Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Sherlock Breaux in the Creaux's Nest


Owner of the new Toyota dealership, Rick Jones, said they intend to play a large part in the community. He’s ready to invest time and monetary donations in community projects. County Judge John Gothia said he visited with the General Manager Mike Grewening and staff on Friday and welcomed them to Orange County. Gothia said they sincerely want to be part of the local community, chamber of commerce and overall involvement. Jones also owns other Toyota dealerships as well as G.M. dealerships in New Orleans, Oklahoma City, St. Louis and Raleigh, North Carolina. They are here to do business and we welcome them to our advertising family. Their reputation is that they are a customer friendly business. We invite you to go by and visit with the staff and welcome them to our county and look around at new stock arriving daily.


10 Years Ago-2014

Abbot can’t have it both ways. What Sen. Wendy Davis is pointing out is that in one case Abbott argued that a woman, an amputee suing for employment discrimination, was not disabled because she has a prosthetic (artificial) limb. Abbott collected $10 million in a lawsuit settlement after a tree fell on him in 1984, paralyzing him. Ironically Abbott has been the one using the wheelchair as a prop in his television commercials. President F.D.R., the longest serving president in U.S. history, was in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. The American people never knew that he was in a wheelchair.*****Condolences: Cupal Morgan, 78, of Bridge City, passed away Friday, Oct. 10. Born in Orange, Cupal was one of the several children born to Jules and Sadie Carpenter, Orange pioneers. We had known this beautiful lady for over 50 years and throughout those years she was loved and well cared for by husband Coy. In fact, he spoiled her. *****Earl Drake, 86, died last week. We had known Earl and his late wife Betty for many years. They were a versatile and interesting couple with many talents and contributed so much to the community. I had known them since those early Jaycee days. Earl was responsible for bringing many stars to the annual Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo. Their daughter Vickie Brown has been our dear friend for many years. She was responsible for the caricatures of the “Office Hound” that appeared in the Opportunity Valley News many years ago and also those of Sherlock Breaux and the Creaux on this column. (All are gone now.)***** Texas A&M Health Science Center, in West Bryan, one of the world’s largest and most advanced biopharmaceutical greenhouses, is ready to produce the experimental Ebola drug Z Mapp from two million specially grown tobacco plants. Manufacturing now could start producing thousands of doses of the drug annually. This drug is one of a handful of drugs that have shown promise but has yet to be approved for widespread human use.*****A Little About The Natives. We were saddened to learn that a wonderful, sweet lady, Gina Cessac, a Bridge City Middle School employee, is facing bad health problems. She has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. Gina is the widow of Charles Cessac, who passed away last year. They have three boys. Gina is in M.D. Anderson in Houston.*****We saw a video that Gerald Morris sent out to his friends thanking them for their prayers. He’s much improved but still has a long way to go.*****Our friend Don Harmon sadly is not showing improvement and has gotten weaker. He is battling to regain his strength. What a great guy.*****Well, here’s good news on Ms. Pearl Burgess. A month ago things looked bleak for this good woman. Not only did she suffer with a broken hip, congestive heart ailment and other problems, they injured her good knee at the hospital. Most folks who will soon be 94 would have given up. Not Pearl. *****You know you’re in a Redneck Church if---when the Pastor says, “I’d like to ask Bubba to help take up the offering,” and five guys and two women stand up.*****Oct. 17 finds a lot of good folks enjoying birthdays. Mattie Lou Huckabay, a resident of The Meadows, turns 97, Judge Jimmy Scales, Donna’s calm, soft spoken other half, celebrates as does lovely Linda Heard, John’s better half, Coach Bob Puntes, BC High School activities director Cheryl Royal, Dr. Wesley Palmer, Johnny Dubose, Linda Nicks, Bebe Ricks, James Fontenot and one great, special lady, longtime friend Sue Collins all celebrate. They share birthdays with Alan Jackson, 55.*****Oct. 18 are Mary Everett, Emily Hughes, Penny Becken and Mary Kendrick. They share birthdays with Happy Days’, Erin Moran, 53.*****Orange native Coach O.B. “Bum” Phillips died on this day in 2012.

20 Years Ago-2004

 Shon and JoAnn Branham became proud grandparents Oct 14. Alexia Renal Branham arrived at 9:50 a.m. (Editor‘s note: Happy belated 20th birthday Alexia.)*****James “Crocodile” Fontenot turns 70 on Oct. 17. (Editor’s note: James would be 90 today.)*****The West Orange-Stark Mustangs roll over Anahuac Panthers 55-12. Sophomore Earl Thomas led the Mustangs on the ground churning out 179 yards on 17 carries, with three touchdowns.*****Little Cypress-Mauriceville Bears beat Beaumont Central 16-2. Quarterback Donald Tardy passed for 254 yards. Receiver Ladaricis White had six catches for 152 yards and a 42 yard touchdown.*****Two former Orange County athletes die in tragedies. Torrance “T.J.” Locks, a former W.O.-S. football star was shot and killed in Dallas at a party. T.J. was 28 years old. Also former Orangefield basketball player Peter Cesarz, 23, was one of two pilots killed in an airplane crash in Jefferson City, Missouri. He flew for Pinnacle Airline. They were carrying no passengers at the time.*****Gone but not forgotten: Frances Belle Martin, 79, of Bridge City, died Monday, Oct. 18. She worked as a dental assistant for Dr. Hood and Dr. William Liefeste. *****Charrie Lee Dunn, 69, of Mauriceville, died Oct. 14. She is survived by her husband Robert Dunn, sons Robert, John and James Dunn, daughters Gayla, Rhonda and Shannon.

