Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


For over three years Roy had been very cautious to not be in contact with COVID. He quit going to the office and avoided being around people. He and his family knew that because of existing health problems it would be nearly impossible to overcome a battle with COVID. He and Phyl didn’t take any chances. They took all the shots, all but the last booster shot. They had let their guard down somewhat and didn’t wear their mask while doing doctor’s visits. They thought they had beaten the rap and dodged COVID until Roy became so ill he had to be rushed to hospital. It turned out Phyl also tested positive for the virus but with less health issues was able to stay home. From their experience and from others, they learned COVID is not just a one week sickness, the effects are severe and long lasting. One thing they found is that they are both losing their hair but have been assured it will return. Roy claims he doesn’t have any time to spare. Food tastes different, everything tastes salty. No extra salt for Roy anymore. (That’s a good thing.) They have less energy and tend to sleep a lot. A visit to a new doctor this week may bring some relief for his COPD. All in all they are thankful, after everything they’ve been through, to be getting better each day. The Dunn’s say it’s a long haul so dodge it if you can.


Anthony Pennington called the office last week. It had been many years since we heard about his whereabouts. He now lives in Pearland and apparently had been there several years. He called to check on Roy and Phyl. Quincy had told him the Dunn’s had been on the sick list. Back in the early 1970’s, their newspaper, The Opportunity Valley News, carried the story of the Vietnamese boat people, their flight and the hardships they faced with many dying at sea. Many personal human interest stories came from Anthony’s Pennington’s contacts. We have preserved all of the OVN copies in book form. The stories carry the history of success and also of dying. Some lost their entire families at sea to reach the U.S. shores. We wouldn’t have all the stories if it weren’t for Anthony’s help. His dad was a longtime advertising salesman for the Orange Leader. We often kidded him about being a subject of the Queen. He was from England and had served in their military. It was good to hear from Pennington. He had a world of stories that would fill many books.


It’s always good to hear from old friends. I’m always amazed at some of the faraway places we hear from. Our web site, therecordlive is read around the world. We are especially thankful to hear from old friends just checking in. We got a nice long letter from Doyle Wayne Morse, Jr. who follows us on the web. Doyle’s dad Wayne, who owned Big Red Pantry, and his late grandfather Howard, who was on the Bridge City Bank board for many years have been friends with the Dunn’s for over 60 years. Doyle writes a nice letter. It’s hard to believe Wayne and ex-wife Sherry are great-grandparents to 4-month-old Ruger Allen Tucker.


