Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

Public offices close for New Year's, garbage service delayed

The Orange County Courthouse, along with city halls, plus federal and state offices will be closed Wednesday for New Year's Day. All emergency services like police and fire will operate as usual.

Though the county courthouse offices are closed, the main courthouse will be open to allow officials to take part in the oath of office ceremony at 10 a.m. in the 128th District courtroom.

Garbage pickups will not be made on Wednesday in any of the cities.

The cities of Bridge City, Orange, and West Orange will have delayed garbage pickups after Wednesday. Pinehurst has garbage service on Tuesdays and will not be affected.

For Bridge City and Orange, regular Wednesday garbage pickups will be on Thursday, Thurday's pickups on Friday, and Friday's pickups on Saturday. West Orange will have Saturday pickup instead of Friday.

On Monday, Waste Management announced that some of the Orange customers from after Christmas did not have pickup because of broken equipment and then the severe storm that blew through the region on Saturday. The company was working on Monday to catch up with missed routes.

Public schools have been closed for the Christmas-New Year holidays. Students at Bridge City, Little Cypress-Mauriceville, and West Orange-Cove districts will return to classes on Tuesday, January 7. Orangefield students go back on Wednesday, January 8.


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