Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest



New House Speaker Mike Johnson inherits many of the same problems that bedeviled Republican leaders with far more experience. The Louisiana Republican emerged last week from the lower ranks of the House GOP leadership to ascend to speaker. An evangelical Christian who often cites the Bible, Johnson worked as an attorney for anti-abortion and Christian groups before running for office. During his four terms in the House, he has led an ardently conservative caucus called the Republican Study Committee. He also spearheaded a legal effort, championed by then President Donald Trump that sought to overturn the 2020 election results in key states that the Republican incumbent lost to Democrat Joe Biden. Johnson’s role in the Trump-backed lawsuit quickly became a rallying point for Republicans, who vigorously booed a reporter’s question about that election on the night that the congressman became nominee for speaker. Johnson faces the same questions that vexed McCarthy; How to patch together a slim Republican majority wracked by feuding? How to keep the government funded and open for business? Does Congress provide more wartime aid for Ukraine? Johnson has no prior working relationship with Biden. In a Fox News interview this past week, Johnson said he had met the president just once before Thursday, when he was invited to the White House to discuss Biden’s aid request for Israel and Ukraine. The new speaker promised an adversarial relationship with the president, saying he and Biden agree “on almost no policy.” Johnson spoke favorably of potentially impeaching Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Personal tensions are making their way onto the floor of the House, which had not considered legislation for three weeks. Several bills to censure House members could soon see a vote. Some lawmakers remain upset after they received threats for refusing to support Jordan, the Ohio congressman who was the conservative’s first choice for speaker. Meanwhile, Matt Gretz, R-Florida, the leader of the band of eight disgruntled Republicans, who ousted speaker Kevin McCarthy, said on the Steve Bannon pod-cast, “It’s the new MAGA party. If you haven’t noticed you haven’t been paying attention.” Well, this writer noticed several months ago and wrote, “Ronald Reagan’s Grand Old Party has been hijacked and will never again be the same.”


We were saddened to learn that our friend, longtime sports writer Van Wade’s father had passed away. William Dow Wade, age 86, left us October 25. The family held a private memorial service. Our sincere condolences to Van and his family. Please see obituary on our website, therecordlive.com.


10 years Ago-2013

Longtime Bridge City pharmacist Doug Harrington died last Friday, October 25, shortly after 1 p.m. due to cardiac arrest. Over the past year he had several medical issues and was in a specialty hospital for rehab when he was suddenly and unexpectedly called home. Doug had been the owner of Harrington’s Pharmacy until he retired. He had also in the past owned pharmacies in Pinehurst and was a partner with Carl Thibodeaux in West Orange Pharmacy. Over the years Doug’s compassion ran deep. He helped many people, never turning anyone down who needed him. Service was held Wednesday at Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City.***** Bum Phillips’ private funeral service at his Goliad ranch last Wednesday was right out of Lonesome Dove. He was buried under his favorite oak tree, in a coffin specially made by Louisiana prison inmates. His body was carried in a hearse built in the cowboy days and drawn by horse. His public memorial service was held Tuesday evening at Houston’s Lakewood Church. “Bum” Phillips was a proud native of Orange, Texas.*****On Nov. 4, at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. our time, Janis Joplin will receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Taking part in the event will be friend Kris Kristofferson, who will do a rendition of “Me and Bobby McGee” the song he wrote and Janis made famous. Joplin is a Port Arthur native.*****On Oct. 29, 1929, 84 years ago, the Great Depression began on Black Tuesday.*****I thought about my friend Glenn Oliver when I read this week’s column by 93-yearold Leon Hale. Glenn is a regular reader of Leon’s column in the Chronicle. This week he wrote about the talking mule and the Lady Wendy from Fort Worth. Neighbor Cox will also enjoy that column. I save Leon’s column for him. Judge Joe Parkhurst was one of Leon’s students at Sam Houston.*****A few folks we know celebrating birthdays in the next few days. On Oct. 30, Attorney Greg Dumas celebrates his special day.***Also arriving a day ahead of “Trick or Treat” day is Jessica Bradberry, Kevin Sorrels, Laura Moreaux and longtime news reporter Andrea Mitchell. Her show is at 12 noon on MSNBC. One of the best in news reporting.***On Oct. 31 one of the great ladies of Orange Count, longtime newspaper reporter Virgie Mansfield Scales turnes 102.*****Anna Belle Rost will be attending she and Roy’s 60th class reunion at Abbeville High School on Nov. 8 and Nov. 9. She says only half of the class is left. She promised to report back to Roy with all the details

