanie Hardesty,  Johanna Garza Willliams, and Rita Bonnin Monson.*****On Sunday, country star Craig Morgan opened the new season for the Lutcher Theater and had an enthusiastic crowd that included fans like County Commissioner Chris Sowell. Also there were Gina and Skipper Yeaman, Al Granger, and Bridget and Greg Trahan.*****Retired coach Randy Ragsdale can now brag that his first grandchild, toddler Janie Nash, has seen an Astros playoff game. The Ragsdale family including mom/grandmom Paula Ragsdale, plus Coach Sarah Ragsdale Nash and husband Coach Jake Nash, along with Coach Rebekah Ragsdale, all went to the game. Wish the outcome had been different, but they have an experience they will never forget.*****Phillip and Pat Caillavet went to the Kentucky hills to see the fall sites and take a trip to Dollywood.***** A few folks we know celebrating birthdays in the next few days. Oct. 18 finds Will Winfree marking another year. Will, Buckshot and Barbara’s boy, is just a great guy. I believe he was named after his great-grandfather, an Orange County pioneer. Will was raised in his grandfather’s old historical home on Hwy. 62.***Also celebrating today is my old friend, Coach Les Johnson, who turns 88. The former Bridge City coach now lives in Bastrop. Les stays in shape. He and Wanda walk three miles every day. He believes in exercise.***Oct. 19 finds Joyce and John Dubois’s daughter Judge Joy Simonton, celebrating a birthday. The Judge has been like family since she was a little girl.***Oct. 20: Everyone’s friend, Jason Yeaman, celebrates a birthday today.***On Oct. 21, Brad Childs celebrates another birthday. Also, as I recall, the late Vickie Drake Brown celebrated on this date. She was the daughter of Betty and Earl Drake and an outstanding artist. Vickie created the caricature of ‘The Office Hound’ for the Opportunity Valley News. Kresge department store sold Office Hound tee shirts. (I still have one.)*****Oct. 22, Alma Provost celebrates.*****Oct. 23, Eric Brinson, a youngster from Deweyville, Darrell and Gretta’s boy, celebrates a birthday. He graduated from college at age 19.*****Oct. 24, Debbie Fusilier came to work for the Dunn newspapers at age 16 and spent 30 years with them. She married David, had three children, and is now a grandmother. Happy birthday to our Girl Friday.***I also remember Mary Stanton on her birthday. I have warm thoughts about this wonderful lady.***Happy Birthday also to Brittney Stillwell, Leland Gros’ mom.*****Birthdays last week included former longtime Orange resident Joanne Jones, who turned 94. Jane Couvillion celebrated her 90th. Others with birthdays this past week included Rosie Hurst, Loretta Hughes, Michelle Tubbleville, Rex Gibson, Kerry Kovatch Horton, Chris Axelson, Fred Montgomery, Andrea Bilbo, Janice Johnson, Skylar Rowley, Jacelyn Cook, Lindsey Boren, Angie Bonnin, Debbie Mazzola, David Rawls, Wes Freuden, Cathy Roberts, Robert Griffin, Rob Vail, Henry Seals, Kathy Jones, Markesha Baldwin, and J.C. LeDoux. We also remember our longtime friend and artist C. Delle Bates on the anniversary of his birth.*****Anniversaries this past week included  Michael and Franchesca Cole at No. 22, Jay and Ellisia Carpenter celebrated their tenth, and Greg and Hillary Gravett had their fifth. West Orange City Councilor Meritta Kennedy and husband, Danny, also had an anniversary. Sending them extra prayers as Danny is undergoing cancer treatment.*****Oops. We made a mistake last week. Roderick and Brandy Robertson took their grandson to Shangri La. The toddler’s father is minor league baseball player Payton Robertson. Nathan is another of the Robertson’s sons and is Uncle Nate to the grandbaby.


Teenot Theriot him, is a photographer for the Abbeville Meridian Newspaper. He got a call at home him, dat an oil well in da Gulf had blown up. Teenot call his editor, Guy Trahan, an he say, “Look Guy, me I need an airplane rat now.”

Trahan tole him to head to da Vermillion Parish Airport and he assured Teenot a plane would be started and jus waiting on him.

Teenot drive like hell him, from his house in Delcambre, bout eight mile. As soon as he got to da small airport, sure nuff, a plane was warming up near da runway. He grabbed his camera and jump in da plane and he yelled, “Les go, les go.”

Da pilot him, turn dat little plane into da wind and in da air

dey went.

“Fly over da north side of da fire,” Teenot, da photographer, say, “and make tree or four low, low passes.”

“Why’s dat?” axe da pilot.

“Because I’m gonna make some pictures me. I’m a photographer and dats wat photographers do dem.” say Teenot.

After a long pause da pilot him, who done turn plum white as a sheet, axed “You mean you not da instructor you?”



Recording History Before I Grow Too Old

The conversation with a couple of friends turned from politics today to remembering those who served us locally after the war. The war ended in 1945 but my first memory of local government starts about 1948. Raymond Sanders was mayor of Orange and later in the 1950s served as chief of police. Gene Nance was police chief. The city judge was Abram Prince. I believe the city attorney was Ernest Reid. In county government Sid Caillavet was the judge. In 1950, he was elected mayor of Orange. It paid more than the county, about $800 a month. Dick Stanfield was the sheriff, Chester Holts the jailer and was appointed sheriff when Stanfield died. Holts went on to be the longest serving sheriff, 21 years. Joe Runnels, Jr. was county clerk. He was elected mayor of Orange, defeating Caillavet and was later defeated for the office by Caillavet. Runnels then was elected to the same office again. Before leaving office Caillavet implemented the city manager form of government. When Runnels took office the salary went from $800 a month down to $100 a month. County attorney was Graham Bruce; I believe the dist. judge was named Adams. Jack Brooks was state representative. I recall one of the county commissioners was “Tick” Granger and Buck Patillo was constable. Another constable was Vorhees Ratcliff. Those are my earliest recollections. I don’t know who the first district judge was in Orange County who wasn’t a traveling judge. I know the first county court at law judge was Charlie Holcombe. I don’t recall the year the post was created? Before that the county judge, a non-lawyer, handled misdemeanor cases and other chores. Few people are still around who recall the war years. Very few WWII local veterans remain. Cedric Stout and J.B. Arrington are a couple of them. In five years no veterans will remain. The war ended 78 years ago as I approached my 12th year. The numbers of us who remember the war are also getting fewer. ***** Please read us cover to cover and shop our family of advertisers when you can, they bring you this paper free of charge. Also check us out on the web at therecordlive.com. Take care and God bless.


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