10 Years Ago-2014

When bridges freeze, everything comes to a halt. Schools and government offices shut down and businesses might as well close. Nothing is moving. The freezeout last Friday and the shutdown this week even affected our business. Our production people, who live in Port Arthur, couldn’t get in. If the freeze prevents our publications from coming out of Lafayette, then the papers will be distributed late. It’s just crazy how so little cold weather can shut down an entire region, when other parts of the country live with 12 inches of snow, blizzards and near zero temperatures.***** Orange eyes on Thomas in Super Bowl. Super Bowl XLVIII pits the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks Sunday. Several local football fans I’ve spoken with have mixed feelings about the game. They would like to see Payton Manning win a Super Bowl and yet they feel a loyalty to Orange’s own Earl Thomas. In an interview Monday, Denver receiver Demaryius Thomas said Seattle’s ‘Legion of Boom’ secondary, cornerback Richard Sherman and strong safety Kam Chancellor, provide the Boom, and free safety Earl Thomas is the brains behind the Boom. I think he’s the best in the league.*****We were saddened to learn of the death of Nolan Joseph Devillier, 82, of Bridge City, who passed away Wednesday, January 22, 2014, at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Beaumont. Services were held Monday, January 27. Our deepest sympathies to daughters Gwen, Ginger, Kathy, son Wayne and the entire family. (Editor’s note: Kathy, Ginger and Wayne have since passed away..)*****We also send our sympathies to the family of Andi Rodrigue, age 50, of Orangefield, who passed away Friday, Jan. 24. Andi was preceded in death by her husband, Kurt Cordell Rodrigue, father, John Robert Peveto and step-father, John Cutaia. She is survived by daughter, Maci Rodrigue Wilmore, mother, Margie Cutaia, brother, Ronny, sisters, Patti and Johnna, step-brother V.R. and many nieces and nephews.***** Nancy Vincent said her goodbyes Monday at First Financial Bank. After 40 years in banking she has now retired. Her plans now are to do home improvements and to travel. Most importantly, she plans to spend more time visiting with her mom who is in a far away assistant living facility.*****Robert Dale Vance is an “Old Rocker“ who can‘t get enough of those rock concerts. He and Karen Jo made it to Marksville, Louisiana to catch a performance of KANSAS. Good concert, great time. Speaking of Karen Jo, our county clerk, who doesn‘t have an opponent, got a letter informing her that she again has been endorsed by the Sabine Area Central Labor Council.*****Feb. 2, Don Kachtik, one of Bear Bryant’s boys, who survived Junction and football at A&M, celebrates another big day.*****Feb. 4, super star champion pole vaulter, the late Dot’s grandson, Eric Eshbach celebrates.***** Mark Dunn’s youngest daughter, Jenna, husband Robby and the two kids, Nate and Delilah, flew in Saturday from Boston. They drove off Monday afternoon, ahead of the cold weather, in a Jeep they got from her dad. While in Bridge City they celebrated Delilah’s 6th birthday and cousin Leland, Garrett and Brittney son’s 5th birthday. By Tuesday, the Bellou family was halfway to Boston with a slight detour to New Orleans for Beignets at Café Du Monde. (Since that visit the Ballou’s have added two to their family tree, Willow and Chase.)*****They have censored Sen. John McCain and Sen. Mitch McConnell for not being conservative enough. They support a crack pot like Stockman over Sen. John Cornyn. Sen. Ted Cruz won’t even endorse Cornyn. So you see, it’s not only the Obama administration they are fighting.

20 Years Ago-2004

Local female boxer, Valerie Mahfood, is returning to the ring in a Texas title bout with Carletta Ewell. Mahfood, who works out and trains at the GYM, in Bridge City, holds the world championship in the IBF light heavyweight, 175 pound class for women. Boxer Derick Buford, fresh from winning Texas Silver Gloves boxing championship for 132 pound 12 and 13 year olds, headed to the region six championship in Arkansas, where he brought home the championship. (Editor’s note: I wonder what happened to that young boxer? *****Bridge City 12 year old bags an eight point buck. Cody Greer downed the deer at the Double D Hunting Club off Hwy. 1442.*****Pannal Aaron Sanders, a 2001 LC-M grad, received his Bachelor of Science degree from LSU. He completed his student teachers at Lee High School in Baton Rouge. His parents are Alan and Myra Sanders of Orange. Grandparents are Judy McClelland, the late Joe McClelland, the late Lynwood Sanders and the late Doris Sanders.*****The Orangefield school board extended the contract of Superintendent Mike Gentry for three years. Gentry’s contract had expired in June.*****Anabel and Arthur Anderson celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary on Feb. 3. Arthur also celebrated his 91st. birthday on the same day. (Editor’s note: Both of these great people have passed away in the last ten years.)*****Kristin Broussard celebrated her fourth birthday Jan. 28.*****GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. Charles Morvent, Jr., 74, of Mauriceville, died last week Jan. 21.***William “Bill” Sullivan, 60, of Orange, died Jan. 17.***Robert A Bourgeois, 71, of Orange, died Thursday, Jan. 22.***Arthur “Mike” Borres, 61, of Orange, died Jan. 19.***Percy L. Gaston, 77, of Orange, died Jan. 22.***Frances Loiacano Staley, 89, died Jan. 22. You might remember her from the courthouse concession stand she and her sister, Marie Tindall, operated for 33 years. Audie Parsons, 80, of Orange, died Jan. 23.***Bradley O’Neal Choate, 77, of Orange, died Sunday Jan. 25. 

