Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

The former BC Library director speaks up about changes made by the city

The Record Newspapers received a message last week from Mary Montgomery, the former director of the Bridge City Library for 32 years concerning the recent decisions the city of Bridge City has made concerning the hours of operation and the dismissal of the senior employee. The complete statement is as follows:

I am writing to explain why the library had the hours it did for the past 34 years. Surveys were conducted in the beginning to determine what the population preferred. Results showed that citizens wanted afternoon school hours that allowed school children to be able to use the library, senior citizens wanted an early morning hour so they could combine their early morning routines with a trip to the library and others wanted to have at least one late hour for those whose work hours did not allow them to get to the library by 6p.m. Thus, the hours M-W 10-6; Th 1-7 and F 9-2 were set.

The new hours proposed, M-F 10-5 do not meet the above criteria for the citizens needs of a library. It still is open only 35 hours so no money is saved on time open. The current survey of signatures the city conducted between the hours of 6p.m. through 7p.m. proved that some people used the library at those times but in fewer numbers, which is what is expected since its appeal was to the few that needed that time.

The library also has terminated an employee who worked there for 6 years and took numerous administrative related library classes sponsored by the state library to educate herself in the various duties required. She also educated herself on how to put on children's programs successfully. The library is left with only one employee who has only 2 year's experience in a library with no educational certificates. She is very dedicated employee but it is a disservice to her to be asked to fulfill all the duties that a library requires. It is also unsafe in today's world to be the only employee in a public space open to all.

These changes made to the library will result in fewer people being able to use the library which will cause statistics that show the library is not being used. This result can then be used falsely to determine that the community does not want or need a public library. The City of Bridge City has a library to be proud of and its citizens should request its law makers to show pride in its history and ensure that it will be open to future generations.


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