22 Years Ago-2001

Elaine Toal, 71, retired librarian and historian, mother of Tom and Margaret Toal, died this week unexpectedly.***Melvin Boyett, 77, died Oct. 29.***Marie Richardson, 97, died Oct 29.*****Donna Scales named employee of the month by Bridge City Chamber. Christy Gonzales, along with County Judge Carl Thibodeaux, praised Scales for the great job she does as County Parks Director. Scales and her husband of 28 years, Jimmy, have three children, Jackie, James IV and Jerrod. She is the daughter of Jack and Vivian Dorman.*****Ron Sigler, drainage district manager, who has brought the district out of the dark ages, resigns.*****The Arizona Diamondbacks lead the New York Giants 2-1. Games will be played in New York Tuesday. Roger Clements will pitch game four. *****The Bridge City Lady Cards win District-21, 3-A volley ball title. Head coach is Matt Little, asst. coaches are Sherry Mulhulland and Lindy Baker. Players are Jaclyn Eickenhorst, Katy Maloney, Megan Stephson, Ashley Myers, Jessica Hammerly, Raygon Griffin, Meagan Godwin, Lainey Hargroder, Ashley Guillory, Jessica Lemoine, Amy Ballard, Julia Curl, Katie Faulk and Laura Gremillion.*****A big football shootout at the Bridge City Corral this week as the Cardinals draw down on Newton to secure district title. Both teams are undefeated. Bridge City won district last season with a 36-14 win over Newton. Some of the B.C. players are Michael Gauthier, Jeremy Bird, Luke Wolfford, Dwayne Breaux, Justin Cruse, Lance Fitts, Dustin Bock, Aaron McGuire, Lanston Fults, Chris Harvey, Joe Khoury, Chris Jetton, Scott Lambert, Jason Yeaman, Pat Godwin, Shannon Maloney, Robert Melich, Luther Sanders and Matt McCain. (Editor‘s note: Our apologies to those not mentioned. What a great group of athletes this bunch was.)*****Jillian Denise Boswell, born Oct. 16, weighted in at 7 pounds and 13 ounces and was 19 ½ inches tall. Parents are Carolyn and Cory Boswell, grandparents are Johnny and Darlene Montagne and Billy Boswell and Carla Farley.

47 Years Ago-1976

Senator-elect Carl Parker and State Rep. Wayne Peveto hold a public forum at courthouse. They ask citizens for input in order to best represent them in up-coming session.*****The yearly police officers barbecue, hosted by BC Police Chief Wilson Roberts, to be held next weekend.*****Roy Wingate has been under the weather for some time. He was admitted to Orange hospital. They discovered he has ulcers. He says the test are worse than the illness.*****Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Coverdale cites Tommy Segura for his outstanding work in the Air Force and as a credit to 117 Technical Air Left Wing of the U.S. Air Force.*****Betty Harmon played host to the monthly dinner club. She loaded 14 folks in her travel home and brought them to Beaumont for dinner.*****Dist. Judge Fred Trimble is recuperating in Houston after having his right leg amputated. He is expected to resign from the bench soon. Gov. Dolph Brisco would appoint the new judge.*****Cole Plumbing Co. owner Don is building a new building at the intersection of LaPointe and Roundbunch Road.*****Dot Eshbach, owner of The Kottage, has began construction on two additional stores adjacent to The Kottage. *****Jeff Peveto runs wild in a 22-0 defeat of Lumberton by the Orangefield Bobcats, Brian Day, quarterback, Randy Schinch, Todd Goss were among the standouts for Coach Ed Peveto’s wild bunch.