45 Years Ago-1979 

An official Texas historical marker for Claiborne West will be erected and the park named for him, on IH-10. The marker made of cast aluminum with Swedish steel effect, measures 27x42 inches and is sponsored by commissioner’s court, the historical society, parks board and the Orange County historical commission. West was born in Franklin County, Tennessee, in 1800. He was one of 58 at the general convention at Washington-On-The-Brazos, March 2, 1836, who signed the Texas Declaration of Independence. He also helped draft the Texas constitution. West was responsible for designation of Cow Bayou as a municipality. Judge Grover Halliburton was the driving force to establish and acquiring the park.*****Little Cypress-Mauriceville junior high cheerleaders are Kim Dunaway, Beth Reach, Kelly Dunaway, Tracie Williamson, Candy Bilbo and Michelle Garcia.


Last week I received a copy of the Presidential Report 2023-24, for Lamar State College Orange. President Tom Johnson’s Excellent in Action manuscript contains a lot of good information that Margaret will probably cover in this issue. What impressed me was the quality of the magazine. I was surprised to learn that the entire composition was developed in-house. Very impressive. The Lamar staff did a great job on the production.*****Speaking of LSCO, the school will celebrate its 55th anniversary with the grand opening of the 55,000 sq. ft. academic building on Nov. 6, at 2 p.m. The school is located at 305 N; 4th St. and opened in 1969 as Tilly Tech.*****The big boy, everyone’s friend, Commissioner Johnny Trahan, underwent hip surgery in Houston last week. It wasn’t a great trip and not a way to celebrate his birthday. Judge Gothia visited him over the weekend. Johnny will have another surgery this week. A bad trip for the big guy. Our prayers for a quick, successful recovery.***** Nearly 40 years ago, the first comprehensive book of Orange County history was published and sold out. Dr. Howard Williams, a local physician who collected local history, compiled the book 'Orange: Gateway to Texas.' The book has long been out of print, but the Heritage House Museum has acquired a handful of first edition copies after the printing company closed. The museum is now selling $10 raffle tickets to win one of the copies. The drawing will be held on December 8. Tickets are available through Heritage House board members or at the museum's office, which is open on Mondays through Thursdays.*****CASA held its gala with a casino night theme. Attendees included CASA director Codie Smith Vasque, John Taylor, Edie Burch, and Richard Teague.*****Michelle Belcher had an excellent adventure in Dallas this past weekend visiting with old college friends and watching the Longhorns beat up Oklahoma.*****Ken and Sara Rush came back to Orange County from New York City to go to 50-year high school reunions. Both, Class of 1974, one at the old West Orange High and the other at LC-M.***** Brandi Griggs and Justin  Rieson took the kids camping in the fall weather at Lake Sam Rayburn.******Orange is going to be one degree of Kevin Bacon this weekend. The famous star and his brother are bringing their acoustic guitars and harmonies to the stage of the Lutcher Theater on Saturday night. Check the theater to see if any tickets are still around.*****I had not heard from Judge Pat Clark for a couple of months. Like the groundhog we finally saw his shadow. He has had some health issues. Mostly he has not been mobile. His wheels are doing better so he’s starting to get around. You just don’t think of Clark being under the weather. I don’t ever recall of him missing work while he was on the bench.*****Ethel Kennedy, Bobby’s widow died last week at age 96. Bobby sired 11 children.*****I got a note from John B. who wrote, “It looks like Elon Musk, who owns everything else, is trying to purchase a country. He may not have to buy it. He does a lot of government business, If Trump is elected he can save Elon a lot of red tape.”*****In Vero Beach, Mark Dunn, daughter Amber and family, faired pretty good compared to others in Florida. Most was high water. They dodged several tornados but were fortunate enough to not even lose power. Downtown Vero Beach was damaged by several direct-hit tornados.***** Harry’s Appliance will be closed next week due to our friend, Margie Stephens, having surgery in Houston. We wish Margie God speed and a quick recovery.*****My longtime friend, former Bridge City AD, Les Johnson, turns 89 on Oct. 17. He and Wanda still walk three miles every day. He would still be coaching if someone would give him a coaching job. He likes the way Josh Smalley is coaching and happy he is winning in Bridge City.*****Harry’s Appliance will be closed next week due to our friend, Margie Stephens, having surgery in Houston. We wish Margie God speed and a quick recovery.


