Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Do We Care

I am starting to think that America is becoming like the old gentleman who once said that ignorance and lack of action is what is wrong with the world. He followed by saying, “I don’t know what’s wrong, but I really don’t care.”

Our news sources daily carry stories about violence we impose on one another. Shooting and killing four or five people would have made front page headlines at one point; now such incidents cause little notice. We are getting de-sensitized to these kinds of horrors.

Hundreds of children are starving in Gaza, hospitals are being bombed in Ukraine and our government failure to deal with the hordes of immigrants pouring into our country is all very disturbing.

I believe there are things we can do. First, we need to choose leaders who will find solutions, rather than play politics. Such as spending millions of dollars sending troops to our borders who have no authority to arrest or deal with the immigrants. Then sending those immigrants all over the country rather than making the hard, non-partisan decision to deal with the problem. We should expand the processing centers to follow those who enter legally and send most back to their home countries.

Second, we can donate to charities that work on relief. Third, we can support reasonable gun laws.

Obviously, there is more we can do but our first step is to start caring!!


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