We are sorry to announce that Sen. Carl Parker is back in hospital and may not have a column for awhile. His column is very popular and will be missed. We wish the Senator a speedy recovery. We look forward to his returning to his computer and column.***** Longtime besties Betty Harmon and Cecil Broome got together last week again as they met up for the advisory board meeting of the Orange County Salvation Army. The two were out and about, being  driven and accompanied by their daughters, Debora Harmon Lanciaux, and Dianne Broome Stephenson. During the board meeting, they got to meet the two new local Salvation Army captains, Dante and Tiffany Salgado. A couple of days later, Betty had a festive 87th birthday celebration at the home of her daughter and son-in-law in Bridge City, where she is now living.*****The Bridge City Education Foundation had perfect weather for its benefit  golf tournament. Of course Mickey Litton Gisclar was there helping and financially supporting the group that helps supplement education in classrooms in the district. Mickey is not only a BCHS graduate,  her parents, Moe and Helen Litton, were longtime educators in the district.*****Halloween ain’t just for kids. Lots of spooky adults were out Saturday night for parties and get-togethers. One zombie grop included Jennifer McConnell, Shannon Halliburton, Janoise Grizzaffi, Brad and Terri Childs, and Adam Conrad.*****Denisha and Matt LeFleur had a “spooky” party at their M&D Ranch. Denisha’s parents, Ross and Eva Smith attended.*****The Stark High Class of 1973 had its 50th reunion during the weekend. Out-of-towners coming in included Allison Williams and Ann Sanders Gray Spencer. Golfing guy classmates gathered before the party for a round and included Tom Alleman, Keith Certa, Bill Hernandez, Tom Toal, Oliver Seastrunk, Johnny Blanda, Tom Schmid,  Woodrow Bishop, Carl Rasmussen, Craig Nugent, and Mike Ryan.*****Orange County had a good showing in Beaumont this weekend at the Republican Lincoln-Reagan banquet. U.S. Representative Jim Jordan, who was fresh out of the spotlight after his failed bid for speaker of the house, was the featured guest. OC’s state representative, Dade Phelan, who is speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, introduced Jordan. Also seen from OC were West Orange City Councilor Lanie Brown, who still works for U.S. Representative Brian Babin, Michelle Tubbleville, and Sheila Faske.*****Celebrations continue for the family of Tony and Nancy Dallas as they continue their journey with Tony’s ALS. Their youngest, professional baseball pitcher Chad Dallas married longtime sweetheart, Madison. They’ve been together since middle school. Chad’s niece, Drue, served as a flower girl, but baby niece Honey is still wrapped in swaddling.*****A few folks we know who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. On Nov. 1, All Saint’s Day, we wish Happy Birthday to Coach Chris Moore, Whitney Gonzales, Kyle Prosperie, Lauren Bland, Marla Carter, Nancy Blacksher, Rebecca Phelps and David Moreau.*****Nov. 2 is Dale Dardeau’s big day. We’ve been wishing Happy Birthday to Dale for 50 years. Glad he’s made it to the last quarter, It’s also Joyce Grant, Julia Letcher, and Amy Skidmore’s big day. A special birthday greeting to Nathaniel Melvin, Ms. Phyl and Roy’s great-grandson and Mark’s oldest grandchild who turns 22. Nate is in the Air Force and serving overseas.*****On Nov. 3 the Bearden twins, Hutch and Hallie turn 17. Also a special person Denise Stanton has her big day, along with Louise Fuselier. Tommy Green, Vicki Lowe and David Hebert.*****Nov. 4 finds Gail Hass, Kathy Arceneaux, Kim Moore, Louise Fuselier and Pam Guyote celebrating birthdays. Laura Bush turns 75..*****Nov. 5, Daylight Savings Time ends today. I believe John Dubose has another birthday also Charlotte Chesson celebrates along with Camden Walton, Gina Beaulieu and Kember Ess.*****Nov. 6 Happy Birthday to “Big John” Johnny Montagne, who has traveled many years since his boxing days when he was once ranked number three in the world. With the help of Darlene he’s just a granddad to the flock. Celebrating also is Jackie Litton Greg Broussard, Robert Rubel, Carrie Larson, and Faye Harrington. *****Nov. 7, our buddy, Pearl Harbor survivor, one of the few left in the country, Cedric Stout, turns 102 today. When not napping, he’s watching Gun Smoke or doing both at the same time. Otherwise he and Cherry are doing fine. Celebrating also are Claris Collins, Barbara Lopez, Cheryl Swenson and Chuckie Ganze. ***Other birthdays celebrated, Shirley Parker turned 89 this week. She’s the mother of Dr. Calvin Parker and Lucy Terry, celebrity cook at Lucy’s Cafe in Pinehurst. Lucy had two birthdays on the same day. Her husband, D.D. Terry, turned 65.***Skipper Yeaman had a birthday, but no word on what his present from wife, Gina, was. He’s known for his tastes in gifts to Gina, so it might be hard for her to top. Others with birthdays include Marvin Edwards turning 60, Steve Williams, Mike White, Matthew Emmons, Coy Pattison, Chris Judge, Sandra Hodge Charrier, Ryder Theriot, Angela Vail, Jimmy Verrett, Geranique Dugas, Lauren Walter, Yolanda Young, Becky Green, and Frederick Robinson.*****Brodrick and Leigh Anne Dallas Harrell celebrated their first anniversary. Tammy and Shawn Davis celebrate 45 years of marriage. Others with wedding anniversaries during the week were Corey and Rene Simon, and Adam and Shanna Caillavet. Happy anniversary also to Harriet and David Dubose on their anniversary.