Folks celebrating birthdays in the next few days. Oct.16: Wayne Mulhollan, Barbara Harmon, Brad Brown, Edneshia Johnson, Channing Larkin, Gene McKinley.*****Oct. 17: Coach Les Johnson, Brittney Stillwell, Glinda Gomez,

Pam Bowman, David Sargent, Jeff Braus, Johnny Dubose, Linda Nicks, BeBe Rocls. Dr. Wesley Palmer, Cheryl Royal, Lynn Bates.******Oct. 18: Mary Everett, Mary Kendrick, Penny Becker, Dina Defrates, Emily Hughes, Frank Fraccastoro, Griffin Lemley and Will Winfree.*****Oct. 19: Judge Joy Dubose Simonton, Julie Prosperie, Phillip Todora, Kristin Bertles, Blake Hunt, Kyle Johnston.*****Oct. 20: Mary Nixon, Beth Baas, Ashley Sanchez, Jason Yeaman Kim Ezell.*****Oct. 21: Brad Childs, Jennie Hutchison, George Fleming, Tammy Ballard, Marilyn Ponthieu, Treva Hodge, Anita Green, Cory Moreau.***** Oct. 23: Kyle Murrell, Roy Farias, Becky Carter, Bob Frank,

Brian Prevost Bryan Chauvin, Eldon Pendergast.*****Other birthdays Janice Johnson marked her 75th birthday with a big party and lots of family fun. Others with birthdays the past week included Michelle Tubbleville, Henry Seals, Maddie Lobb, Rustyn Ackerman, Phyllis Sumrall-Smith, Terri Hoyland, Ran Hulsey, Johns Naworth, Robert Griffin, Mary Henson, Presley Caillavet, Carol Levette, Sam Patronella, Amanda Hodge, Homer Pillsbury, Joe Miles, Chris Axelson, Kerry Kovatch Horton, Christi Thayer, Kathy Jones, David Rawls, Sheri Smith. Gloria Bishop, Jade Johnson, and Guy Priddy.*****Anniversaries this past week included Grant and Amberly Craft at No. 14, Greg and Hillary Gravett with six years, and Michael and Kait Patronella with four years.

(To publish birthdays or anniversary announcements free of charge please email therecordlive.com or call 409-886-7183.)


  Alsid Babineaux’s boy, Pistache, wat is not too bright him, was out of work for several months. His papa, Alsid, got some political pull him, wit da Louisiana governor, wat is from da Cajun country. Alsid talk to him bout a job for Pistache, so he called da Louisiana Highway Department and got Pistache a job.

Da supervisor told him his job was to paint lines down the center of rural roads. He added, “Pistache, you on probation you, and you got to stay at or above da average of two miles per day to keep you job.”

Pistache agreed to da conditions and start da job da nex day.

Supervisor Comeaux checked and found dat Pistache completed four miles on da first day. “Dat’s great, Comeaux said, dat boy will really work out him.”

Da nex day, Supervisor Comeaux learned dat Pistache, him, only accomplished two miles. Da supervisor thought, “Well, he is still at da average and I don’t want him to get discouraged.”

Da turd day, however, Pistache only did one mile him. Da boss said to Pistache, “You were doing so great but yesterday you do only one mile, you, why’s dat hunh?”

Pistache hang his head and he say, “Boss, I been work like hell me, but every day I keep getting farther and farther from dat damn paint bucket.”


Gen. Mark A. Milley warned that Donald Trump is “fascist to the core” and “the most dangerous person to this country” in new comments voicing his mounting alarm at the prospect of the Republican nominee’s election to another term, according to a forthcoming book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward. Milley, 66, served for more than a year as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump before continuing in the role under President Joe Biden. Upon stepping down in September 2023 after more than 40 years in the military, Milley laid out his apparent concerns about Trump in a pointed retirement speech. “We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, to a tyrant or dictator or wannabe dictator,” he said. Woodward’s new book, “War,” follows Milley in the years after the Trump administration as he wrestles with escalating fears over the president he once served. Sharing his worries about Trump’s mental stability and national security decisions, according to excerpts of Woodward’s new book. Upon seeing Woodward again at a reception in March 2023, he told the author that his concerns had grown more dire. “No one has ever been as dangerous to this country as Donald Trump,” the general told Woodward. By the following year, Milley was receiving a “nonstop barrage of death threats” that he attributed to Trump’s political rhetoric and his fixation on retribution for his perceived enemies. After retiring, Milley installed bulletproof glass and blast-proof curtains at his home. He also fears being recalled to uniform to be court-martialed “for disloyalty,” should Trump win against Vice President Kamala Harris in November. “He is a walking, talking advertisement of what he’s going to try to do,” Milley warned former colleagues. Numerous national security officials, retired military leaders and Republicans have announced their support for Harris, according to a tally by The Post. Trump is the oldest person to ever run for president. If elected he would turn 80 after his first year in office. He has refused to release his medical records.*****I thank you for your time but mine is up. Please read us from cover to cover and shop our family of advertisers when you can. Take care and God bless.


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