Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Santa Claus visits West Orange

Santa Claus made his annual pre-Christmas Day visit to West Orange on Monday. Santa traded his sleigh and eight reindeers for a blue and silver fire truck to arrive at the West Orange City Hall.

Children gave their Christmas wishes to Santa as he sat in a big chair in front of the dais of the city council. Each child was given a treat bag after their meeting with Santa.

Adults got some treats with tasty punch and cookies for everyone. Prior to Santa's big arrival Municipal Judge Carl Thibodeaux read "A Cajun Night Before Christmas" with a special video those listening could view the pictures from the pages on two large screen televisions.

The official West Orange Christmas tree had its lights turned on. Everyone sang Christmas carols which led up to the arrival of Santa Claus.

West Orange Mayor Randy Branch helped conduct the ceremony. "It's all about fellowship, gathering to get to meet new people, share time with old friends, and enjoy this time of the year. This is a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, and we're all proud of that and happy about it too. Christmas is a special time for us to give glory to God and recognize the gift He's given to us," Branch reminded.


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