TeeNeg Dartez him,, took a trip to visit his Sout Louisana relatives over da Tanksgiving holiday. He tells us, over dere, between Crowley and Kaplan, he ran off da road him into a big ditch. He crawl out dat car and he walk to Oris Broussard’s house.

The farmer tole him he would come help got him out wit his big horse Buddy. He hitched Buddy to dat car and Oris him holler, “Pull Nellie, pull.” Buddy him he don’t move.

Den da farmer he hollered, “Pull Buster, pull.” Nutten happen. “Pull Co-Co, pull, still nutten.

Den nonchalantly Oris say, “Pull Buddy, pull.” Dat horse easily pull Dartez’s car rat out of dat ditch.

TeeNeg he sho appreciats dat but he couldn’t stand it. He had to axe da farmer why he call dat horse by da wrong name tree times him.

Oris answer, “Well, it’s like dis, old Buddy him is blind and stubborn, if he t’ought him dat he was da only one pulling he wouldn’t do it.



Cardinal Support Squad “Prayer for “Mungy”

Bridge City Cardinal football player Abraham Munguia, sustained a significant injury on the football field this past Friday. He was immobilized and life-flighted to Texas Children’s Hospital.  Mungy has regained movement in his extremities, but is still experiencing some numbness. The community wants to support this amazing kid and his family during this very difficult time with a T-Shirt sale. All proceeds will go to the Munguia Family to help them with medical expenses and any needs that may arise. You can contact Christine Diaz Moore on Facebook or donations sent to her through Venmo @mrschris813, shirts are $22.00.  If you can’t afford a shirt and just want to donate a dollar, please feel free. Lastly, please pray for Abraham’s complete healing and restoration.***** Read us cover to cover and shop our family of advertisers when possible. To publish birthdays or anniversaries, free of charge, give us a call at 409-886-7183 or reach us on our web site, therecordlive.com . Have a nice week. Take care and God bless.



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