45 Years Ago-1959

President Jimmy Carter pardoned Patty Hurst after 22 months of confinement. Patty announced she would be marrying her former bodyguard on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14.***** On Jan. 21, Judge Sid and Mrs. Denise Caillavet celebrated their 62nd anniversary.***** KOGT hires a new midday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m,. Monday thru Friday, disc jockey. Arthur E. “Terry” Lloyns is blind and has been since shortly after birth.


65 Years Ago-1959

State Representative Louis Dugas has been appointed to five legislative committees. Dugas supported Waggoner Carr’s Speaker of the House opponent Rep. Joe Burkett, in a bitter campaign for the speakership.*****Dow Gene Anderson, of Bridge City, fresh from a second round knockout over Bruce Hill, will be seeking his third straight welterweight championship in the Golden Gloves tournament. He has won nine straight fights by knockouts. (Editor’s note: Dow is still around and I wouldn’t want to take a punch from him today even at his late age.)



As Bridge City grows, so does its chamber. Bridge City Chamber of Commerce Director Mandy Lyda had a hard time fitting everyone into the community center during a packed annual banquet. Even with new growth, the chamber also relies on the businesses that have helped make the city great. The chamber honored Bill Nickum State Farm Insurance, Elaine Hearn Realty, and dentist Dr. David Olsen for being in business in Bridge City for 50 years. That's half a century. They certainly have some tales to tell, but they are modest people. Congratulations to Pastor Mark Bunch from St. Paul Methodist Church for being named 'Citizen of the Year.' Of course, the new Chevron Phillips Golden Triangle Polymers took a table. Their executives have been every where and are heartily welcomed.*****After two Saturdays in a row of galas and balls in Orange County, this past weekend was a bit quiet. But some locals traveled to Beaumont for Baptist Hospital's annual LaSoiree with this year's theme A Night at the Coliseum. This year, Stephen and Jami Lee were the chairs of the fundraising event. Ross Smith brought family members Denisha LaFleur and Scott and April Goodman. We heard Eva and Matt were under the weather. Also spotted in the crowd was Stephanie Robertson from Orange County.*****Celebrity priest Father Jim Sichko, who grew up in Orange and now travels the world as a special missionary for the Pope, is already planning for this year's St. Mary School gala for the school's centennial. This week he announced he has arranged for a private tour and tasting in Napa Valley, California, as one of the prize items.*****Congratulations to LC-M grad Erinn Callahan for landing a job with American Songwriter News. She's the first grandkid of the late Grover and Sue Halliburton, and only child of Alvin and Holly Callahan. Erinn's aunt is the award-winning sports writer Suzanne Halliburton. Erinn is now living in Colorado.*****Mikail Molley of Bridge City Troop 290 is the newest Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts Three Rivers Council. Congratulations for the big achievement.*****Also sending kudos to Gena Rogers and the Main Street Ministries Women's Care Center for graduating its first resident into the sober world. The new Christian-based residential program helps women with substance addictions live while they learn to support themselves in a new, sober life.*****John Frederick of Mauriceville traveled to Augusta, Georgia, and put on a tux to walk the red carpet for his latest movie, 'The First Step.' Frederick is retired from the Navy and is making a new career in film.*****Heather Dyson has returned from a jaunt to the Bahamas, while Caroline and Mike Hennigan spent their weekend at their beach house on Crystal Beach.*****Benetris Edwards went to Galveston to meet with her brothers and sister-in-law.*****Dr. Wilbur Hah has announced he will be retiring on his 60th birthday in April. The surgeon has been in Orange for 30 years and has spent his recent years specializing in cosmetic surgery.*****Who was the guy with the handlebar mustache running outside in his underwear during a thunderstorm recently? Security cams are everywhere.*****In 1852, the county of Madison was formed, later changed and became Orange County. In those 172 years, there has never been an official elected from this district that held a statewide leadership roll in state government. Today people in Austin, for the first time, know where Orange County is, in Southeast Texas, on the Louisiana border, because Texas Speaker of the House is from this district and we elected him. Think about that.


A few folks celebrating birthdays in the next few days. Jan. 31: Lily Fields, C.B. Burns, Marty Delano, Eric Mangham, Regina Gaspard, Steven Kimbell, Telisha Kuykendall, Lucas Adams.*****Feb. 1: Lucas’s twin Mason Adams, Kimberly Bernard, Gera Benoit, Quade Clark, Wayne Sullivan, Virginia Williams, Brittany Leonard, Garrett Kerger, Jake Williams, Lisa Monceaux.******Feb. 2: Don Kachtik, Daric Rogers,   Fred Dohmann, Kelly McBride, Vance Thomas.*****Feb. 3: Attorney Nolan LeBlanc, Honey Staudenmier, Michael Hilliard, Melissa Haley, Stephanie Broussard, Stephanie Carpenter, Alssa Allensworth.*****Feb. 4: Eric Eshbach, Lisa Ludwig, Mike Boyd, Chelbi Sanford, Becca Mathews Peveto, Don Mosier, Lydia Wilson, Brad Freeman, John LeBlanc, Lindsey Hollingsworth, Mary Bull, Mel Moreau, Rheese Rhodes, Syliva Holloway, Jack Jones.*****Feb. 5: Madi Johansson.*****Feb. 6: Melissa Monteaux, Grant Jones,  Haley Arnold,  Lindsey Day, David Gryder, Peggy Jones, Cindy Lessard.***Birthday greetings also to our friend Barbara Winfree as she turns 85. She's retired from school teaching and serving as president of board of directors for the Orange County Port and Navigation District and has lots of time for grandchildren. Jane Bonnin Jeanis turned 91, while Susan Tiger celebrated No. 86. Others with recent birthdays included retired Judge David Dunn, Bill Dixon, Ellen Nickum, Taylor Thibodeaux, Donito Burgess, Caroline Claybar, Sue Harris, Kerri Droddy, Judy Maull, Nick Winn,  Shannon Ramirez, Deedie Frederick Mooney, Michael Mazzola plus his wife Kitty Mazzola, Haley Anders, Seth Dronett, Brandon Stanley, Beki Burton, Kait Patronella, Marie Whitehead, Sarah Broussard Simon, and Landon Sparks.*****Craig and Jessica Pachar marked their 14th anniversary this past week.


Alex Comeaux him, who was having daily headaches even after taking a bottle of aspirins and utta stuff, finally went to see Dr. Quebedeaux for help.

Da doctor him, couldn’t find anyting wrong wit him so he suggest he go get his eyes checked. Maybe it was his eyes.

Da eye doctor told Comeaux he had near perfect 20-20 eye sight

and no cataracks him. Da eye doctor suggested he go see a dentist. Might be his teets.

Da dentist, Dr. Arceneaux, him, pull all of Comeaux’s teets.

Da headachs dem didn’t go away so Comeaux decide to go buy himself a new suit and stuff tinking it might make him feel better bout himself.

Da clerk say, “44 regular?”

Comeaux say, “Dat’s rite.”

“Shirt size 16 1/2-33?” da clerk axe.

Comeaux say, “Dat’s rite.”

Da clerk axe, “Wat size shorts you wear?”

Comeaux say, “Size 38.”

“Oh no,” said da clerk, “You should wear a 42 or 44, if you wear

shorts that are too tight it will give you bad headaches.”




Let the hoopla begin. The matchup for Super Bowl 58 is now set, enabling fans to get ready for the big day. Reba McEntire will set the tone when she  sings the national anthem before the game, while Usher is sure to set the stage ablaze when he  headlines the halftime show. And may we also see Taylor Swift, who may have to race around the globe to get there in time after a concert in Japan. Of course, there is an actual game to be played on CBS, IN what is considered by many to be the biggest day on the American sports calendar.*****Donald Trump has been ordered to pay E Jean Carroll $83.3m in defamation trial. The Manhattan federal court decision comes less than one year after Carroll won $5m in her sexual abuse and defamation trial against Trump. Carroll said that Trump raped her inside the dressing room of a luxe Manhattan department store around early 1996.*****My time is up, hope you’re getting back to normal. Please shop our family of advertisers, they need it now. Take care and God bless.


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